Monday, January 11, 2016

Theological materialism and evolutionary polytheism

Let me speculate a bit on what could be called an evolutionary polytheism in theological materialism.

I tend to seek three things: beauty, truth, and goodness, and not necessarily in that order. Traditional art, philosophy, and religion sought these things too. I think these virtues lead to the same place: Godhood. But not a Godhood understood as a trinity God, or a dual good/evil God, and not a Godhood understood as an emanating, pantheistic, single God---these were mainly intellectual attempts to try to retain the idea of one, non-material, inward, spiritual God with different aspects. I am talking about real, living, supermaterial Godhood, evolved to in the material world, defined as the zenith of beauty, truth and goodness, I am talking about a superior living and evolving Godhood.

To go deeper into the weeds on this, the classical world saw the Gods and Goddess as the zenith of beauty, truth and goodness and often symbolized the Gods in superior human form. I can relate to that polytheistic world more than the pantheistic idea of Godhood, that is, not describing Godhood as consisting of the whole world, and not a God whose emanations create the world. I'm talking about a graded or what could now be called evolutionary reality of living objects, which have evolved to the zenith of evolution, defined as Godhood.

This is not even Hegel standing Neoplatonism on its head with “spirit” emerging at the end of what could now be called evolution. This is supermateriality which emerges from the evolution of the material world, this is real supermaterial Gods and Goddesses evolved to in the cosmos.

Polytheism developed from around the Bronze age in Greece, and in Germany and Russia, up until the evolution of the Indian and Abrahamic religions, with their strict, spiritual, monotheism. Hard polytheism believed that Gods were distinct and real divine beings rather than mere symbols or archetypes. I don't have a problem with this as long as the Gods are seen to evolve in the material world to Godhood. The Gods may or may not influence the human world, they might even exist in an evolved world in spaces we do not yet understand.

This evolutionary world of Godhood is described in the evolutionary theology of theological materialism. This defines a Godhood that can be reached with or without us, but it is probably less likely reached without aiding evolution in its upward path. The old inward God, the Father Within can be conservatively retained but transformed in the outward evolution to real Godhood.

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