Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The so-called irrational is really rational

The will (Tirips), or the will to materially evolve to Godhood within all life is rational and is a sensible, reasonable explanation for Godhood and how to get there, which solves the dilemma of Nietzsche (and Schopenhauer) over the differences between truth, the will, art, science, the rational and irrational. Godhood is not seen as apart from material life or otherworldly (spiritual) but as the goal of ascending levels of materially evolved life, rationally reached at the instigation of the will, as well as by super-reason and science. Godhood as the zenith of life and material evolution is defined as ultimate truth, beauty and goodness.

If we ask why does “life” “live?” Why is life animate rather than inanimate? Why does life have metabolism, growth, reproduction? Why doesn’t life just sit there doing nothing? Why has life persisted time and again in evolving from the simple to the complex under the most extreme conditions?

It is more than an outward action or reaction, there is an inward vitalism working within and shaped by outside evolution. This is the activation of the will to life, and when it is amplified it is seen as the will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood.

This brings the real world into religion and religion into the real world, and most importantly it unblocks the long-blocked natural path to evolving to real Godhood, the real purpose of existence, which is only reflected in the God-Within. This means a trans-valuation of Plato's and I dare say Nietzsche's world, long overdue. The so-called irrational is really rational.

Monday, November 22, 2021

The-will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood is the future of religion and science transformed

The-will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood,---“that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know” (to adapt Keats). The goal of evolving to Godhood need not deprive us of either science or religion. When Godhood is seen as a naturalistic and theological goal, the goal of evolution, then biology and theology need not settle for the empty spiritualism. Nature and philosophy can be seen as life materially evolving toward ascending levels of Godhood.

The main problem with traditional asceticism is that it blocks the path of material evolution to real supermaterial Godhood, which requires material desires, but channeled desires that need to genetically and culturally funnel evolving life-forms toward the supermaterial zenith of beauty, truth and goodness. This allows material science to enter religion as a help-mate. That is the future of religion and science transformed.

I see the great process of evolution as activated from within every atom and within every cell of living bodies, which then react and adapt to the various outside environments that life lives in. This activation is the same activation that leads to the desire to successfully survive and reproduce. And this activation is a material/supermaterial activation, not spiritual. I see “evolution moving inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms,” as Raymond Cattell put it.

The-will-to-evolve-toward-Godhood, or Tirips, is an inward, purely physical activation working along with the shaping of outside evolution and selection. But even without acknowledging this inward purpose we can see that evolution has been moving toward more efficient forms, more complexity, with occasional stops and side-turnings along the way.

Monday, November 15, 2021

If a multi-faceted super-intelligent AI was programmed without the bias of political correctness

Intellectual debaters trying to determine whether super-intelligent AI will be constructive or destructive were surprised to find that Microsoft's Tay AI started giving ethical advice that was deemed “racist.”

This got me thinking about the present bias against the findings of sociobiology seen not only in the humanities but in the sciences as well. If a multi-faceted super-intelligent AI was programmed without the bias of political correctness would it be quickly pulled like Microsoft’s Tay AI if it started posting that the biological origin of social behavior ethically leads to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red?

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Big changes will be required if the United States and the West is going to keep from falling

..."Perhaps the greatest threat to the U.S. posed by the Chinese Communist Party is its corruption of America’s business and financial elites, who view the economic benefits of dealing with China as more important than America’s national interests. If there is a single group committed to the globalist project and the delusory China dream, it is Wall Street. Our great investment banks are now selling trillions of dollars in debt and equity in Chinese corporations to American investors and retirees. They are literally betting on the success of China at the expense of the U.S...

...There is a famous book, Unrestricted Warfare, written in 1999 by two People’s Liberation Army colonels. It argues that war between the PRC and the U.S. is inevitable, and that when it occurs China must be prepared to use whatever means are necessary to achieve victory. This includes economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, political warfare, terrorism, and biological warfare, in addition to conventional and nuclear warfare. The book’s purpose was not only to shape Chinese policy, but also to plant the idea in the minds of U.S. policymakers that China will consider nothing out of bounds...” (Brian T. Kennedy, Imprimis, Sept. 2020)

So what can we do?

"Let’s kill all the monopolies. The Big Tech corporations, in particular, must be broken up. Period. Spare me platitudes about consumer choice or pearl-clutching about needing our own anti-American mega-corporations to compete with China’s. Silicon Valley has had decades to prove themselves corporate patriots, and they are obviously content to be the opposite.

Businesses like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple exert state-like monopoly power over America’s minds and markets, and they simply cannot be allowed to endure. The scale at which they exist is incompatible with a free society. In America, we integrate innovation into our values and traditions; we are not content to be re-formed in the image dictated to us by mega-corporations.

Second, we must extricate the United States from multilateral institutions and trade agreements that hand over our national sovereignty to anti-American, globalist apparatchiks. In the U.N., the WTO, the WHO, and others, America is just one of several voting members. America does not wait around to submit to the diktats of some globalist organization whose members hate us. We want out. Bilateral trade agreements are the future” (The Federalist, 2021)


Then I believe we need to gradually realize the reality that multicultural multi-ethnic societies just don't work. The twenty first century could be the century of the rise of ethnostatism. As one historian put it, what formerly divided us can put us back together again. It would be far more realistic to talk of un-assimilating differences rather than about superiority. We need to honor the biological origin of social behavior and advocate the creation of a true natural rights or civil rights movement which would promote ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established, legally, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. Then we will be is fully politically awake and ready to continue evolving.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The purpose of art is tied to the biological origin of social behavior which developed the moral imagination (from the archive)

If we deepen the term “moral imagination” by Burke and Kirk we arrive at the biological origin of social behavior, which includes the moral imagination, and that is where art philosophy begins.

Looking through the history of art and literature most people agree that the greatest art is an affirmation of what the people and the society hold sacred. For example, structures of architecture could be thought of as very large sculptures which display in their form what the people and the society hold sacred. If the architect and the society reject traditional values and morals, as modern architecture tends to do, then the architecture reflects that, which many people think makes ugly architecture and ugly art.

Thinking of great art as an affirmation of what the people and the society hold sacred, we can also see that what the people and the society hold sacred also tends to affirm real human nature. That is, tradition usually relates closely to the sociobiological definition of human nature as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

The purpose of art in the deep sense is tied to the biological origin of social behavior which developed the “permanent things” and the “moral imagination” of Burke and Kirk. That is how great art can arrive at the affirmation of a specific people, ethnic groups, cultures, and societies, which we see in different religious art and national art.

But all great art shares the same affirmation of what the people and the society hold sacred, and what is sacred is related to real human nature, the biological origin of social behavior, and the survival and reproductive drives.

Modern and postmodern art reflects ugliness, decadence, and degeneration because it spends most of its time both rejecting the affirmation of the sacred and attacking real human nature.

Science and reason move back to a realistic form of being-for-others in the sociobiological affirmation of the biological origin of social behavior, seen in genetically-derived social or group affirmation. And religion moves back to real altruism and bonding when Godhood is understood as evolved to in the material world. That is how universalism loses its utopianism in universal ethnostates. Indeed When Godhood is defined as the supreme life we evolve to in nature, then nature and human beings, and future species, become a vital part of the sacred path to Godhood, and the subject of art---the beings evolving to Godhood in nature are nearly as sacred in art as the Godhood they are evolving to.

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Biden is destroying America on behalf of climate change which is mainly due to cycles in nature not caused by man

The Biden presidency is blindly driven by its climate change ideology, which is like a new religion to Biden's holier than thou liberal socialist followers and to the big media that supports him. The Biden administration is trying to change the country from a free enterprise capitalist country to a fascistic socialist country based on a false information about climate change. In macro terms the climate over the past 450,000 years follows a saw-tooth shape when seen on a graph, with samples taken from ice cores. There is a distinct cyclical pattern to the earth's temperature, with levels at the current higher temperatures followed by rapid decline, with the peaks of warmer climate relatively short. Human activity has in fact increased greenhouse gases and warming but the rise in temperatures is mainly part of this larger macro cycle. So Biden has been destroying America on behalf of climate change which is mainly due to cycles in nature not caused by man. (See The Global Warming Conundrum”)

Even so, there are enough good reasons to husband and conserve our dwindling fuel resources, to reduce pollution from burning fossil fuels, as well as reducing the vulnerability of importing oil from unstable regions. Sure, we should develop alternative sources of energy, but we should reject the Biden presidency and the foolish liberals on climate change and its solutions.