Sunday, March 19, 2017

Race For Reason

Separating the spiritual from the material was the tragic error of religion and philosophy affecting many areas of human life. The most essential error was the great spiritual blockade which blocked the evolutionary material path to actually Godhood---material evolution is the very vehicle needed to evolve to supermaterial Godhood.

From this metaphysical error came the error of defining racial and ethnic differences between humans as "accidental" and not "essential," an error which both Socrates and Thomas Aquinas made. Those differences evolved for positive evolutionary and human reasons, to aid in successful survival and reproduction while living in different climates of the world which required different survival traits.

To try to jam distinctly different people together in one space and then tell them, religiously or politically, that there differences are only accidental is not only impractical but is immoral.

These differences are at least half biologically and genetically derived, and therefore essential parts of being human, and not much changed by cultural conditioning. When this is seen and understood it can lead to more humane ways to deal with ethnic differences, which are tearing us apart. 

These racial differences should not be defined as accidental but as essential. For example, being a civilized human is affected by intelligence, which is simply not the same in all people or all ethnic groups---think of the low IQ's of many criminals, which is at least half derived from unchangeable genetics and helps to cause inhuman and even animalistic behavior.

Developing an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as a consequence of the essential differences between races and ethnic groups is the most humane and practical way to deal with those differences---which in spite of religion and politics have been tearing us apart. This is also the more important religious and moral path, since material evolution, which evolved human differences on the evolutionary path to Godhood, is the very vehicle needed to evolve to supermaterial Godhood, as described in theological materialism.

This is why separating the spiritual from the material was the tragic error of religion and philosophy affecting many areas of human life. Real humanness would set up international research centers to aid all nations, all ethnostates, in evolving toward Godhood in their own ways, and in accord with real human nature. That is our best chance of attaining long-term peace, and religious and political harmony.

(A response to "Race Against Reason" by Joseph Pearce, Chronicles, March 20127)

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