Thursday, December 22, 2022

When politics is understood as a branch of biology

Real natural law must be directed to the biological origin of social behavior. Political philosophy is best understood as a branch of biology. Modern political systems have deviated from the biological origin of social behavior. This is also the root cause of the decline of Western civilization.

A rational creature can understand what is good for him and cooperate with biology and biological evolution. Without biology, there is no basis for political or moral judgments. The rational and emotional way to think about politics would be to affirm ethnostatism as natural law.

Natural law, when including the biological origin of social behavior, tells us that society, and the ethnostate, are natural to man. We have a biology determined human nature even if modern man doesn’t think we do. Our real freedom is limited by various determined choices, but we have the flexibility to be mistaken about who we are and what we can do.

If we include what we really are in our cultural schemes and programs we will admit our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. Both liberals and conservative's block or conceal the basic ethnic-centered and xenophobic parts of human nature. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to ethnostates, and finally, if we are wise, to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Sunday, December 04, 2022

Countering the Spenglerian pessimism of many conservatives

Rod Dreher points out in “The American Conservative” how the West is now dominated by left-liberals in the news, the entertainment media, the universities, the professions, law, and medicine, education, sports, and the military, and woke (cultural Marxist) businesses. If you want to be part of these institutions, you must conform.

Dreher says at the root of all these problems is the collapse of Christianity as a binding source of values for the West and that without a religious rebirth, we are not going to make it. He suggests that American conservatives of the near future may face “a battle to conserve truth, faith, and moral sanity while the ignorant armies of the radical left and post-Christian right clash in the long night ahead.” 

Dreher likes the idea of applying the “Benedict Option,” his general term to describe the movement of Christians towards forming small communities within which faith and virtue can thrive and be passed on to the young, based on St. Benedict of Nursia, the founder of Western monasticism, who left the chaos of Rome to found monastic communities in the countryside.

The philosopher Oswald Spengler thought real unity is more cultural than biological, when the reality is the other way around, there is a biological origin behind cultural creations which basically enhances survival and reproduction, and ultimately enhances success in the sacred drive to evolve toward Godhood. Spengler speaks of a “mysterious cosmic force” that influences man, but he does not at all tie it to biology.

I believe that we have to decentralize the world to save the world. I define the activation within life of material Tirips or the Will, which is tied to biology, and is later shaped by evolution. This is the force that is universal within life and is therefore within distinct civilizations and cultures.

Universal evolution does not suggest only one people or one civilization, which could be destroyed by one disease or one disaster. Human evolution has always worked within a variety of people and cultures, each evolving in there own fashion---we would hope that their independence could be protected by a defensive federalism, while cooperating with one another in the overall evolution of human beings, even evolving into new species out into the cosmos, as Raymond Cattell suggested. 

The age old problem of union in America could be helped by forming an ethnopluralism of ethnostates perhaps adapted from our Constitutional separation of powers and states, for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, and then protect the ethnostates from marauding imperialists, supremacists, global money grubbers, and social justice warriors, with a defensive federalism.

We can pay attention to the signs and cycles of the rise and decline of civilizations, which Spengler was brilliant in finding, such as the deterioration of the roots and traditions of the founders, the fall in birthrates, the rise of dictatorships, etc. but it is the ongoing evolution of  life and in various group selections on the sacred path to Godhood which best counters ominous Spenglerian pessimism.

Monday, November 07, 2022

Rational sane culture depends on people accepting real human nature

It takes courage to find the truth and it often takes courage to express the truth publicly. The truths of life are often hard to accept because truths often don't harmonize with the prevailing culture, especially in the modern world. Defining real human nature has suffered this fate. Human nature is not as free as either traditional man or modern man think it is. We have a biology determined human nature even if modern man doesn’t think we do. Our real freedom is limited by various determined choices, but we have the flexibility to be mistaken about who we are and what we can do which helped us in making survival over non-survival choices in the various environments presented to us in nature.

The best and most recent sociobiological knowledge has been telling us that human nature, affirmed throughout human history, has been, and continues to be basically, kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This is basic human nature.

If we include what we really are in our cultural schemes and programs we will admit our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. Both liberals and paleoconservative's block or conceal the ethnic-centered and xenophobic parts of human nature. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to ethnostates, and finally, if we are wise, to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Rational utterly sane culture depends on people accepting real human nature. The great failure in defining real human nature threatens our very survival with wars between marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Nature's moral authority

Human nature has freedom, but within determined choices. Human nature was developed in Paleolithic times, and modern human cultures developed out of this Hunter-Gatherer human nature interacting with the environment.

We may not be as free as either traditional man or modern man think we are. We have a determined human nature even if modern man doesn’t think we do, we are not free to do or become anything we please. Our real freedom is limited by various determined choices, but we have the flexibility to be mistaken about who we are and what we can do, which helped us in making survival over non-survival choices in the various environments presented to us by nature. And we can be mistaken in relation to survival in our cultural schemes.

There is a determined human nature, there is order in the universe, there is a goal to life, and a goal to evolution, and there is purpose in phenomena, but it is not defined the way either modern science, classical science or traditional religion define it. There is a material activating force in nature and in life, a Will, or a Super-Id---here defined as the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood---which is then shaped outwardly by the ups and downs of natural evolution and selection. We are evolving to Godhood, rather than from God.  Godhood is the zenith of success in natural and supermaterial evolution. This purpose is defined in the philosophy of theological materialism.

Harmonizing with human nature and nature itself is what morality is mainly about. But we are never all-wise, we are always searching to find out who and what we are and where we are going. The best and most recent sociobiological knowledge is telling us that human nature, affirmed throughout human history, has been, and continues to be, kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This is basic human nature. Culture and politics can then follow with an ordering among men, by including real human nature harmoniously in its programs.

We are free to help nature and help life, including human life, evolve toward the Godhood life naturally seeks. This is not the great evil of “man playing God,” it is trying to aid nature in nature's purpose of evolving to Godhood, which is the why, and not merely the how, of life. We can include science and religion together but more in the fashion of classical science, which did ask both how and why. I affirm the goal of life and nature evolving in the material/supermaterial world to the Godhood first only glimpsed in the Inward Path of traditional religion. This is the way we conservatively include but transform traditional religion and modern science.

Monday, September 26, 2022

How conservatives can be worthy of their name

Why aren't all conservatives also racial conservatives, if you don't conserve the races who created the cultures, you don't conserve the cultures for long, so it is not enough to be only a cultural conservative.

This tragic political mistake seems to stem from conservatives not knowing or not affirming the biological origin of social behavior, and from the blocking of the subject and making it taboo by those who benefit from integrating the world, which includes the worlds religions as well as global business people.

Conservatives need to admit our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. Both liberals and paleoconservative's block or conceal the ethnic-centered and xenophobic parts of human nature.

If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to ethnostates, and finally to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. Then conservatives would be worthy of their name.

Monday, September 05, 2022

With evolution we are destined to be Gods: the golden synthesis of religion and science

The will, soul, spirit, life-force, will to power, will to Godhood, or as I call it: Tirips, is the sacred will to evolve to Godhood and nothing more than that,which is enough. It is the most sacred drive but it isn't God, it is the drive within life to Godhood which must live and adapt the life it lives within to the exigencies of natural selection and evolution. It is a material drive, but the most sacred element of the material drives. It is not a “spiritual” drive, it lives within life and is past on through procreation. It part of our nature, the most important drive of the direction of out lives and cultures are or should be the most important design our lives and cultures. 

This worldview which I define as theological materialism is the golden synthesis of religion and science. Energy is matter in another form, so matter is really not passive as Newton's first law said, matter in the form of energy moves matter. Matter in the form of energy moves matter from within matter as well as from outside of matter. There is more than an outward action or reaction with matter, there is an inward vitalism working within and shaped by outside evolution, which is the activation of the will to life as inward metabolism, growth, reproduction. Theological materialism amplifies this vitalist will to life with the goal of the will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood, or Tirips. Spirituality is not needed in religion when matter is not passive. It is matter not spirit that is evolving to its zenith of Godhood. With evolution we are destined to be Gods.

Friday, September 02, 2022

The Biological Origin of Social Behavior is the Golden Reduction

Almost all of our social and cultural problems could be solved by understanding and accepting the biological origin of our social behavior, as defined perhaps first by Darwin and lately by sociobiology. This movement scientifically defined real human nature as being genetically kin and ethnic centered, which, rationally and logically, and naturally, would lead to regionalism, localism, and eventually an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all ethnic groups or races, black, brown, red, white, or yellow. A federalism of the American variety with strong states rights could work for future ethnostates. The American Constitution gives the states independence and freedom, especially with the Tenth Amendment, which means that radical solutions such as revolution or secession are not necessary for the Golden Reduction to take place.

Human nature internationally is biologically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection. Human nature systematically evolved to prefer kin and ethnic group because those traits were more successful in survival and reproduction of the genes of individuals and groups. Even altruism, being for others, was created as the preference for kin and ethnic group; altruism obviously weakens as we move out toward universalism.

Modern cultures have attempted to deny and move away from real human nature and the biological origin of social behavior, ironically these attempts are usually disguises for individual or ethnic wills to power.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Two roads diverge in transhumanism (from the archive

The first road biologically and genetically modifies natural evolution, the second road moves beyond what we are to join with machines or become artificial life. I affirm the first road of conscious evolutionary modification of billions of years of unconscious evolution, from the simple to the complex, using many forms of biological enhancements.

The superstructure of genetics and bioengineering needs to rest on the evolutionary base of biology and genetics, and not become a new artificial structure without a natural base. We can enhance our genetic and biological capabilities endlessly as we evolve toward Godhood, but if we upload ourselves into silicone chips we could end natural evolutionary life, which is a diabolical end.

There seems to be something almost paranoid about those who see racism behind any talk of the improvement of hereditary qualities, which is taken to the point of preferring artificial evolution to biological evolution, as with many transhumanists. A very cynical reading could also see those who wish to stop the evolutionary biological improvement of hereditary qualities as an underhanded way to enhance their own genes, consciously or unconsciously, by stopping the advancement of others.

Ethics can be inferred from evolutionary history (what else?) otherwise we attempt to go beyond nature itself. This does nor mean we will not move beyond the human species, ethnocentrism, for example, has been a stopping off place to secure beneficial mutations before moving on to the next stage, the next pause, the next species.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

The aim and zenith

 Andrew Balio wrote “Johann Sebastian Bach said that “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.” That is another way to say that the aim and final end of all music should be Beauty, for it has always been with beauty that we glorify God just as it has always been beauty that refreshes our souls."

The philosophy of theological materialism believes that life evolves materially to Godhood and defines that Godhood as the zenith of beauty, truth, and goodness and the fulfillment of the soul, or Tirips, which is the the will-to-Godhood activating material life. Life is then shaped by the vagaries of outside natural selection and evolution. There is endless evolution toward higher and higher truth, intelligence, beauty, and goodness, that is, continually evolving ascending Godhoods are reached. Tirips or the will-to-Godhood within life decides where it wants to go first, toward Godhood, and then the body, mind and culture, and outside evolution, follow as best they can, given the various environments life finds itself living in. But life can also fall back in devolution, new cosmos are formed again, but always giving life another chance to evolve to Godhood. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Progress (evolution) and puritanism (conservatism)

Progress (evolution) and puritanism (conservatism) can go together in political philosophy but only when the puritanism is first grounded in the biological origin of social behavior, or the survival and reproductive success of any given ethnic group; there is no better way to synthesize the contending elements of progress and puritanism: and it is the most import and way to retain conservatism. Babbitt and Kirk neglected it. But alas, it remains a “politically incorrect” taboo subject, so conservatism fades away along with the ethnic groups.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Toward a realistic national identity

 The acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior is the best and perhaps only way for humans to define a national identity, not to first define a nation by religion, culture, creed, or principles. We have to admit that the different human races possess heritable differences do to localized group inbreeding through many generations, and that our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. All races biologically inherit differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities, and they usually and instinctively prefer their own kind. Until we openly face and accept the reality of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior we will only be playing around with weak or unworkable solution's to our dangerous social problems.

I affirm the legal way to arrive at an ethnopluralism of ethnostates that synchronize or conform to real human nature. I think the instinctive and logical social outcome of discovering and defining real human nature, which is primarily biologically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, naturally leads to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally, if we're wise, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red.

Regional autonomy within the current constitutional system, with a federalism designed to keep ethnostates safe from marauders, seems like the way to begin to save America, and indeed save the Western world. Ethnostates won't happen soon, culturally affirming the biological origin of social behavior still lags far behind and is fraught with political mind traps, but I have no doubt that if real human nature is allowed to be what it is it will lead to localism, regionalism, and eventually to ethnostates.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Intellectuals of the old far right and the new far right (from the archive)

 Intellectuals of the old far right had respect for Western science, men like Raymond Cattell, Richard Lynn, Roger Pearson, John Baker, and Wilmot Robertson respected the Enlightenment. But in the last several years the far right has seen the rise of the Traditionalist School and the works of Julius Evola and Rene Guenon who rejected rationalism and materialism in favor of a Vedic-Hindu, neo-Platonist worldview that disparaged Darwinist material evolution and downplayed the biological origin of social behavior in favor of spiritualism over naturalism.

Was it the deep desire for an all encompassing religion missing from Western science that drew the new Alt-right away from the science-oriented intellectuals of the old far right, or did the Traditionalist School de-emphasizing of race and genetics appeal to the new Alt-right as a way to escape the hatred of racism across the media-driven culture? It was probably some of both.

The new intellectual far right seems to have ignored or is unaware of work of research psychologist Raymond Cattell and his religion from science, Beyondism, or my religious development of theological materialism.

Theological materialism is thoroughly Western and proud of it, following the Western path in centering on science and reason. But unlike the Enlightenment, theological materialism affirms religious tradition transformed rather than rejected.

It is difficult to find ecumenical commonality between the ethnocentric proto-Indo-European pagan religion and the traditional Judea-Christian religions. Rather than getting lost in comparing the symbols of lost spiritualism it is better for us to return to the material world and find our religious connections that way.

The eastern experience of Buddhist nirvana, and the beatific experience of heaven, or the Father Within of Christ, were just that, a peak experience in the physical mind after much ascetic discipline in blocking or overcoming material desires. We can conservatively retain that preliminary Inward Path experience of the God Within, but it needs to be transformed in the Outward Path of material evolution to real Godhood.

We can look beneath thoughts and feelings and find the multifarious processes of the instincts activating life to evolve toward the supreme survival success of Godhood. This activation exists within material life and is never separate from it, and adapts and evolves within the environments life finds itself living in---there is no spiritual/material duality here. The activation of material life toward evolving to Godhood is the unchanging constant as natural selection and evolution make new discoveries and present new challenges as we evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood.

While I respect some of the conclusions of the Traditionalist School (Guénon and Evola---and now Aleksandr Dugin) the Traditionalist School does not find science (a jewel of the West) nearly as important as Eastern spiritualism (a jewel of the East) and they reject and want to destroy the Western world (and its great genetic potential?) due to its gross materialism. Among American followers of Dugin, patriotism seems unfairly lost in seeing only the flaws of the West, which are redeemable. For example, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected from marauding imperialists, supremacists, Marxists, chosenites, and money grubbers, by a defensive federalism.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Will to Godhood (Tirips) manifests itself through evolution

The Will to Godhood (Tirips) manifests itself through evolution, and its goal is the ongoing realization of perfected being, physically, intellectually and morally. The-will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood, or Tirips, is an inward, purely physical, activation working along with the shaping of outside evolution and selection. But even without acknowledging this inward purpose we can see that evolution has been moving toward more efficient forms, more complexity, with occasional stops and side-turnings along the way.

What is the best way to reach these goals?​ Bonding with a religion of theological materialism. Theological materialism (and the projected Theoevolutionary Church) will affirm the mission and path of the Third Covenant, the Cosmic Covenant of the Evolutionary Outward Path, which revitalizes Primordial Tradition, Christianity, Hinduism etc. by once again affirming the First Covenant of genetic and biological qualities within our material evolution to supermaterial Godhood as applied to the Outward Path of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, yet also, as in the Second Covenant, this is applied to all people, all nations, all races, all people, preferably living in their own protected states or ethnostates with access to knowledge of the material evolution to Godhood. That is the synthesis of the Three Covenants in theological materialism.

I have written of the Three Covenants explaining how in the First Covenant of Primordial Tradition the Spirit and Soul of the Inward Path were understood as existing in the blood, that is, as being passed on only racially and tribally to a chosen eg. (Jewish) or noble (Aryan) people, etc.. Then Jesus Christ (and Eastern masters) brought the knowledge that the spirit and Soul-Within need not be understood and affirmed only racially or tribally but could be understood and followed by any race, any people, universally, provided they were taught the proper way to see or experience the God Within; Christianity said we were “Chosen” through faith in Christ not chosen by blood. That was the Second Covenant.

The Third Covenant acknowledges the biological origin of our social behavior which can end the intellectual separation between political ideologies and religious covenants, pointing toward the religious/political/cultural solution of the ethnopluralism hypothesis, often written about here. It is a conservative transformation---not revolution---that can bring about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which is the sociopolitical or political/cultural structure most in harmony with kin-centered and ethnocentric real human nature which evolved many thousands of years ago and remains with us today. Each ethnostate, each ethnic group, each race, can have access to knowledge of our sacred material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, and can pursue that sacred evolution in their own way in their own protected states, in the variety that is conducive to evolution, perhaps aided by nonpartisan international sociobiological research centers, as Raymond Cattell suggested.

The forced imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism of the world will give way to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature. I think the real debate in the U.S. should be over how we can conservatively adapt the Constitutional separation of of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Cooperative competition between small ethnostates and regions, protected internally and externally from imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism by some sort of federalism can bring the variety and creativity that evolution prefers, as we all materially evolve toward Godhood.

Sunday, July 03, 2022

Theological materialism can re-enchant and repair the world

Conservative Christians see materialism bringing only narcissism and nihilism into the world, and they look forward to the religious “re-enchantment” of the world. They believe only traditional religion can restore a politics and a culture oriented toward the highest Good.

But conservative Christians are mistaken about materialism. Materialism can give us a Godhood that includes both religion and science.

Conservative Christians think that our disenchantment with the religious world coincided with scientific advances but scientific advances have given us the best way to repair and re-enchant the world. Meaning can once again pervade the world, producing men and women capable of restoring a politics and a culture based in the evolution of the material world.

There is a way to reconcile and synthesize these things: Godhood is evolved to in the material world. It is the material will to Godhood that replaces the will to power and the spiritual drive. The “first cause” is the material activation within life, Tirips, or the will-to-Godhood activating material life, and then life is shaped by the vagaries of natural selection and evolution. There is endless evolution toward higher and higher truth, intelligence, beauty, and goodness, that is, continually evolving ascending Godhoods are reached. But life can also fall back in devolution, new cosmos are formed again, but always giving life another chance to evolve to Godhood. 

We can repair the world not tear it down. We can conservatively keep the old ascetic inward path to the "god" within in the Twofold Path, but only as a symbolic glimpse of the real Godhood reached in the outward path of material evolution to real Godhood. The Twofold Path can make room for the traditional, non-object-idea-only definitions of the God-Within, or even the bliss feelings of Father-Within of the Inward Path of the great religions---this is included but transformed in the Outward Path of the evolution to Godhood in theological materialism.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

High and Low Art (from the archive

If high art is essentially the refined the affirmation of the sacred, and low art is the unrefined affirmation of the sacred, profane art would not affirm the sacred or could even actively deny the sacred. This is seen in traditional cultures.

Does this imply a “universal” art and a universal sacred? Not necessarily. Each culture, each people tend to have their own version of the sacred---which can however show universal similarities. This is another argument in favor of ethnopluralism which best allows separate ethnic cultures to affirm their own ideas of the sacred.

This also allows cultures to exist in harmony with our existing human nature, which remains ethnocentric and group-selecting. Some sort of cooperative yet competitive federalism can then protect the whole.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Reason, the Senses, and the Super-Id (From the archive

Unlike Burke I don't think that a man left to his passions will necessarily be a savage beast. Even Nietzsche made the same mistake in seeing the instincts more as a Dionysian beast, but unlike Burke, Nietzsche did not want to mediate the beast with reason (which to Burke seems to have been morality). Nietzsche claimed to like the beast, which had no goal other than power itself.

I define and present a Super-Id as the the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, and define Godhood as the material or supermaterial sacred goal of the Super-Id, the instincts combined, and the evolutionary goal of life itself. Godhood is the evolutionary zenith of intelligence, beauty, truth, goodness etc, and of course, is not a savage beast.

Reason and morality too often overcompensate or repress the creative imagination that comes from our senses (Burke's moral imagination), and also can obfuscate the data from our senses, which can become a Great Spiritual Blockade. I see reason more like the rider of a valiant steed called the Super-Id/Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, which the rider/reason can help harmonize with, or even guide, but the rider is not the steed itself---and the rider would be arrogant in thinking that he alone sets the sacred goal.

Friday, June 17, 2022

The material primal plot and the sacred path (From the archive)

What someone called the “primal plot” usually does not include the evolution of life to Godhood, which is the real primal plot. It does not begin in Eden and end in Golgotha, or Nepal, or Mecca, that is only part of the plot. It begins at the various primal origins of various universes, all of which appear to be evolving material life toward Godhood. Some make it, some do not. That is the material primal plot as well as the sacred path. The ultimate purpose of life, which includes art and culture, is not merely to confirm a “maker” but to affirm the sacred path to Godhood of material and supermaterial evolution, guided by the activating Spirit-Will-To-Godhood within life.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The return to the spiritualism of the traditional cultural archetypes really means a return the biological origin of social behavior

Esoteric traditionalism advocates that all civilizations and peoples should return to the spiritualism of their traditional cultural archetypes—but that includes different forms of paganism, and not only the orthodox Christianity of the traditionalist Dugin or the Islam of Guénon. The biological origin of social behavior, and naturalism, is given short shift among the traditionalists, as well it might, because the biological origin of social behavior points toward the biological evolution of life toward a real living Godhood, and not a god which is attained only in the minds or hearts of men.

The highest possible degree of the spirituality in Traditionalism leads to the decline of the material body due to the Great Spiritual Blockade of life and the body with the Inward Path to the god-within. But the Half-Truth of the Inward Path can join the Half-Truth of the Outward Path to end the spiritual blockade of the Outward Path of material evolution toward real Godhood. We can bring survival and reproduction back to the sacred, after it has been largely exiled by Traditionalism due to its materialistic content which is considered inferior.

Traditionalism gave us hubristic authority beyond the material world, beyond the stars, and Traditionalism continues to supplant astronomy and biology with the exclusivity of the spiritual Inward Path. But life and beauty can be religiously exhumed from this material neglect. The Inner God is the Outer God we must evolve to. The Order of the Outward Path of evolution to Godhood brings the real return to the traditional cultural archetypes where reproduction and evolution to Godhood can be reaffirmed.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior

I believe the acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior is the best and perhaps only way for humans, both conservatives and progressives, to exist in the best ways possible. We have to admit that the different human races possess heritable differences do to localized group inbreeding through many generations, and that our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. For example, clear differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities of blacks and whites are not primarily caused by anti-black prejudice of white people, all races tend to biologically inherit these differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities, and they usually prefer their own kind.

And we should allow all races to prefer their own kind and even set themselves up in ethnostates according to real human nature. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to ethnostates, and finally to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Until we openly face and accept the reality of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior we will only be playing around with weak or unworkable solution's to our dangerous social problems.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The object is superior to the idea of the object

The object is superior to the idea of the object. A thing doesn't really need the idea of a thing; Spiritualists, intellectuals etc, elevate ideas into gods. The living or dead objects are the the real things no matter what you call them. The object is superior to the idea of the object.

Monday, May 16, 2022

There is a way to reconcile and synthesize the endless battles for First Things

 In the battles between the right and the left, the replacement the spiritual by the material, the group by the individual, the will to power versus reason, Nietzsche against Aristotle, there is a way to reconcile and synthesize these things: Godhood is evolved to in the material world. It is the material will to Godhood that replaces the will to power and the spiritual drive.

The “first cause” is the material activation within life, Tirips, or the will-to-Godhood activating material life, and then life is shaped by the vagaries of natural selection and evolution. There is endless evolution toward higher and higher truth, intelligence, beauty, and goodness, that is, continually evolving ascending Godhoods are reached. Life can also fall back in devolution, new cosmos are formed again, always giving life another chance to evolve to Godhood.

We can conservatively keep the old ascetic inward path to the "god" within in the Twofold Path, but only as a symbolic glimpse of the real Godhood reached in the outward path of material evolution to real Godhood. The Twofold Path can make room for the traditional, non-object-idea-only definitions of the God-Within, or even the bliss feelings of Father-Within of the Inward Path of the great religions---this is included but transformed in the Outward Path to Godhood in the theological materialism of the projected Theoevolutionary Church.

And evolutionary conservatism believes that if real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Friday, April 29, 2022

when human behavior is seen from the realistic biological origin of social behavior

All races are “systemically racist” when human behavior is seen from the realistic biological origin of social behavior. The Black Lives Matter movement which has been loudly accusing all whites of being racist is driven by the very same systemic black racism, and we are not going to solve any racial problems until we admit this.

The biological origin of social behavior which was introduced with Darwin and later sociobiology showed us that real human nature is and has always been genetically kin and ethnic centered (ie. racist and ethnocentric) with group selection or ethnic selection as the main unit of successful survival and reproduction, followed by individual selection. America has not successfully united different races and ethnic groups, we are naturally fragmenting into a nation of competing races in a zero game where the gains of one ethnic group is offset by the losses of another ethnic group, with much cruel social discord in the process. But all is not lost.

As one historian put it, what formerly divided us can put us back together again. It would be far more realistic to talk of un-assimilating differences rather than about superiority/inferiority. A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The central purpose of power

Making Peace in the violent world is best way for the long flow of ordered material evolution toward Godhood to take place, which is the central purpose of life and therefore the central purpose of power. Wars slow down or even destroy sacred ordered evolution.  Correctly defining human nature is a greatest help in making peace in the sequence of power. The biological origin of our social behavior suggests that ethnopluralism is the sociopolitical or political/cultural structure most in harmony with kin-centered and ethnocentric real human nature which evolved many thousands of years ago and remains with us today.

Each ethnostate, each ethnic group, each race, can have access to knowledge of our sacred material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, and can pursue that sacred evolution in their own way in their own protected states, in the variety that is conducive to evolution, perhaps aided by nonpartisan international sociobiological research centers, as Raymond Cattell suggested. Forced imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism have been the wrong way to wield power in the world and it needs to give way to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Making Peace in the violent world is best way for the long flow of ordered material evolution toward Godhood to take place, which is the central purpose of life and therefore the central purpose of power.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Third Covenant versus both the Traditionalist School and the Great Reset

Political philosophers talk of ideologies, like the Great Reset, religious philosophers talk of covenants, mysticism, etc, like the Traditionalist School, I believe the Third Covenant, the Cosmic Covenant, surpasses both of these.

As Michael Rectenwald said in his excellent essay on Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, “What Is the Great Reset?” (Imprimus, Dec 2021) “Another way of describing the goal of the Great Reset is “capitalism with Chinese characteristics”—a two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below...While approved corporations are not necessarily monopolies, the tendency of the Great Reset is toward monopolization—vesting as much control over production and distribution in as few favored corporations as possible, while eliminating industries and producers deemed non-essential or inimical. To bring this reset about, Schwab writes, “[e]very country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”

As have said before, my view of the absolute importance of human evolution kept me away from the brilliant seduction of the Traditionalist School which is where the Alt-right turned. Many have now gone over to the school of Guenon, Evola, and the Russian Dugin, and embraced a non-populist, old spiritual religious, imperialist, hierarchy of rule, and have downplayed or even rejected the idea of science and evolutionary progress. Why didn't the Alt-right feature more Western geniuses, men like the brilliant British/American psychologist Raymond Cattell, or the great Neo-Darwinist field of sociobiology, rather than converting to the West-hating Russian imperialist Aleksandr Dugin and his Traditionalist School teachers, Guénon and Evola who did not find science (a jewel of the West) nearly as important as Eastern spiritualism (a jewel of the East).

I wrote of Three Covenants explaining how in the First Covenant of Primordial Tradition the Spirit and Soul of the Inward Path were understood as existing in the blood, that is, as being passed on only racially and tribally to a chosen eg. (Jewish) or noble (Aryan) people, etc.. Then Jesus Christ (and Eastern masters) brought the knowledge that the spirit and Soul-Within need not be understood and affirmed only racially or tribally but could be understood and followed by any race, any people, universally, provided they were taught the proper way to see or experience the God Within; Christianity said we were “Chosen” through faith in Christ not chosen by blood. That was the Second Covenant. Theological materialism (and the projected Theoevolutionary Church) affirm the mission and path of the Third Covenant, the Cosmic Covenant of the Evolutionary Outward Path, which revitalizes Primordial Tradition, Christianity, Hinduism etc. by once again affirming the First Covenant of genetic and biological qualities within our material evolution to supermaterial Godhood as applied to the Outward Path of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, yet also, as in the Second Covenant, this is applied to all people, all nations, all races, all people, preferably living in their own protected states or ethnostates with access to knowledge of the material evolution to Godhood. That is the synthesis of the Three Covenants in theological materialism.

Third Covenant acknowledges the biological origin of our social behavior which can end the intellectual separation between political ideologies and religious covenants, pointing toward the religious/political/cultural solution of the ethnopluralism hypothesis, often written about here. It is a conservative transformation---not revolution---that can bring about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which is the sociopolitical or political/cultural structure most in harmony with kin-centered and ethnocentric real human nature which evolved many thousands of years ago and remains with us today. Each ethnostate, each ethnic group, each race, can have access to knowledge of our sacred material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, and can pursue that sacred evolution in their own way in their own protected states, in the variety that is conducive to evolution, perhaps aided by nonpartisan international sociobiological research centers, as Raymond Cattell suggested.

The forced imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism of the world will give way to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature. I think the real debate in the U.S. should be over how we can conservatively adapt the Constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Cooperative competition between small ethnostates and regions, protected internally and externally from imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism by some sort of federalism, which can bring the variety and creativity that evolution prefers, as we all materially evolve toward Godhood.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Re-imagining moral imagination (from the archive

 In theological materialism Godhood is transformed from the non-material to the material/supermaterial, and then re-imagined culturally in moral art (perhaps another version of Burke's “moral imagination”). God is not rejected but conservatively transformed: the God or Father Within of traditional religion is understood in the Twofold Path as a symbolic experience of the real Godhood reached through material and supermaterial evolution.

There is teleological purpose in the activation of the evolution of life, and not “mere” utility or strength. Basic causality is seen in the Will-To-Godhood which activates and virtually defines life. The teleological equation becomes utility (survival success of Darwin) plus strength (power) leads toward upward evolution (theological materialism). Both religion and science are transformed, and saved. Godhood is seen as the zenith of beauty, truth, goodness, power, etc. attained in material/supermaterial evolution.

Sunday, April 03, 2022

Avoiding Genocide

In an article in Chronicles, Feb 2020 called “The New American Genocide,” Pedro Gonzalez writes: “The political hostility of the United States today is directed at no one more than America’s European-descended whites—the group whose ancestors are largely responsible for settling, building, and defending this country...According to the United Nations definition there are “two main elements” of genocide in practice, and they can occur either “in the context of an armed conflict” or in “a peaceful situation.” The first element is “mental,” defined as the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” The second is the “physical” element, which is broken into five different acts, ranging from the outright killing of group members to deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part..It is a strange and unfortunate thing that this framework is increasingly useful for understanding the plight of whites in America as a group targeted for deliberate cultural dispossession and physical discrimination. Of course, a rebuttal here is that we have not yet reached the point where whites are being persecuted enough to warrant such an assertion. But then it would seem we must hold our tongues until that awful fate befalls whites...” Then Gonzalez goes on to list many examples of discrimination against whites and against white history that we all have seen exemplified lately with “critical race theory” etc. etc.

I agree with Gonzalez, but I take the even even deeper view and see the biological origin of social behavior behind all the ideologies and social schemes now adding up to an assault by nonwhites on the whole Western world and on the white people who created white Western culture. Nonwhites are coming after Whites more openly and undisguised every day.

I believe that the the biological origin of social behavior and real human nature, which is genetically kin and ethnic centered, leads naturally to regionalism, localism, and eventually an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and so the sanest and most humane way (“equitable”) I can see to deal with the biological origin of social behavior and what we all are is for all ethnic groups or races, black, brown, red, white, or yellow to eventually form into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. A federalism of the American variety with strong states rights can work for future ethnostates. The Constitution certainly gives the states independence and freedom, especially with the Tenth Amendment, which means that radical solutions such as supremacism, genocide, radical revolution or secession are not necessary.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Darwinian evolution doesn't define the material “agency” that first activates material life and then the process of natural selection which follows

Speculation on Tirips and primal beginnings and endings (from the archive)

The “first cause” would be the material activation within life, Tirips, or the will-to-Godhood activating material life, and then life is shaped by the vagaries of natural selection and evolution. This activation is not confined to biological life, it happens with prebiological life, chemicals, even in big bang beginnings, etc. I do not see a final cause, I see endless evolution toward higher and higher truth, intelligence, beauty, and goodness, that is, continually evolving ascending Godhoods are reached. Life can also fall back in devolution, new cosmos are formed again, always giving life another chance to evolve to Godhood.

This suggests that the “essence” of life is Tirips or the will-to-Godhood within material life.  Tirips is the “God-Instinct” (rather than the "soul") and is the highest of all the material  instincts, higher even than the conscious brain which the activation of Tirips helps develop. Tirips has been concealed under the superficial polish of civilization. We need to go back and allow Tirips or the will-to-Godhood to develop and evolve. Science needs to discover and define Tirips.

This suggests that Tirips is “rational,” within the bounds of reason, not irrational like Nietzsche's power-seeking Dionysus. Tirips could be a form of divine consciousness since it "knows" to seek Godhood by activating material life to evolve to Godhood.  But Tirips is not Godhood, it seeks Godhood and is shaped by the vagaries of outside natural selection and evolution.

Human consciousness develops in the brains of humans which the materially-life-activating Tirips first helps develop along with outside natural selection and evolution. The Tirips theory of history says that the outer events of material life are the result of the activation of the usually unconsciousness inward Tirips or will-to-Godhood, and then is shaped by evolution from the outside, all the way from big bangs or electric universes to human civilization and beyond.

This resembles the way intellectual intuition is often followed by empirical science, that is, Tirips or the will-to-Godhood decides where it wants to go first, to Godhood, and then the body, mind and culture, and outside evolution, follow as best they can, given the various environments life finds itself living in.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What we require in religion and political philosophy

We require that real human nature and the natural laws discovered by intuition and proven over time by science be included in religion and political philosophy, with a religion and political philosophy that admits the biological origin of human social behavior. Then we require the conservative principle that reform should repair, not tear down established cultures when working to establish a religion and political philosophy that admits the biological origin of human social behavior.

For example, the biological origin of social behavior and real human nature, which is genetically kin and ethnic centered, leads naturally to regionalism, localism, and eventually an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all ethnic groups or races, black, brown, red, white, or yellow. A federalism of the American variety with strong states rights can work for future ethnostates. The Constitution certainly gives the states independence and freedom, especially with the Tenth Amendment, which means that radical solutions such as revolution or secession are not necessary.

As to religion, theological materialism sees material progress as life infused with the upward climb of evolution toward ascending levels of Godhood at the zenith of material evolution, which we can and should aid with the evolutionary sciences. Natural law in evolutionary conservatism brings a conservatism grounded in the order of material evolution to Godhood. The coming species can evolve far beyond the human species, and far beyond increased human consciousness to God-Consciousness, which counters both the stagnation of traditional conservatism and the nihilism of empty spiritualism.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

In establishing ethnostates, reform should repair, not tear down

When I think about establishing ethnostates my first thought is the conservative principle that reform should repair, not tear down. And so I don't think of anti-federalist secessions, ethnostates will eventually need at least a light federalism for protection from big marauding imperial-projecting countries like Russia and China.

My conservative instincts see a constitutionally sanctioned independence and separation for the states. A federalism of the American variety with strong states rights can work for future ethnostates. The Constitution certainly gives the states independence and freedom, especially with the Tenth Amendment, which means that radical solutions such as revolution or secession are not necessary.

First of all it's the people that need conserving, the biological origin of social behavior tells us that the culture and the laws are basically there to aid in the successful survival and reproduction of the people living under the culture and the laws.

The biological origin of social behavior and real human nature, which is genetically kin and ethnic centered, leads naturally to regionalism, localism, and eventually an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all ethnic groups or races, black, brown, red, white, or yellow.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Putin is an imperialist and supremacist not an ethnostatist

Putin and his intellectual Dugin should have celebrated the breakup of the Soviet Union into natural ethnostates. Putin is an imperialist and supremacist not an ethnostatist.

It is not necessary to hate other races to love your own; this has caused the most problems for the right---the hatred is gleefully exploited by the corrupt left. I never liked supremacism or imperialism on the right, it is antiquated human strategy to promote the supremacy or imperialism of one group against all others as exclusively superior, even if this sociobiological tactic enhanced survival in hunter-gatherer times, this behavior now only brings the overpopulated world together to destroy the supremacist imperialist group.

I wait for the day when forced imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism of the world will give way to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature. I think the real debate should be over how we can conservatively adapt the Constitutional separation of of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Cooperative competition between small ethnostates and regions, protected internally and externally from imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism by some sort of federalism, can bring the variety and creativity that evolution prefers, as we all materially evolve toward Godhood.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

When conservatism meets ethnostatism

When ethnostates are formed in the U.S. an overall nationalism may still be necessary to help protect the various ethnostates against big marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc. This is how reform in the U.S can repair our federalism, not tear it down. This is where conservatism meets ethnostatism, an ethnopluralism for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with the thrust of the new nationalism, federalism, and ethnostates concerned with self-preservation and evolution rather than global dominance. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States from our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Kirk modified by Robertson

I would say my political philosophy is Russell Kirk modified by Wilmot Robertson, that is, I give importance to earlier ancestral genetic, ethnic, racial connections—which has been left out of conservatism, at least since William Buckley read it out of modern American conservatism---like building a house without a foundation. Evolutionary conservatism adds to and deepens basic conservatism by affirming the biological origin of social behavior. Human nature is biologically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection. Like the liberals and neoconservatives conservatives block or conceal the ethnic-centered and xenophobic parts of human nature due it seems to universalist religious or liberal edicts.

If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

As to religion, which was fundamentally important to Kirk, conservatives are skeptical of human progress and “shun the worship of material progress, particularly when that progress is linked to government efforts to improve human nature.” (Clyde Wilson) Theological materialism sees material progress as life infused with the upward climb of evolution toward ascending levels of Godhood at the zenith of material evolution, which we can and should aid with the evolutionary sciences. Natural law in evolutionary conservatism brings a conservatism grounded in the transcendent order of material evolution to Godhood, the coming species will evolve far beyond the human species, and far beyond increased human consciousness to God-Consciousness, which counters both the stagnation of traditional conservatism and the nihilism of modern thinking.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Religion and science need a deep tune up

In an essay on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in Chronicles, Lee Congdon quotes Solzhenitsyn saying that a political system should not be measured by its military power or the size of its economy, but by the sum of the spiritual progress of individuals under its authority. Deeper than politics and economics is religion and the spiritual. Solzhenitsyn made it clear that his concerns were fundamentally religious and moral—the state structure was of secondary significance. I agree in general, but religion and science need a deep tuneup.

It has been said that politics is down stream from culture, and culture is down stream from religion. But religion has been slowly dying since the the 17th and 18th century Enlightenment, and it's demise has been speeding up since then. Science has not filled the gap although for many in the West it has tried to take the place of religion. Both religion and science need a tune up where they can take things from each other.

I would say the Enlightenment was 50 percent right in affirming science, and traditional religion was 50 percent right in affirming religion, but the Enlightenment was 50 percent wrong in smearing religion, and religion was 50 percent wrong in smearing science.

It is true that attempts were made to synthesizes these things. The Enlightenment affirmed Deism with God defined as nature, and religion tried bringing more rationalism into religion, but they really didn't like each other much, and that dislike grew worse as science advanced and religion faded.

Theological materialism retains religion and Godhood but religion and Godhood are reformed by evolutionizing religion, philosophy and politics, which is different from the Teilhard de Chardin project to evolutionize religion while retaining an entirely non-material, spiritual, trinitarian God.

We don't look to experience merely the symbolic God Within the human brain or heart, as traditional religion has done---although this is retained in the Inward Path---the Twofold Path seeks to save religion not destroy religion.

A rebirth of religion is needed. Perhaps the theological materialism of the projected Theoevolutionary Church will help bring science, art, philosophy and religion back together. The material world and mankind will materially evolve on earth and in the cosmos to ascending levels of real Godhood, the Godhood first seen only virtually, as a mirror, in the inward paths of the great religions.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Eventually ethnostates

Betsy Clarke ended a review in Chronicles on the history of secession movements in the U.S. by saying: “What might be desirable is more regional autonomy within the current constitutional system. We see this flexibility currently in sanctuary cities, states’ marijuana legalization—a throwback to nullification, albeit with federal acquiescence—and individual state environmental standards. So things are likely to bump along as they always have. Perhaps the outcome is not really in doubt at all.”

I affirm the legal way to arrive at an ethnopluralism of ethnostates that synchronize or conform to real human nature. I think the instinctive and logical social outcome of discovering and defining real human nature, which is biologically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally, if we're wise, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red.

Regional autonomy within the current constitutional system, with a federalism designed to keep ethnostates safe from marauders, seems like the way to begin to save America, and indeed save the Western world. Ethnostates won't happen soon, culturally affirming the biological origin of social behavior still lags far behind, but I have no doubt that if real human nature is allowed to be what it is it will lead to regionalism, localism, and eventually ethnostates.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The common good-group selection morality of the Founding Fathers connects with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature

"Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals." (David Sloan Wilson)

Charles Darwin himself argued for group selection. He postulated that moral men might not do any better than immoral men but that tribes of moral men would certainly “have an immense advantage” over fractious bands of pirates.” Steve Mirsky

"Individual versus group selection results in a mix of altruism and selfishness, of virtue and sin, among the members of a society." E.O Wilson

Uncourageous and dishonest scholars have interpreted the morality of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as mainly promoting equality, but the Founders understood that the main symbol of American life was the common good, individualism was not the main symbol. And the common good relates to group selection.

Historical life is biological life and biological life is the foundation of human nature, and human nature is being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group selection as the primary unit of successful selection.

Modern liberal and neoconservative intellectuals (and even many real conservatives) do not admit that human nature is at root biased toward kin and ethnic group (although some of them, like Leo Strauss promote their own group, however subtlety, over other groups) even while claiming to speak the “universal” truth in promoting an “American creed” or a “propositional nation” of universal "reason," which is in fact biased against the Germanic or Anglo-Saxon roots of the American order.

Did Strauss have a bias against traditional conservatism because he feared the rise of a future volkish German-type revolution and he therefore emphasized his propositional nation over (volkish) conservatism? If he did have such a bias it is a bias that a great philosopher should not have had. It is a bias that probably led to the marauding neoconservatives trampling over the traditions of other nations.

The common good-group selection morality of the Founding Fathers connects with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature. If human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.