Monday, May 29, 2017

Patriotism is more deeply about celebrating the biological and genetic past and future

Patriotism is more than conserving abstract ideas about love of country; patriotism is more deeply about celebrating the biological and genetic past and future. Conservatives rarely mention this, which means that conservatives tend to celebrate ideology almost as much as the "progressives," who virtually hate any mention of biological or genetic conservatism. 

When the Founders spoke of preservation they were not thinking of a nation of distinctly different and competing ethnic groups, as we have today. The Founders seem to have taken it for granted that America was mainly Anglo-Saxon.

But the Founders were wise enough to create a constitutional separation of powers and states that can accommodate an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, perhaps without them being aware of it. This wisdom regarding human nature can allow the deepest conservatism, which is conserving our different and competing biological and genetic heritages in an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, as well as conserving the abstract ideas about our nation and patriotism---if we see it, and do it.

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