Monday, May 09, 2016

Why the ethnopluralism hypothesis for America?

What is the disposition of a people before you write a constitution, asked Orestes Brownson. But did he fully answer the question? “Disposition” is based in human nature which creates culture, customs, and religions, and human nature is based on the largely biological origin of cultural behavior. This has been called the”unwritten law.” When laws are divided from these unwritten laws civilizations don't last long.

In our Constitution, powers are separate, and states are separate, but can be unified in the case of war by federalism. This relates very well to real human nature, which remains kin-centered, ethnic-centered, even ethnocentric, no matter what modern liberalism tries to tell us. Big government is not affirmed, even as we are citizens of both the state and the nation.

Individualism works as a secondary selection process which finds its real success in the success of the group. We are united not in individualism but in our states and nation. This is basic human nature with its mix of the individual and the social group. Our nation was created by separate states (colonies) consenting to the federal government, and secession, as in our tragic civil war, is not needed when the states are given the right power.

This explains how the ethnopluralism hypothesis now comes forward as the way to save our nation from increasingly warring ethnic cultures (and this is happening more in Europe), while keeping our constitution and our states intact. Individual regions and states can gradually be grounded in natural ethnic cultures, united by our version of federalism. No civil war, no secession, no radical revolution is necessary.

This is the way of real human nature. This is the way our civilization can last a very long time. Without it we may tear ourselves apart, and after much suffering, reform into natural ethnostates, as all fallen empires do.

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