Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Those of us who support Trump hope that he turns out to be more like Buchanan

I assume that Pat Buchanan is not mentioned as the godfather of the political philosophy of Donald Trump because Trump and his supporters do not want the charge of “antisemitism” attached to them, as it was, falsely, attached to Buchanan, which ruined his political career. Buchanan was not and is not antisemitic, but he is anti the special-interest lobbies who do not put America First.

The politically incorrect question I first asked when I realized that Trump was seriously running for president was: what and who are Trump's real connections? If Trump goes after global crony capitalism but then empowers a few of his own global crony capitalists to rule the global territorial grounds, including the Jewish lobby, as well as himself, where will we be then?

Those of us who support Trump hope that he turns out to be is more like Buchanan.

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