Monday, May 16, 2016

The influence of the Big Media and the sleaze balls who own it is falling apart and that is good

The Big Media is not looking for a virtuous or moral president

The Media destroyed the presidential campaign of Pat Buchanan who had many of the same political ideas as Donald Trump, but Pat was a virtuous and moral candidate, and Trump is less so. Now the Media is going after Trump big time---see the New York Times hit-piece Sunday, which is now denied by the woman they interviewed. Trump will probably beat both Hillary and the Media, and this means the Media will get a less virtuous and less moral president than Pat Buchanan would have been. The Big Media is not looking for a virtuous or moral president, they simply want to win at any cost, immorally, dirty, or not. So go to it Trump, they can't beat you this time! 

Meanwhile the rest of the world is witnessing this sleazy contest and asking what is happening to America? What is happening is the influence of Big Media and the sleaze balls who own it is falling apart, and that is good. Try doing it to yourself, Europe

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