Sunday, April 25, 2021

The post-modernists tell us we can't have a meta-narrative but that is precisely what we need in this world gone mad

The post-modernists tell us we can't have a meta-narrative but that is precisely what we need in this world gone mad. We need a new kind of Gesamtkunstwerk, a synthesis of the arts, religion and the sciences, we need a meta-narrative that makes use of all forms.

I know where I want to go: first we ground the humanities in sociobiology.This logically and instinctively leads to a natural definition of human nature, which logically and instinctively leads to ethnostates and ethnopluralism, where kin and ethnic groups feel most at home.Then we see that biology is evolving upward toward Godhood, with starts and stops along the way.Then we help evolution along the way toward Godhood.Then we have not just a work of art that makes use of all art forms, but a religious/philosophical/scientific/artistic work combining all the fields.

Does that scare you or give you hope? It gives me hope. It's a lasting foundation.

In the grand religious/philosophical metaphor of theological materialism the spiritual is seen as material or more precisely as the supermaterial, and arrived at through material evolution. Traditional religion and much of philosophy sees it the other way around, material things are considered grand illusions of the real spiritual world. That is a very deep “transvalution of values” which even Nietzsche seems to have believed, as his will to power seems to be a non-material force. Heidegger's Being also seems to be non-material and spiritual.

In private caves and public monasteries the ascetics sought to block the material world and material desires so as to experience the God within, and the “truth” most philosophers sought was nonmaterial. But theological materialism sees the God within as only the first glimpse or experience of the real Godhood reached in various levels of the Outward Path of material evolution.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Is it almost over, this unique experiment of retaining a multicultural and multiracial American nation?

As we now wait for our cities to explode with protesters and rioters following any verdict in the alleged white policemen killing of black man George Floyd, I ask: Is this unique experiment of retaining a multicultural and multiracial American nation with all groups living together in harmony over? I don't think the Founders ever thought America would have a large number of non-European, yet alone non-Northern-European inhabitants. Was it a noble experiment? Not really, although it fit in with idealistic religious and Rousseauian idealistic values.

The problem stemmed from a tragic misreading of real human nature, which has been and remains genetically ethnocentric, even xenophobic, as well as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, followed by individual-selection. You can't build a lasting multicultural and multiracial nation with real human nature. 

I will say it again and again, the real challenge of ethnocentric and xenophobic human nature is to move beyond the supremacism that has plagued it. This suggest that if the noble statesman of the future see guardianship of the state as trying to avoid sedition, discord, and civil war, they will honor the biological origin of social behavior by taking on the damaging racial competitions disguised as calls for equality etc., and advocate the creation of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, in harmony with real human nature. Then they will protect each ethnostate from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, chosenists, Marxists, etc. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The uses and abuses of racism

Another Black was shot by police yesterday while resisting arrest in Minneapolis Minnesota, one of the most liberal and accommodating states for minorities (eg. 20,000 Somalis refugees (and growing), and 63,619 Hmong refugees (and growing) in addition to many Blacks and Hispanics). The usual chaos and destruction has followed on the streets.

Things are getting worse between the races in America. How can we conservatively retain the American union as we deal with our increasingly ethnically diverse society? Can we avoid radical racial revolution and yet adapt to the increasingly violent racial and cultural differences in America?

The great dilemma, absurdity, and tragedy is that human nature is racist and ethnocentric and has been since humans became humans, as the evolutionary sciences like sociobiology have been trying to tell us for years. This knowledge is missing mainly because “racism” has been sold as being racial supremacism, as a means to power for minorities.

What is missing today is knowledge of the biological origin of social behavior which came with Darwin and later sociobiology showing that real human nature is and has been genetically kin and ethnic centered with group selection as the main unit of successful survival and reproduction, followed by individual selection.

Things look hopeless. But we can't settle for hopeless. If real human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, and global money grubbers, with a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Friday, April 09, 2021

The natural sacred purpose that contradicts Nietzsche and postmodernism

 Some think the nihilism and the hopeless relativity of postmodern philosophy began with Nietzsche's declaration that “God is dead,” but that declaration was probably more a call for the freedom to create new non-Christian values with Nietzsche trying to sweep away the idea that there could be any absolute truth. It wasn't necessary, because Godhood is not dead, Godhood is redefined and transformed as the goal of biological evolution, and it is a teleological evolution.

Future religion depends on changing the scientific taboo that evolving life has no teleological or theological goal. “Evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms” (Cattell) all the way to ascending levels of Godhood, while working along with natural selection and evolution. This process of evolution is activated from within every cell of living bodies, which then react and adapt to the various outside environments that life lives in. This activation is reflected in the desire to successfully survive and reproduce. And this activation is a material/supermaterial activation, not spiritual.

For Nietzsche, life seeks goalless power, amorally or immorally if need be, or creates its own morality. Theology and metaphysics are spent forces for Nietzsche mainly because Nietzsche dismisses direction and purpose in power and in evolution. But when Godhood is seen and known as a naturalistic and theological goal, the goal of evolution, then biology and theology need not settle for the empty spiritualism that Nietzsche detested.

Nietzsche wanted philosophy to ally itself with natural science, but with the naturalism of sociobiology, for example, the altruism which Nietzsche saw as only weakness is rather seen as advancing the power of group survival and reproductive success, with religion helping to bond that altruism. I see no reason to reject these values as a weakness for the will-to-power. Nietzsche remains a nihilist, and his preference for naturalism in philosophy doesn't change his nihilism because Nietzsche saw no direction, no order, no goal to evolution, other than amoral, directionless power.

Monday, April 05, 2021

The postmodernists created philosophical problems that do not exist

The reality is that we can know absolute truths, at least enough to form a true meta-narrative, but we won't know all absolutes, at least not until we can evolve to super-intelligence, if even then.

When E. O. Wilson, the father of Neo-Darwinist sociobiology, explained the biological origin of social behavior the postmodernists became like scholastics arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied. The biological origin of social behavior includes the development of philosophy and religion.

Someone (Nietzsche?) said that courage was probably more important than intelligence in finding the truth. The biological origin of social behavior has been culturally and politically taboo since World War Two and there has been a lack of courage among philosophers and professors to see or declare that real human nature is and has been genetically kin and ethnic centered, with group selection as the main unit of successful survival and reproduction, followed by individual selection. Existing realistic values come from the various social and cultural methods we try (including postmodernism) to biologically and genetically advance ourselves and our related ethnic group, locality, culture, and nation.

Whatever peace and harmony is possible between different and competing human groups can be best accomplished in an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, that is the political/cultural structure most in harmony with real human nature, which remains kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

This affirms in general the populist nationalism now trying to rise in the corrupted West, which needs to eventually develop into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions. Ethnostates could even be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.