Sunday, June 11, 2017

Real conservatives will keep the best of the past while allowing and helping material evolution to transform us

Synthesizing reaction and revolution we get conservatism. Change is reality, but so is retaining the best of the past. That is the way the real reality of evolution works.
The human body and brain evolved by retaining the fish, reptilian and mammalian brain. That is conservatism in action.

So when conservatives reject or ignore an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as the culmination of modern conservatism they are being reactionary. Revolutionaries reject this also in the name of attacking the traditional ethnocentrism of real human nature.

Human beings are wholly animal and to say we are not is to demean nature, which religion has often done in the name of being against materialism. But we are not permanently human and will, or can, evolve beyond the human while retaining much of what is human. Real conservatives will keep the best of the past while allowing and helping material evolution to transform us.

This is the conservative path to real Godhood, which is evolved to in the material world.

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