Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Liberalism is irrational, populism is rational

Contrary to prevailing opinion today liberalism is irrational, populism is rational. Liberal's typically look down their noses at Trumpians thinking them complete irrational idiots, when the truth is it is the liberals who are the irrational idiots in promoting postmodernism, Marxism, feminism, multiculturalism, which are mainly irrational absurdities, lies, and undisguised wills to power---and these things are astoundingly taught in virtually all our schools and reflected throughout the media.

The postmodern idea that everything is socially constructed (but not postmodernism?) is almost psychotic. The explanation for the freakish victory of postmodernism, Marxism, feminism, etc. in the academic world and in the media is that the relativism and power philosophy of postmodernism was not successfully countered by the academic traditional conservatives because they could not fully accept their best defense, which is the broadly biological origin of our social behavior, taught by the scientific synthesis of sociobiology. They could not even affirm religion as essentially having been a better way to socially bond groups together (altruism) for successful survival and reproduction. And so postmodernism won the academic power war.

The biological origin of our social behavior, as empirically explained by sociobiology, actually ends the intellectual defense of postmodern relativism. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied. Human nature is biologically kin-centered and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic selection as the primary unit of successful selection followed by individual selection.. The populists have rationally championed kin, related ethnic group, locality and nation, the liberals have irrationally not.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

We may lament more than the loss of watching sports

 On his Fox show ”Unfiltered,” like many of us, Dan Bongino was lamenting the loss of watching sports before the Back Lives Matter movement ruined the collective joy in watching ones team win a big game, with their disrespectful displays on the field, rejecting our patriotic symbols, calling them racists etc. Then Bongino ended by saying sadly that he wants that magical time back again. I shook my head and said to the TV:  "We wont get it back, Dan, until we create ethnostates.”

When human behavior is seen from the realistic biological origin of social behavior all races are “systemically racist." The Black Lives Matter movement, which has been loudly accusing all whites of being racist, is driven by the very same black racism, and we are not going to solve any racial problems until we admit this. Human nature has always been naturally genetically kin and ethnic centered. When real human nature is allowed to be what it is, often leads to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, and eventually ethnostates, which then can offer the most peace and liberty possible, given real human nature.

But even conservatives as courageous and patriotic as Bongino don't see it yet, and until they do they will go on lamenting not only the loss of the collective joy in watching sports, they may soon lament the loss of their whole culture. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, and protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The realistic way to solve Martin Buber's “I-Thou and I-It'” way of looking at the world

The realistic way to solve Martin Buber's “I-Thou and I-It'” way of looking at the world is not to define the I-Thou as identifying with a spiritual God ruling all people and demanding that we religiously call each other “Thou” rather than “It,” but rather to acknowledge and and affirm that the biological origin of social behavior favors the survival of the I-It attitude with all ethnic groups and races, because all groups biologically seek survival and reproductive success for themselves first; we can then redefine the I Thou as respecting the right of each ethnic group to seek survival and reproductive success living separately in ethnostates with ethnopluralism.

The religious justification for an ethnopluralism of ethnostates need not reach down to spiritualism but up to the process of the material evolution of life toward Godhood, activated from within every cell of living bodies, which then react and adapt to the various outside environments that life lives in. This activation is the same activation that leads to the desire to successfully survive and reproduce. The goal of evolving to Godhood need not deprive us of either politics, science, or religion. When Godhood is seen as a naturalistic and theological goal, the goal of evolution, then biology and theology need not settle for the empty spiritualism. Nature and philosophy can be seen as life materially evolving toward ascending levels of Godhood. We can realistically define the I Thou as best realized by respecting the right of each I-It ethnic group to seek survival and reproductive success and their evolution toward Godhood living in ethnostates with ethnopluralism, and with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, chosenites, Marxists, etc., with a defensive federalism.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Defending an always evolving aristocracy (from the archive)

 It is usually not said that aristocracy does not depend on wealth or civilized taste alone but also on genetic qualities. Good genetic qualities lead to intelligence etc. which in turn can lead to a financial aristocracy, but then education and civilization are required to make a real aristocracy.

Although I am more or less a populist on the right believing in localism, and the separation of powers, states, and people, I can't be against the inequality of wealth, the level of civilization, or genetic qualities, I am not a socialist or Marxist. But the genetic lag between people and cultures, which is one of the main causes of problems between people and cultures, can in fact be addressed with humane genetic and eugenic actions for all who desire it.

But the goal is not merely to develop a wealthy and civilized human evolving aristocracy, but to continue evolving on earth and out into the cosmos toward Godhood, which is defined as the highest material and supermaterial aristocracy, the highest beauty, truth, goodness, consciousness and intelligence. This evolution toward Godhood defines the sacred goal of life.

As to “heroes of the mind,” they need to be linked to the evolution of life, human life, and to the evolution of higher species on the path to Godhood. That is the first supposition of human history and the most worthy goal of religion, philosophy, art and politics. It all starts from this natural basis. Compare this goal to the consciousness, thoughts, and conceptions of modern intellectuals.

As I have suggested here before regarding high art, we drifted away from didactic and moral art as we became more literate, but as evolutionary psychologists have pointed out, story-telling had survival benefits in the Pleistocene, and it still does, when we relate beauty to real biological life, evolution, and religion. There is no need to use a hammer to didactically or morally inspire in art, past aristocracies have shown us that art is usually best when it is subtle. The idea of Godhood attained in future evolution has sacred artistic and religious value, but it also has survival and reproductive value. And great art has always affirmed the sacred.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

We can have, and we need, both science and religion

The primal world (energy or will) belongs to both the physicist and the theologian. Naturalism can be enlarged to theological materialism. Life and the world is evolving toward Godhood. Evolution never ends, it moves inevitably in a pattern---even though it has its random elements---and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat---toward higher and higher more effective living forms, always evolving toward ascending levels of Godhood. We can have biological idealism grounded in naturalism, we can have, and we need, both science and religion. We need more than postmodernism in the academic world, hedonism promoted by the Big Media, modern liberalism on the left, libertarianism on the right, or totalitarian Marxism.

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

What kind of order defines the most human order and peace possible in the long term?

Order must be preserved at any rate or at any price. Peace is the great End in all Governments. Liberty is the End only in the Best.” said Edmund Burke.

But what kind of order defines the most human order and peace possible in the long term? Much depends on how we define human nature, which in turn defines the order and peace possible in the long term. If for example your aim is to create an orderly communist society where everyone is equal in all things you will have to you use force, which eventually leads to social rebellion, because human nature has always been naturally genetically kin and ethnic centered. When real human nature is allowed to be what it is, it more often leads to regionalism, localism, general conservative values, and eventually ethnostates, which then can offer the most peace and liberty possible given real human nature. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, and protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc,

Saturday, September 04, 2021

Spirit is Matter

Matter was Spirit to Teilhard de Chardin. He believed he had resolved a core conflict of the split between Matter and Spirit, between Body and Soul. He believed he understood that the evolution of matter was one and the same with the evolution of spirit (consciousness).

"The Way Teilhard Saw It

               Spirit did not by the touch of the divine
               call lowly Matter to life,
               rather Matter was Spirit
                     from the absolute beginning
               latent with unimaginable power
               in the embryo of a cosmic mustard seed
               dreaming of bursting into flower!
                     -- Charles C. Finn, August 10, 2021”

Theological materialism sees it the opposite way: spirit is matter, there is no spirit. Spirit and matter are of one essence and not dualistic, just as energy can “freeze” into matter, and matter can unfreeze into energy. It's not really accurate to say that matter is the inferior aspect of spirit and spirit the superior aspect of matter, spirit is really super-materiality and not something apart from matter. This means you really can't define spirit and matter as good and evil, but you can define matter as evolved and unevolved. Evolution is the activation of the will to life within matter to evolve to Godhood, working along with outside evolution and national selection. Godhood is ascending levels of super-materiality.