Thursday, March 31, 2016

The deepest balance of religion and politics

Conservatives have usually been good at balancing different powers and states in a national unity, as the conservative principle of the separation of powers in the U.S. constitution also shows. But religious conservatives affirm abstractions which slowly break apart variety and diversity, seen in the universalism of their spirituality. We can see how the necessities of living real life were thankfully added by religious philosophers, consciously or unconsciously, which offset the non-materialism and strict ascetic lives of the religious founders.

But his does not mean that ideals and abstractions should be abandoned, it means that a deeper balance needs to be found relating to real living objects, high and low. When the zenith of evolved material objects defines Godhood, then the “universal” and the “unifying” abstractions of religion can come back to reality and be included in the deepest balance. The necessity of variety in evolution, and the genetic dead end of monoculture, brought about by the unbalanced abstractions of universalism, can be balanced in theological materialism.

As I say here often, the will or spirit within life, or the material Spirit-Will-To-Godhood activates material life to evolve toward the supreme success of attaining real supermaterial Godhood within the cosmos, and this drive, working along with the natural selection process, is dominate even over the will to power, which is only a means. Deeper balance was sought and found in this religious philosophy. This is the origin of the instinctive and logical hope of theological materialism in religious philosophy, and ethnopluralism in political philosophy.

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