Thursday, June 29, 2017

Can we protect the democratic republic as the nation falls into the postmodern swamp?

Men with good intentions but not much patience may not be able to protect the democratic republic as the nation falls into the postmodern swamp. They will think that patience only makes things worse, and they will be almost right.

When the leftists are rioting in the streets and shutting down the ability to object to the dying of your culture and your people, the impatient instinct wants to riot against the rioters. Is that what will happen?

Standing up for legality and a constitutional means of fighting back will be difficult to support while in the middle of a cultural or literal war zone. The tendency is to move toward a radicalism that tears down the good with the bad, and that is where conservatives hold the line against radicalism.

But conservatism will conserve nothing if we can't find conservatives with real power and leadership. I believe if conservatives want to capture one of the strong concerns of the rising younger people on the right, who are the impatient ones, then conservatives will need to deepen conservatism by including (re-including?) the biological origin of much of our social behavior, and that includes the preference for kin and ethnic group, which has been suppressed by postmodernism.

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