Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Theology of Beauty, affirming the immanentizing of the eschaton

A theology of beauty is not merely for art and literature but for theology itself and for philosophy, but also includes a biology of beauty. Here's why and how:

A theology of beauty is grounded in the real world of living objects which evolve in the material world toward a supermaterial Godhood of living objects. This unblocks the Great Spiritual Blockade begun by ancient Indo-European sages and continued in the West by Plato and traditional religion on up to Heidegger and the post-moderns, who continued to define (and define only) the highest things, including God and Being, as non-material and beyond the material world.

Ever respectful of the common sense of conservatism, the theology of beauty does not reject the traditional religious Inward Path to the God or Father Within, esoterically or exoterically. but transforms this first symbolic experience in the Outward Path of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, as described in theological materialism.

This not only unblocks the Great Spiritual Blockade but brings biology, evolution, and real life itself, including science, into a theology and philosophy of beauty. Contrary to Eric Voegelin, this affirms the “ immanentizing of the eschaton,” that is, bringing about God by evolving in the immanent material world to Godhood.

This can bring the evolution of life to the zenith of life, which is Godhood, led by the biology of beauty, where the material zenith of simplicity, elegance, proportion, beauty, truth and goodness are defined as Godhood.

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