Friday, July 22, 2022

Toward a realistic national identity

 The acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior is the best and perhaps only way for humans to define a national identity, not to first define a nation by religion, culture, creed, or principles. We have to admit that the different human races possess heritable differences do to localized group inbreeding through many generations, and that our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. All races biologically inherit differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities, and they usually and instinctively prefer their own kind. Until we openly face and accept the reality of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior we will only be playing around with weak or unworkable solution's to our dangerous social problems.

I affirm the legal way to arrive at an ethnopluralism of ethnostates that synchronize or conform to real human nature. I think the instinctive and logical social outcome of discovering and defining real human nature, which is primarily biologically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, naturally leads to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally, if we're wise, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red.

Regional autonomy within the current constitutional system, with a federalism designed to keep ethnostates safe from marauders, seems like the way to begin to save America, and indeed save the Western world. Ethnostates won't happen soon, culturally affirming the biological origin of social behavior still lags far behind and is fraught with political mind traps, but I have no doubt that if real human nature is allowed to be what it is it will lead to localism, regionalism, and eventually to ethnostates.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Intellectuals of the old far right and the new far right (from the archive)

 Intellectuals of the old far right had respect for Western science, men like Raymond Cattell, Richard Lynn, Roger Pearson, John Baker, and Wilmot Robertson respected the Enlightenment. But in the last several years the far right has seen the rise of the Traditionalist School and the works of Julius Evola and Rene Guenon who rejected rationalism and materialism in favor of a Vedic-Hindu, neo-Platonist worldview that disparaged Darwinist material evolution and downplayed the biological origin of social behavior in favor of spiritualism over naturalism.

Was it the deep desire for an all encompassing religion missing from Western science that drew the new Alt-right away from the science-oriented intellectuals of the old far right, or did the Traditionalist School de-emphasizing of race and genetics appeal to the new Alt-right as a way to escape the hatred of racism across the media-driven culture? It was probably some of both.

The new intellectual far right seems to have ignored or is unaware of work of research psychologist Raymond Cattell and his religion from science, Beyondism, or my religious development of theological materialism.

Theological materialism is thoroughly Western and proud of it, following the Western path in centering on science and reason. But unlike the Enlightenment, theological materialism affirms religious tradition transformed rather than rejected.

It is difficult to find ecumenical commonality between the ethnocentric proto-Indo-European pagan religion and the traditional Judea-Christian religions. Rather than getting lost in comparing the symbols of lost spiritualism it is better for us to return to the material world and find our religious connections that way.

The eastern experience of Buddhist nirvana, and the beatific experience of heaven, or the Father Within of Christ, were just that, a peak experience in the physical mind after much ascetic discipline in blocking or overcoming material desires. We can conservatively retain that preliminary Inward Path experience of the God Within, but it needs to be transformed in the Outward Path of material evolution to real Godhood.

We can look beneath thoughts and feelings and find the multifarious processes of the instincts activating life to evolve toward the supreme survival success of Godhood. This activation exists within material life and is never separate from it, and adapts and evolves within the environments life finds itself living in---there is no spiritual/material duality here. The activation of material life toward evolving to Godhood is the unchanging constant as natural selection and evolution make new discoveries and present new challenges as we evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood.

While I respect some of the conclusions of the Traditionalist School (Guénon and Evola---and now Aleksandr Dugin) the Traditionalist School does not find science (a jewel of the West) nearly as important as Eastern spiritualism (a jewel of the East) and they reject and want to destroy the Western world (and its great genetic potential?) due to its gross materialism. Among American followers of Dugin, patriotism seems unfairly lost in seeing only the flaws of the West, which are redeemable. For example, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, Marxists, chosenites, and money grubbers, by a defensive federalism.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Will to Godhood (Tirips) manifests itself through evolution

The Will to Godhood (Tirips) manifests itself through evolution, and its goal is the ongoing realization of perfected being, physically, intellectually and morally. The-will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood, or Tirips, is an inward, purely physical, activation working along with the shaping of outside evolution and selection. But even without acknowledging this inward purpose we can see that evolution has been moving toward more efficient forms, more complexity, with occasional stops and side-turnings along the way.

What is the best way to reach these goals?​ Bonding with a religion of theological materialism. Theological materialism (and the projected Theoevolutionary Church) will affirm the mission and path of the Third Covenant, the Cosmic Covenant of the Evolutionary Outward Path, which revitalizes Primordial Tradition, Christianity, Hinduism etc. by once again affirming the First Covenant of genetic and biological qualities within our material evolution to supermaterial Godhood as applied to the Outward Path of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, yet also, as in the Second Covenant, this is applied to all people, all nations, all races, all people, preferably living in their own protected states or ethnostates with access to knowledge of the material evolution to Godhood. That is the synthesis of the Three Covenants in theological materialism.

I have written of the Three Covenants explaining how in the First Covenant of Primordial Tradition the Spirit and Soul of the Inward Path were understood as existing in the blood, that is, as being passed on only racially and tribally to a chosen eg. (Jewish) or noble (Aryan) people, etc.. Then Jesus Christ (and Eastern masters) brought the knowledge that the spirit and Soul-Within need not be understood and affirmed only racially or tribally but could be understood and followed by any race, any people, universally, provided they were taught the proper way to see or experience the God Within; Christianity said we were “Chosen” through faith in Christ not chosen by blood. That was the Second Covenant.

The Third Covenant acknowledges the biological origin of our social behavior which can end the intellectual separation between political ideologies and religious covenants, pointing toward the religious/political/cultural solution of the ethnopluralism hypothesis, often written about here. It is a conservative transformation---not revolution---that can bring about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which is the sociopolitical or political/cultural structure most in harmony with kin-centered and ethnocentric real human nature which evolved many thousands of years ago and remains with us today. Each ethnostate, each ethnic group, each race, can have access to knowledge of our sacred material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, and can pursue that sacred evolution in their own way in their own protected states, in the variety that is conducive to evolution, perhaps aided by nonpartisan international sociobiological research centers, as Raymond Cattell suggested.

The forced imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism of the world will give way to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature. I think the real debate in the U.S. should be over how we can conservatively adapt the Constitutional separation of of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Cooperative competition between small ethnostates and regions, protected internally and externally from imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism by some sort of federalism can bring the variety and creativity that evolution prefers, as we all materially evolve toward Godhood.

Sunday, July 03, 2022

Theological materialism can re-enchant and repair the world

Conservative Christians see materialism bringing only narcissism and nihilism into the world, and they look forward to the religious “re-enchantment” of the world. They believe only traditional religion can restore a politics and a culture oriented toward the highest Good.

But conservative Christians are mistaken about materialism. Materialism can give us a Godhood that includes both religion and science.

Conservative Christians think that our disenchantment with the religious world coincided with scientific advances but scientific advances have given us the best way to repair and re-enchant the world. Meaning can once again pervade the world, producing men and women capable of restoring a politics and a culture based in the evolution of the material world.

There is a way to reconcile and synthesize these things: Godhood is evolved to in the material world. It is the material will to Godhood that replaces the will to power and the spiritual drive. The “first cause” is the material activation within life, Tirips, or the will-to-Godhood activating material life, and then life is shaped by the vagaries of natural selection and evolution. There is endless evolution toward higher and higher truth, intelligence, beauty, and goodness, that is, continually evolving ascending Godhoods are reached. But life can also fall back in devolution, new cosmos are formed again, but always giving life another chance to evolve to Godhood. 

We can repair the world not tear it down. We can conservatively keep the old ascetic inward path to the "god" within in the Twofold Path, but only as a symbolic glimpse of the real Godhood reached in the outward path of material evolution to real Godhood. The Twofold Path can make room for the traditional, non-object-idea-only definitions of the God-Within, or even the bliss feelings of Father-Within of the Inward Path of the great religions---this is included but transformed in the Outward Path of the evolution to Godhood in theological materialism.