Tuesday, January 31, 2017
The arrogance, presumption, and chutzpah of the Chimeras of modern liberalism are an ugly thing to behold
The civil war in America which the Evil
Media is now openly promoting against the healthy protective measures
of President Trump is the latest attempt to force the monstrous
Chimeras of modern liberalism on our people.
The Chimera in Greek myth was a
fire-breathing monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a
serpent's tail. In biology, as the dictionary says, this would be an
organism containing a mixture of genetically different tissues,
formed by processes such as fusion of early embryos, grafting, or
Is there anything worse to behold than
the modern Chimera we have been increasingly witnessing of a white pop
entertainer from the northern suburbs trying to imitate a black
inner city southern accent while awkwardly displaying gang signs?
Almost as bad a thing to behold is a black from the inner city trying
to imitate a white suburban English professor by exaggerating every
round word pronounced. This is what we have done to our people in the
vain attempt to melt everyone together into a melting pot which does
not melt.
The arrogance, presumption and chutzpah
of these Chimeras of modern liberalism or cultural Marxism are an ugly
thing to behold, which are being forced on a brainwashed people who
tend to be self-effacing and altruistic, even to the extreme degree
of the Swedish people inviting massive numbers of foreign
refugees into their county who are now preceding to destroy
The most humane, sane, and practical
thing to do is to allow the natural development of an ethnopluralism
of ethnostates where people can be who they are. States and regions
could be established legally in the United States due to our
constitutional separation of powers and states, but it may require a
few constitutional amendments. Distinctly different people simply do
not assimilate or melt other than on the fringes where monstrous
Chimeras appear.
Monday, January 30, 2017
The Media is now the Evil Media
Evil is defined as intending to harm,
malevolent, morally corrupt. I will now call the Big Media the Evil
Media, which has gone to war with President Trump. Local Media has
The Evil Media branch in Hollywood is full of popular freaks who do not
realize they are freaks.
Freedom of the press has become license
to destroy the West.
The Evil Media is consciously---or stupidly unconsciously---promoting civil war, or racial war.
I have considered myself hip to the
Media, but even I am stunned.
Signs of the bi-polar world forming
Based on the seven countries banned
from sending refugees to the U.S., at least temporarily, which
includes Shiite Iran and Syria, and does not include Saudi Arabia or
Egypt, it looks like we may have the bi-polar world I recently speculated
about, with Russia, Iran, (Syria), China etc. on the Eastern block,
and the U.S., Israel, and Sunni Arab states etc. on the Western block.
If Putin is not already awakened to this bi-polar world he
will be now.
Is not this the world that Kissinger
tried to prevent by trying to destabilize any Eastern block? It may
be too late for the better plan presented by Srdja Trifkovic in
January 2017... "Now is the time to effect a pan-European
entente that embraces the whole of the Northern Hemisphere, from the
British Isles to Vladivostok to the Americas. Trump has an
historic opportunity to pave the way for a genuine Northern Alliance
of Russia, Europe, and the United States, as all three are facing
similar existential demographic and ideological (primarily jihadist)
threats in the decades ahead. In an uncertain and ever more
brutal world, the Northerners must find a way of banding together,
lest they be defeated separately"...
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Can't we even control our borders to keep out people who wish to destroy us?!
People and the cultures they create are
certainly not all the same. As the ethnic groups change the country
changes. But this common sense is blocked by the propaganda of the
academic world and the Big Media.
President Trump is now having trouble
even stopping---at least for a time---immigration from countries
which breed terrorists who hate America. He is blocked in his efforts
by the propaganda of the academic world and the Big Media who support
the creation of a nation of distinctly different ethnic groups and
religions who naturally do not get along together.
Most college educated people believe
they have risen above irrational ethnocentrism and tribalism, but
that is like saying they have risen above human nature, which
remains, kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual
marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among
other traditional things, with group-selection as the primary unit of
successful selection,
followed by individual selection.
These are the things that define us as
human. The ground of patriotism comes from people voting according to
who they are and where they live, which is why decentralization is
now the political action most needed in a nation increasingly divided
by distinctly different people with distinctly different agendas.
I believe the only sane political
structure in our crowded world eventually leads to an ethnopluralism
of ethnostates, which is based in real human nature. I say again, the ground of
patriotism comes from people voting according to who they are and
where they live, and this requires decentralization. How far we are
now from this sanity if we can't even control our borders to keep out
people who wish to destroy us.
Is President Trump just in time to try
to save the nation from decline and fall, or is he the last desperate
losing effort of a nation hopelessly divided by our past stupid,
suicidal immigration policies?
Saturday, January 28, 2017
The difference between the Alt-right and the General-right
The General-right---think of Fox
News---spends a lot of time denying and attacking racism, whereas the
Alt-right often acknowledges that real human nature tends
to be racist.
The problem with these positions is
that the General-right denies the ethnocentric nature of real human
nature, and the Alt-right tends to be supremacist about their own
ethnic group while denying or denigrating all other ethnic groups.
The way out of this is to affirm an
ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where some sort of federalism can
protect independent ethnostates and assure the freedom of our natural
ethnocentric and group-selecting human nature. This balanced structure
could even be accommodated by the separation of powers and states in
the U.S. Constitution, with perhaps a few amendments.
As to the left, the General-left or the
Alt-left, they live in a fictional la la land where people are
considered all the same and equal throughout the world---although minorities
are preferred---and they think the world would be peaceful and always happy
if not for the evil right putting up borders and boundaries.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Do we owe our European brothers a thank you for martyring themselves?
It made me proud to be an American today watching the swearing-in ceremony
our new Defense Secretary Mattis, and then the signing of executive
orders to begin protecting our national borders from massive
immigration, as well as the order to rebuild our military---but not to be used for going abroad in search of monsters.
we owe our European brothers a thank you for martyring themselves to
open borders, etc, showing America what not to do? We will
have enough trouble dealing with almost half the country who are like
brainwashed zombies marching around objecting to saving their own country and their
own lives.
All reality is material or supermaterial including Godhood
All the organs of the body developed
not only to propagate life but to evolve toward the zenith of
material evolution, which is Godhood, as described in theological materialism.
The trouble started when the oldest pagans thought the dream world was real but not material, which led to the downgrading of materialism, and eventually led to the blocking of material drives by religious mystics seeking to experience a non-material God.
The "spirit," "soul," consciousness, and mind are all material. Godhood is defined as the zenith of spirit, soul, consciousness, mind, and the zenith of material evolution.
The subject is as material as the
object, the subject is only the knowing part of the object, and both
are material. But the object ranks higher than the subject which defines it, not the other way around, although they are always together and connected.
If there is an "essence" it
is the activation within life of the material
Spirit-Will or Will-Spirit, which must deal with the material
world it finds itself living within, as it seeks to activate material
life, and itself within life, to evolve toward Godhood.
There really are no dualities, but there are levels of material evolution culminating in Godhood. This should be good news for joining science and religion.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Is the thing lost without the principle of the thing?
People and things exist whether they are defined or not
Even good thinkers have assumed that the thing is lost without the principle of the thing, almost as a given. But the principle
is only the definition of the thing, the thing exists whether the
principle is defined or not.
Godhood works that way too, and
virtually everyone defines God as a spiritual principle, definition,
or experience, and not as a material or supermaterial Thing or Things.
I believe a conservatism or tradition
that accepts Godhood---which has been dying at least since the Enlightenment---can prevail only if Godhood is transformed from a non-material
principle to an actual material or supermaterial thing-in-itself, or
highly evolved object or objects.
The Twofold Path in theological materialism retains the old non-material principle or experience of
God or the Father in the Inward Path, while affirming and
transforming the Inward Path in the Outward Path of material
evolution toward the supermaterial object, or objects, of real Godhood.
Conservative founders of both religions
and secular governments knew that laws and principles need to be
simple, few and constant, and need to be retained while being
transformed in the long march through human institutions.
Life, religion, culture need not fade away on earth, as they have been doing. And we can eventually move out into the cosmos as we evolve toward Godhood. A new sacred Mass can be written
affirming the Twofold Path.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Nature is in a constant state of flux: why?
There is always rising and falling,
devolution and evolution: why? This flux goes on not only on earth
but across the cosmos: why?
Religion and philosophy have at bottom
been objectless, full of empty spiritualism or empty definitions of
nothing, since their religious God, their philosophical Being, is not
material and is not of this world. Well then, of which world?
God need not be lost. Godhood needs to
be rescued from those who define God as objectless and non-material.
All is grounded in real objects, even dreams and fantasies. It is a
material force which seeks supermaterial Godhood by way of supremely
successful survival and reproduction.
Why this hatred of the material? Why
this deprivation of humanity and existence? It must be connected to
the will to power of those who seek to block materialism with
spiritualism, which is a very material thing to do.
Life follows purpose first before
cause and effect. "A force must know its destination before it
begins its movement." (Ted Chaing). Religion but also science
needs to define the biology and physics of this force.
It is a fight to the death for real
life but it is not merely defined as a war of all against all, it is
really the evolution of all life toward Godhood. For example, a way can be found
to reconcile irreconcilable differences between naturally competing
human groups, such as an ethnopluralism of ethnostates protected by a
light federalism.
We are driven by internal necessity but
it is not the necessity to block material life so as to see God. Life
is driven by the internal necessity of material life evolving toward
supermaterial life, defined in theological materialism as real Godhood.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
To perceive/know reality
In defining reality this would mean
capturing, at the same time, emotion/intuition/art/religion along
with reason/empiricalism/science. The idea is that these things alone do not capture
reality as well as they do as combined or synthesized perceptions.
I am not here talking about looking
through one person's unique eyes, I am looking for a "reality"
that combines inward and outward human life in general, a reality
that could find a general balance and resolve tensions between
perceptions in the inward and outward lives we lead. The hope would
be that the wiser and healthier we are the better we are at seeing
and balancing perceptions of actual reality.
In combining the inward and outward
perceptions we are applying the essential inward activating drives of
life (after first recognizing them) combined with the
natural outside environment and evolution, as described in
theological materialism. This can lead to another kind of psychology, or
therapy, as well as another kind of
As I have written here before, I am
not merely looking for the opposite of the ego, the contrary elements
of our psyche, because a Jungian androgynous balance is not the goal.
The great goal of the activating material/biological Spirit-Will,
which I have also called the Super-Id, is the goal that lies beyond
us, beyond even human consciousness, at the zenith of material evolution to Godhood. Whatever
parts of our psyche that would seem opposed to the natural direction of the
Spirit-Will-to-Godhood need to be understood, synthesized, and
balanced with natural outside evolution.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Continue to Go After the Big Media President Trump!
Even conservatives are upset because
they say president Trump is spending too much time criticizing the
Big Media, they want him to concentrate on "more important
things." I strongly disagree. The Big Media are probably more
responsible for the decline and decadence of the West than
government, the business world, the academic world, or religion. That
is power! So President Trump, please continue to go after the Big
Media. If you can find legal ways to curb their nefarious power than
do it! Otherwise they will make you move the way they want you to, or destroy you and your plans.
Ask what is a thing for
James Wilson described the Thomistic
precept which is contrary to postmodernism, that life finds the shape
or the form suitable to it. What is good seeks to become actual,
seeks to become the limit of its life form. That is very good
thinking, but I would say the limiting feature to life is the natural
world of evolution. And the goal of evolution is not a non-material
God, which would be saying that the goal of life is non-life. Real
Godhood is attained through material evolution to supermaterial
Godhood. The highest good is not non-life but super-life. And there
is no limit to material evolution.
Post-modernism sees no goal, no telos
in life other than an amoral power drive without a goal.
Post-modernism sees no fixed truths, and sees nothing but endless
freedom without any moral or material limits. We are condemned to
freedom one arrogant philosopher said. Theological materialism sees things otherwise.
I believe we have to ask what is a
thing to know what can be known about a thing. Life is for
natural evolution toward Godhood and is limited by the natural world
we are born into. The central purpose of life is to
evolve toward the highest success in being represented in the world
of survival and reproduction, which could be called eternal
representation, or Godhood. Whether life attains Godhood or not, this
is the central definition of the force of life itself. This sacred
purpose within life must work along with the exigencies and
ups and downs of natural evolution...And there is no end or beginning
to this evolutionary purpose, as difficult as this is for us to accept.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
On the women marchers against President Trump in the decadent liberal cities
The women marchers may not need Aretha
Franklin to tell them how to spell R.E.S P. E.C.T., but if they don't
want to be called over-emotional brainwashed fools they do need
knowledge of sociobiology---the biological origin of much of our
social behavior.
Knowledge of real human nature has been
successfully blocked by the culturally Marxist academic world and by
the decadent Big Media since at least the 1960's, so not only are
these marchers ignorant of sociobiology and real human nature, their
ponytail-wearing fathers were too. Many of these women even brought
their daughters to the march brainwashing another generation of
If a woman can remain a culturally
Marxist feminist after absorbing such works as "Human Nature,"
or "The Social Conquest of Earth," by Edward Wilson, or if
that is too difficult then some shorter explanation of sociobiology
as in Wikipedia, then she really is a brainwashed
Trump is far from perfect but many of his political ideas reflect and affirm real human nature and real human beings.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Now we will have father-government rather than mother-government
The mommy democrat/liberals who want to
nurture everyone to death have been bested by daddy
republican/populists who want people to nurture themselves. Both
president Clinton and Obama were raised in mommy-led households
without a father and they absorbed the psychology of nurturing at
their mother's knee----and perhaps also a little bias against manly
things in general.
We will see how many of the manly goals
of president Trump can be attained. I wish President Trump could do
something Big about curbing the power and influence of the Big Media,
while still respecting freedom of the press. Propaganda-sickened Americans need a little protection
from the man-hating she-tiger---mommy is not too happy about daddy taking back the TV remote.
But seriously, we don't want this battling of the sexes, we need mommy and daddy working together offering their distinctively different, biologically-based, ways to live in the world.
Friday, January 20, 2017
What is the natural state of nature?
If there is "purity" or
"order" in a pre-civilized state of nature it would
probably contain an absence of any human attempt to go against the
natural order with cultural or political schemes which only man seems
capable of attempting.
There is not a lack of conflict or
distress in the pre-civilized or civilized natural order, which has
been suggested by people like Rousseau and Marx, but what there is
is evolution taking place and a natural selection of living things in
always changing environments and biology.
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche came closer
to the natural order in imagining a world of will and power, but Darwin
was even closer to defining the natural order in both the
pre-civilized and civilized states. But Darwinism was not a religious
philosophy even as it was evolutionary science at its best.
Life follows purpose first before cause
and effect. "A force must
know its destination before it begins its movement." (Ted Chaing) Science
must define the biology and physics of this force.
I believe the natural order most
essentially contains the evolution of material life toward
supermaterial Godhood, with many starts and stops along the way. And
once attained, Godhood continues evolving, with no ending and no
That is the natural state of nature which our civilizations and our cultures and
political structures need to find closer harmony with, as seen in
theological materialism.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Turning around this big falling mess of an American empire
Americans have been "educated"
by a Marxist department of education, and by the narcissistic,
hedonistic, hook-up culture of the Big Media. Hollywood has found a
way to make big money and trash traditionalism at the same time.
Students of the 1980's became the
professors and leaders of America. But the "culture wars" of
the 1980's were really genetic wars. A largely Northern European and
WASP leadership, which was more or less conservative, was replaced by
non-Northern European "progressives" who were really
cultural Marxists.
Blacks were given billions of dollars
of help to advance themselves and advance "equality" but
instead they sought superiority, which is actually natural given that
human nature remains very much group-centered and ethnocentric.
We cannot count on the Media or the
academic world to turn around this big falling mess of an American
Empire, and we can't count on much help from a brainwashed people, even though there is a populist core of good instincts. Nevertheless, conservative and not radical means to save the West is the
This probably means another slow march
through the institutions, along with a return to the constitutional
separation of powers and states, eventually leading to the long-term
solution of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real human
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
How theological materialism discontinues the traditional theological downgrading of life in general and women in particular
There is almost a hatred of women
throughout traditional asceticism in seeking the inward God or Father
Within by way of blocking material desires, especially the
reproductive drives. Mother nature is lost touch with and
materialism is attacked because sexuality needs to be controlled or
blocked in order to have the upper peak experience of the God Within. Religious values grew primarily out of this ascetic valuation.
Theological materialism brings back
respect for materialism, for women, and for reproduction, since we
evolve to real Godhood by way of ongoing material
reproduction. Modern genetic engineering needs to be considered part of this religious development of evolution. Materialism is something to affirm, upward
evolution is considered a high virtue and a sacred value because it is the
basic means of attaining real Godhood. The ascetic experience of the
inward God can be retained but is seen as a symbolic experience of
what Godhood may be like when we evolve to real Godhood in the
material world.
The answer to the hatred of the material world is not to radically declare,
as Nietzsche did, that God is dead. Materialism is apotheosized in
theological materialism by the sacred evolution of life to
supermaterial Godhood. Emotions return, life returns, and religious
philosophy goes back to nature itself as it should do---and modern science can be included.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Can Trump transform from hyper-individualism to group-orientation?
The biggest psychological and
philosophical change that Donald Trump has to personally make is from
hyper-individualism to group-orientation. Sociobiology has been
helping to reveal the biological origin of much of social behavior,
and group-selection remains the main unit of successful survival and
reproduction, as it has always been, and individualism, though
creatively important, is successful only in the short term.
Trump's "group" is basically
"America First" and "economic nationalism," and
if Trump can actually transform his hyper-individualistic,
free-enterprising, deal-making personality into being more
group-orientated (not merely his nuclear family) then his constant
self-centered Tweets which are getting him in so much trouble will
recede. Can Trump make this change at his age? Perhaps the office
itself will naturally help him.
Monday, January 16, 2017
The Middle East and the favorite daughter
Given that real human nature remains
ethnocentric, with group-selection as the main unit of selection, the
most natural and rational political configuration is an
ethnopluralism of ethnostates. This means that the state of Israel
has a right to exist for the Jewish people, but this also means the
same for the Palestinian people. This also suggests that Israel has to
stop its expansionism, even if it has a religious idea to do so. Islam also has a religious idea to expand.
People create ideas first, ideas don't
create people, and the ethos of a person and their environmental
circumstances relate to the ideas they propose. You have to admire
the courage of Jared
Kushner, Donald
Trump's son in law, in taking on the Middle Eastern file for Trump
where so many diplomats have fallen. Can we assume some sort of
natural competition (even if underground) between Trump and Kushner
for the admiration of Trump's daughter? Chutzpah has conquered
prudence in the Middle East, will it conquer again, or is Kushner headed for
a fall?
If Kushner succeeds, if the expansion
of Israel continues, and if the entire world can't stop them, then it
seems to me that the world will have to take another look at those
conspiracy theorists.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
A Vital Idea: Purpose Before Cause and Effect
George McCartney writes about Pierre De
Fermat (Chronicles, Jan 2017), a 17th century mathematician who
speculated that life follows purpose first before cause
and effect. This is a vital insight which is expanded in theological materialism.
The central purpose of life is to
evolve toward the highest success in being represented in the world
of survival and reproduction, which could be called eternal
representation, or Godhood. Whether life attains Godhood or not, this
is the central definition of the force of life itself.
This sacred purpose within life must
work along with the exigencies and ups and downs of natural
evolution. And there is no end or beginning to this purpose, as difficult as this is for us to accept.
Ted Chaing writes: " A force must
know its destination before it begins its movement." Science
must define the biology and physics of this force, which I have
called the Will-Spirit or Spirit-Will-to-Godhood. Then science could actually join religion.
Friday, January 13, 2017
What is the next great sacred mythic theme for the next great civilization?
I believe the next great sacred mythic
theme for the next great civilization is the evolution of material
life to supermaterial Godhood which will require the cooperation of
a long-term culture and civilization.
This is the material/supermaterial
Godhood of material life and evolution, this is not the spiritual
non-material idea or ascetic experience of God. That first
gnostic/religious glimpse of God can be retained but transformed in
theological materialism. A great art and great culture, a great total
civilization can rise out of this religious/scientific, sacred,
mythic worldview, worthy of man and future man. The great Christian and scientific
Western ethos can be synthesized with the sacred goal of life
evolving in the material world on earth and out in to the cosmos
toward supermaterial Godhood.
This sacred materialism is a world
theme but it is also a deeply Western theme, and the defense of the
West remains a principle concern. The East, led by Russia, has for
the present, sunk back into the Traditionalist School which basically
hates materialism, aggressively hates the West, hates science, but nevertheless seeks another form of orthodox imperialism. That is not a healthy
theme for future man or future civilization, and it will not bring us
to real Godhood.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Transforming the negative/positive of traditional religion
"Emptiness" or sunyatu and
Nirvana of Buddhism, and the Father Within and Heaven of Jesus are
similar in being a negative/positive sort of hedonism. We can feel
the bliss of emptiness leading to Nirvana and the Father Within by
stopping or blocking the material drives which cause the pain (and
pleasure) of life, as we were instructed to do by both Buddha and
Jesus. The pleasure and even bliss that can come from this severe
ascetic discipline is felt because the material drives are blocked or
stopped from which pain can come from. This is not a non-material
experience. It is not God we are feeling but a symbolic experience
of Godhood.
The next stage in religious development
is to take that bliss we can feel from the Inward Path of ascetic
practice and apply it in the Outward Path of material evolution to
supermaterial Godhood. That is the Twofold Path of theological materialism, where traditional religion is retained but transformed.
We are in the world and of the world, and the sacred task is to find
a way to evolve in the material world to real
supermaterial Godhood. That is where life wants to go. That is the
drive within life itself which works along with the ups and downs of
natural evolution---and we can aid in that sacred biological and
cultural goal.
Monday, January 09, 2017
We don't need Meryl Streep or Hollywood, they damage us
is a good actress, although becoming a little mechanical (the eyes
don't lie), but like most of her fellow actors she is a political
idiot, as seen last night at the Golden Globe awards when the grande
dame lectured against the evils of Donald Trump,
football and the martial arts. We aren't quite a matriarchy yet, and
we are not fully Marxist, so there may be a chance to take the power
way from Hollywood by simply boycotting their films. Or maybe a few
of Trump's conservative billionaire friends could open up a
conservative film industry? We don't need Meryl
or Hollywood, they damage us.
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Will Trump and his advisers follow Trifkovic's realist entente embracing the whole of the Northern Hemisphere?
Srdja Trifkovic on "Dismantling
the Empire," from "Chronicles," January 2017
..."In practice, the first task is to
improve relations with Russia—which is essential—and to establish
a workable modus vivendi with China, which is highly
desirable. Outreach to Russia is vital to the definitive
settlement of the European civil war that erupted in 1914, continued
in 1939, and resulted in the frozen conflict called the Cold War.
Now is the time to effect a pan-European entente that embraces the
whole of the Northern Hemisphere, from the British Isles to
Vladivostok to the Americas. Trump has an historic opportunity
to pave the way for a genuine Northern Alliance of Russia, Europe,
and the United States, as all three are facing similar existential
demographic and ideological (primarily jihadist) threats in the
decades ahead. In an uncertain and ever more brutal world, the
Northerners must find a way of banding together, lest they be
defeated separately...
...It is to be hoped that Trump will
strike a bargain with Russia on Syria. There must be no more
support for radical Islamic terrorists, whatever their “moderate”
disguise. This will necessitate some frank discussions with our
“allies” in Riyadh and Doha, in which they are told in no
uncertain terms that we know their game, and that they must cut off
support to jihadists. America may not overtly cooperate with
Damascus and Baghdad (and implicitly Tehran) to destroy IS/Daesh,
Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, and the rest of the jihadi monsters,
but Trump’s national-security team should let the Arab boots on the
ground complete the work that is currently under way in Aleppo.
In the months ahead the United States should play mainly a supportive
role: no ground forces, limited air power, and “engagement” only
with the prior agreement of Syria’s and Iraq’s sovereign,
legitimate governments.
...As for NATO—strategically useless and tainted with criminality, as it has been ever since Bill Clinton’s aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999, for the benefit of the KLA—Trump should start with the demand to end the “free-loadism” of its European members. He should disengage from the Baltic and Black seas, drop Russia sanctions, and deal on a neutral basis with Ukraine. Further east, he should ride herd on the Iran nuke deal with Moscow and Beijing, but not reject it. He should keep the Saudis at arm’s length, treating them as the leading state sponsor of terrorism that they are...
...Trump needs to avoid the GOP/neocon apparat like the plague and appoint realists to his administration to make America great again. It is not too tall an order. "
My Comment:
This seems to be a most practical realist path to "Dismantling the Empire." But what if Trump supports Israel and Putin supports Iran? As mentioned here earlier, we could then end up with another bi-polar world, with the U.S., Israel, the Sunni states, and a few Europeans on the Western pole, and Russia, Iran, China and a few European states on the Eastern pole. Will Putin abandon Shi'ite Islam or Trump abandon Israel?
Saturday, January 07, 2017
"Nullification is the political movement of the 21st century"
In a very good essay in Chronicles (Jan
2017) Brion McClanahan says that "nullification is the political
movement of the 21st century." We have to move back to the
original federalism, localism, and decentralization of the
Constitution. If 21 states can constitutional nullify national pot
laws they can nullify other overly-centralized laws, and give real
power back to the states.
My concern would be in staying strong
enough as a large territorial nation to defend ourselves against
other large nations or empires, but we can have federalism and a
strong defense when needed. I would
also eventually (and legally) want to take the federalism of states
to its most natural conclusion, which is an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates. Then real human nature, which remains ethnocentric and
group-orientated, even more than individualistic, can truly "think
locally and act locally," as Mclanahan puts it.
Thursday, January 05, 2017
A real bridge to "universalism"
An ethnopluralism of ethnostates
provides a real bridge across localities, states, regions, ethnic
groups, races, and classes, without demanding that all people must
be considered the same. This is a better way to think of
"universalism" and more real than other social structures such as cultural
Marxism and political correctness. Most importantly ethnopluralism is more in harmony with real human nature, which
has been affirmed throughout human history as being kin-centered,
gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making,
hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making,
among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of
successful selection, followed by individual selection.
How to get from the present cultural
Marxism and political correctness to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates
is the challenge. I believe an ethnopluralism of states and regions
could be established legally in the United States due to our
constitutional separation of powers, states and regions. It may
require a few constitutional amendments to legally give more power to
the states, and would not be easy, but it is far preferable to the
radically destructive civil disruptions, or even civil war, which
naturally are now increasing due to natural competition between
ethnic groups, races, and classes. Demanding that all people must be
considered the same does not work. Demanding multiculturalism
within the same living space also has not worked. An ethnopluralism
of ethnostates provides a better way to establish a real bridge to
Tuesday, January 03, 2017
We hope Trump's future improvisations will be on the theme of America First, but...
If "bullshit" means talking
about what you don't know about (not really lying) when certain
circumstances seem to call for it, as Chilton Williamson pointed out
in a review on the subject of bullshit (Chronicles Jan. 2017), then
Donald Trump's political style is not really bullshitting, he seems
to be using a technique he uses in making business deals, it is more
like jazz improvisations on a theme.
We hope Trump's future improvisations
will be on the theme of America First, but as I mentioned here
before, even though Trump seems to be making buddies with Putin, that
may end up being bullshit on his (and his advisers) eventual theme of
creating another bi-polar world, with the U.S., Israel, the Sunni
states, and a few Europeans on the Western pole, and Russia, Iran,
China and a few European states on the Eastern pole. I don't see
Putin abandoning Shi'ite Islam and I don't see Trump abandoning
Monday, January 02, 2017
Contradictions and misunderstandings in Christianity can be resolved in theological materialism
Whether Christianity was influenced by
Vedic monks by way of the Essenes who Jesus studied under with John
the Baptist---which I think is possible---or whether Christianity
was a similar but separate development, the asceticism of Jesus was
much like Buddha's in rejecting material desires and rejecting the material
world for the purpose of experiencing the God or Father Within. This
was gradually contradicted and misunderstood in Christianity
following the martyrdom of Jesus, often by brilliant philosophers who tried to support traditional material life in the face of their non-material founders.
Now if we jump forward to our time we
have seen the abortion of 57 million babies since Roe vs Wade, which
has put the birthrate below the replacement level. Contradictions and misunderstandings can be seen in the materialists taking the position of valuing only the evolution of material
life yet supporting abortions, and non-material-spiritualists ascetically rejecting material life yet rejecting the abortion of life. When
Jesus talked about giving Caesar his financial due it came from a
position of defaming and not caring about material life and not from
an affirmation of material life.
These root contradictions and
misunderstandings which developed in Christianity can be resolved in
theological materialism, where Godhood is understood as evolved to
only in the material world. The old ascetic Inward Path to the God or
Father Within can be retained but transformed in the Outward Path of
material evolution to real supermaterial Godhood.
Sunday, January 01, 2017
The Utopian schemes of both the materialistic Left and the spiritualistic Right
The Paleoconservatives like to say that
there are no political solutions to cultural problems, and Marxism
says that there are political solutions to cultural problems. These
differences relate to the grounding of the Right in a non-material
spiritualism and the Left in a complete materialism, with different
ultimate goals. But both the goals of the Left and the Right involve
Utopian solutions to cultural problems: the Right seeks a
non-material Utopian God and the Left seeks a classless Utopian world
of complete equality. Both the Left and Right leave out the sacred
and ultimate goal of the material evolution of life to supermaterial
Godhood, which actually connects or synthesizes the two world views.
People create politics as much as they
create culture, and both politics and culture depend on the natural
traits, the genetic traits, of the different ethnic groups who create
the politics and the culture. Often distinctly different ethnic
groups do not assimilate well with one another due to their natural differences more that their politics,
which is negatively reflected in the civil disruptions of modern
societies. That is, societies have been trying to be multicultural
with distinctively different people living in the same space and told
to all get along according to the Utopian schemes of both the
materialistic Left and the spiritualistic Right.
This all points toward the
political/cultural solution of the ethnopluralism hypothesis, often
written about here. It is a conservative transformation---not
revolution---which will bring about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates,
where different ethnic groups can politically and culturally conduct
themselves the way they want to according to their own natural traits
while living in ethnostates within our Democratic Republic, perhaps
with only a few amendments to the already existing constitutional
separation of powers and states. We need to retain federalism and
balance because we need the geopolitical heft of a large nation to
defend ourselves in the big world. This is a sociopolitical or
political/cultural structure based in a real non-Utopian view of human nature and Godhood.
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