Wednesday, March 02, 2016

The real religious/philosophical significance of the laws of nature

“Divine constraint?” That would be following the laws of nature as closely as we can discern them, and we would have freedom within that determinism. Natural laws provide rules for the actions of men. The question is, what are the laws of nature and how do they apply to human nature, religion and philosophy?

We can start by acknowledging the biological origin of much of cultural behavior, which has been studied closely at least since the time of Charles Darwin one hundred years ago, leading up to the Neo-Darwinism of the brilliant E. O. Wilson who developed sociobiology.

The “constraints” of the laws of nature on human nature across all cultures in the world even today have included: being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This does not indicate a “good spirit” versus a “bad spirit,” it is a natural restraint in harmony with nature, versus a profane dissolution caused by tying to move away from what we really are.

Affirming the laws of human nature can bring real life back into the intellectual world, unblocking the Great Spiritual Blockade against our material evolution to supermaterial Godhood. The living object can once again be primary over the secondary Vedic and Platonic mere definitions of sacred things. The sacred is not separate from the creative powers of the natural world. There is no creation from nothing, there is only the continuous transformations of evolution.

This view of the laws of nature and human nature applies to the fields of religion, philosophy and science. And this gives deep significance to such things, for example, as the bio-political separations of ethnopluralism, which are most in harmony with the laws of nature and human nature, certainly far more so than the corrupt cultural Marxism and border-less global capitalism of today.

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