Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How we can rationally and emotionally actually fix immigration and post-traditional culture

In modern multicultural America ethnocentrism is not allowed, at least not officially allowed, so the people are patrons of, as Greg Kaza pointed out, taking selfies and getting tattoos. But multiculturalism has also brought the racial divisions and civil disorder we have today. This was only natural because people are ethnocentric and as the people change the culture changes. We have gotten the culture, or non-culture, that reflects the multiculturalism foisted upon the people.

"Culture" does not give rise to man's conception of himself, mans conceptions of himself, which varies with distinctly different people, gives rise to culture. Inferiority or superiority does not enter into this definition. The honest fact is the American melting pot didn't melt much beyond Northern Europeans, and so the definition was changed to multiculturalism.

It is out of this reality that the hypothesis of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates is presented. This sociobiological structure harmonizes with the group-selection and basic ethnocentrism of real human nature. The racial and ethnic divisions which is in the process of tearing us apart can bring us back together again with in ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which can even be accommodated by our already existing constitutional separation of powers and states.

That is how we can rationally and emotionally actually fix immigration and post-traditional culture, even though it is considered politically incorrect to mention it.

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