Thursday, March 23, 2017

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates developed within America, in accord with the constitution (with perhaps a few amendments) is the sane, humane and courageous way to save America and the West

From pre-K to college our children are taught the left-wing "social justice" of cultural Marxism, along with learning how to read and write, at a cost of $80 billion per year! How the hell did this happen?

It was the result of a very cunning "march through the institutions," rather than a military coup, by a small minority of cultural Marxists, who gained control of the Media and the academic world in America (read the facts in William Lind's excellent essay on political correctness ).

So what can be done about the virtual destruction of conservative American culture? For a time it looked like our new president Trump would do something about this great decay, but now...who knows? Conservative reform seems to depend on white folks who are dying faster than being born.

Some people will therefore be seduced by the "totalitarian temptation" of left or right fascism, the short-term brutal way, the hammer rather than the scalpel, taking away our freedom in the process.

But longer term conservative reform will need to do more than call for a return to the traditions of the Republican party. Even the wiser paleoconservatism of Russel Kirk and Pat Buchanan is not enough to save America and the West, the demographics have changed too much.

I believe we will need to upgrade the fulfillment of the constitutional separation of powers and states to include an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected in their virtual independence by federalism and subsidiarity. Only this, which harmonizes with the real ethnocentric human nature, has a chance of calming the battling between different ethnic groups in America, which is tearing us apart. (see the great scientist E.O.Wilson on group-selection in human nature).

We want no Lenin or Hitler, and no amoral libertarianism which in reality leads to social and moral chaos. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates developed within America, in accord with the constitution (with perhaps a few amendments) is the sane, humane and courageous way to save America and the West.

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