Thursday, February 04, 2016

Telling the difference between social and antisocial high creativity

Nietzsche often seemed to support criminals, but he was referring mainly to highly creative individuals and to high culture in comparison to mediocre individuals and low culture. For example: “Punishment does not purify, simply because crime does not sully.”

Although I suspect that Nietzsche had authority problems, having been early raised without male authority (later perhaps seen in his love/hatred of Wagner), and he was a bit of a sociopath, the point to make, which opposes Nietzsche's aristocratic radicalism regarding creativity, is that we need to really know the difference between social and anti-social high creativity.

The highly creative psychologist Raymond Cattell understood this problem well and he and his students developed psychometric tests to help tell the difference between social and anti-social high creativity, so that we may know better who to invest in. Although psychometric tests are not always predictive, psychometric tests have been increasingly forbidden because they do not fit in with the bogus culturally Marxist agenda of political correctness.

Today high and low creativity are mainly of the anti-social kind in art and philosophy, probably at least somewhat do to Nietzsche. I think that the conservative social, not anti-social, creativity seen here in the religious philosophy of theological materialism with the Twofold Path, has a creative social advantage over Nietzsche's will-to aristocratic radical individualism. The antisocial relativism and nihilism of postmodernism has been killing us.

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