Is there no democratic means to curb the corrupt media?...The last thing the media wants is a fascist dictator but they may eventually get one if this revolution of the media and the academic world continues.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
The corrupt media is increasingly driving our president mad
I think even Orwell and Huxley would
have been surprised at how the corrupt Big Media and the academic
world have managed to define real human nature as biased, oppressing,
and unjust. It has been a transvaluation of reality which even
Nietzsche would marvel at.
We have been critical of president
Trump since he flipped from being a populist-nationalist to a
neoconservative, but now as the corrupt media is increasingly driving our
president mad with fake news, you only feel like defending him. They
poke at him and goad him, knowing he is narcissistic and
super-defensive about any slight.
An example this morning was Joe
Scarborough and his new fiance Mika, who originally supported Trump,
looking into the camera aware that Trump was watching them and cruelly
attacking Trump knowing full well it would drive him crazy.
Is there no democratic means to curb the corrupt media?...The last thing the media wants is a fascist dictator but they may eventually get one if this revolution of the media and the academic world continues.
Monday, May 29, 2017
What if the leaks on Jared Kushner came from the Russians as payback for Trump's duplicity
I suppose politics was never very
honorable, but what we have now is an ignoble mess.
What if...the leaks regarding Jared
Kushner's contacts with the Russians did not come from the White
House or from our intelligence services but came from the Russians,
disguised of course as not coming from them. Why? Payback for Trump's
duplicity in openly humiliating Putin following Trump's surprise
turn away from supporting Russia and his move toward the neoconservative
enemies of Russia. Putin lost face and is going to get
Trump for that double cross.
A thought anyway.
Patriotism is more deeply about celebrating the biological and genetic past and future
Patriotism is more than conserving
abstract ideas about love of country; patriotism is more deeply about
celebrating the biological and genetic past and future.
Conservatives rarely mention this, which means that conservatives
tend to celebrate ideology almost as much as the "progressives,"
who virtually hate any mention of biological or genetic conservatism.
When the Founders
spoke of preservation they were not thinking of a nation of
distinctly different and competing ethnic groups, as we have today. The Founders seem to have taken it for
granted that America was mainly Anglo-Saxon.
But the Founders were wise enough to
create a constitutional separation of powers and states that can
accommodate an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, perhaps without them
being aware of it. This wisdom regarding human nature can allow the
deepest conservatism, which is conserving our different and competing biological
and genetic heritages in an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, as well
as conserving the abstract ideas about our nation and patriotism---if we see it, and do it.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Maleness as bullying
Feminists and modern liberals (cultural
Marxists) have all but succeeded in defining maleness as "bullying."
This is contrary to real human nature, but that does not stop
this moronic movement. We can be sure, however, that real human nature, and real life, will stop this, eventually. Meanwhile, as you protect your daughters from the decaying culture, don't forget to protect your sons, even if the schools and the Media are against you.
Constitutionally dealing with not only class differences but ethnic differences
The American Founders affirmed the
separation of powers thinking mainly of class differences in old
England. This was long before the ethnic differences which now clash
within both nations. But the constitutional separation of powers and
states was deep enough and wise enough to be able to adapt to this too.
The beauty of the constitutional
separation of powers and states is that it underlines real human
nature, which cannot for long be denied in the cultures we create.
The conservative biologically origin of human nature remains
kin-centered, gender-defined, ethnocentric, group-selecting, and as
nationalistic as it has always been. But the sociobiological way to
save conservatism is not mentioned by conservatives or by liberals,
other than as something politically incorrect and even evil.
The constitutional separation of powers
and states can affirm an ethnopluralism of ethnostates under the
constitution and accommodate the ethnic differences which
are now, most naturally, tearing us apart. Can we deal not only with
class differences but ethnic differences? If we cannot we are doomed
to increasing civil disturbances and eventually forced
separations. It's better to do it rationally and legally.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Where Is Conservatism?
As several thinkers have pointed out
(Charles Murray, Patrick Deneen), the heartland is no longer wholly
the home of conservatism and traditionalism, the heartland now exists in
blighted communities, broken families, destroyed by drugs, etc.,
while the liberal elites living on the two coasts, ironically, can
better afford solid family life and live almost in conservative
communities, even though the same pornography and the same decadent culture
has gone mainstream for us all, thanks mainly to the Big Media and the corrupted
academic world.
Where did conservatism go? First of
all, way back around the 1950's, at the beginning of the modern
conservative movement, the foundation of real conservatism was purged
from "conservatism" by people like William Buckley. That
is, the largely biological origin of much of human social behavior,
from which real conservatism rises, was defined as politically
incorrect, bigoted, and even evil. Modern conservatism began to die even as it was beginning.
But the conservative biologically origin of human nature remains
kin-centered, gender-defined, ethnocentric, group-selecting, and as
nationalistic as it has always been. But the sociobiological way to
save conservatism was not and is not mentioned by conservatives or by
liberals, other than as something politically incorrect and even evil.
As I wrote here yesterday, the reality
of real human nature points toward a deeply conservative
political/cultural solution which will bring about an ethnopluralism
of ethnostates within our democratic republic, perhaps with only a
few amendments to the constitutional separation of powers and
states. Different ethnic groups can then politically and culturally
conduct themselves the way they want to in their own regions and
ethnostates. We would retain federalism and subsidiarity to balance
the states together, because we need the geopolitical heft of a large
nation to defend ourselves in the big world. And economic nationalism
could thrive.
That is where real conservatism is and
where it will return to, if we want to conserve anything.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Why we aren't recovering
A real American recovery has not been
allowed because real human nature has not been allowed within the
solutions to why we aren't recovering. If allowed real human nature could shut down the individuals and groups who have gained power by
promoting cultural Marxism on the left and amoral libertarianism on
the right, which have been heavily promoted by the controlled Big
Media and the academic world.
Real human nature consists of gender
differences, age-grading, marriage-making, hierarchy, ethnocentrism,
religion-making, group-selection, and other typically
traditional human traits. Cultures can operate for a time with
behavior that goes against real human nature, such as cultural
Marxism or amoral libertarianism, but cultures are always,
eventually, pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real
human nature, as E. O. Wilson so brilliantly and courageously pointed
out many years ago.
The people have been taught, or
brainwashed, by the Big Media and the academic world into thinking
that all people are the same, that distinctively different groups can
and should live together in the same multicultural territory, and
love one another equally and universally. The people have been taught
that the real human nature, defined above, is politically incorrect,
and even evil behavior.
Americans from both the right and the
left elected Donald Trump as President because he at least hinted at
restoring what seemed instinctively healthy for the people. But
Trump's talk of recovery turned out to be mainly demagogic
salesmanship, and he has turned now to the same neoconservative
amoral and immoral libertarianism of past politicians. But even if he
had kept on the path that Pat Buchanan first traveled, of real
economic nationalism and traditionalism, that would not have brought
a lasting recovery.
The reality of real human nature
points toward the political/cultural solution which will bring about
an ethnopluralism of ethnostates within our Democratic Republic,
perhaps with only a few amendments to the constitutional separation
of powers and states. Different ethnic groups can then politically
and culturally conduct themselves the way they want to in their own
regions and ethnostates. But we would need to retain federalism and
subsidiarity to balance the states together, because we need the
geopolitical heft of a large nation to defend ourselves in the big
This is the
political/cultural structure most in harmony with real human nature,
and the answer to why we aren't recovering. This can be done without radical
revolution, which does more harm than good...Perhaps the same
solution can apply to Europe, which is falling apart more rapidly than America, due to the same causes.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Into the occult weeds: the real evolutionary "alchemy"
Occult Kabbalistic/Gnostic knowledge,
the Traditionalist School, or follower-groups like the Freemasons,
are not affirmed but if retained at all are transformed in theological materialism and in the coming Theoevolutionary Church.
The old Kabbalistic term “Adam
Kadman” can be defined as "God" experienced in the Inward
Path (think of the Vedas, Buddha, and Christ). In reality Godhood is
attained in the active Outward Path of material evolution toward
supermaterial Godhood. This is called the Twofold Path in theological
materialism, which conservatively retains the old Inward Path but
transforms it in the Outward Path.
Any “Tree of Life” symbolism, if
still retained, would need to redefine the symbolic expulsion of Adam
from Eden as being not caused by eating the “forbidden fruit of
knowledge” but for ignoring
or being ignorant of knowledge of the material,
not spiritual, evolution of life toward real Godhood, and ejected from
the garden for devolutionary cultural and biological trends.
Real Godhood is not defined as the
Kabballistic/Gnostic/Traditionalist School/Masonic attaining of the
Soul/Father/God-Within, and Godhood is not demonstrated by creating
artificial life, whether by computer, robot, or man. Godhood is
attained through the real "alchemy” of material evolution all
the way to supermaterial Godhood.
Who has that occult knowledge? That is
the real evolutionary alchemy of changing material life into the gold
of supermaterial Godhood. Seeking the Soul-Within---which was perhaps
developed for warriors in some proto-Indo-European homeland and
carried to the middle east---can be a distraction, a subterfuge, or a
Great Spiritual Blockade away from the real divine mission, which is
to materially evolve all the way to supermaterial Godhood.
This becomes as much an exoteric as an
esoteric divine mission, joining science and religion. Separations,
variety, and rational territoriality are necessary to evolution, and
meritocracies are inevitable, but all groups need to share
evolutionary knowledge---the world always gangs up on and stops the
advance of any selfish occult group seeking to advance themselves
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
The real reason for hope
I don't think we should dwell on the
"fallen" state of man, or how we are "flawed"
relating to God, which I believe is based on mistaken metaphysics and a
distorted view of religion and human nature.
The reason for hope is based in real
human nature which remains kin-centered, ethnocentric and
group-selecting, and which always eventually brings the recovery of an
ethnopluralism of ethnostates after the inevitable fall of empires.
recover, conservatives in America need not turn toward radicalism but
toward building upon the constitutional tradition of the separation
of powers and states to allow the natural ethnopluralism of
ethnostates, where real
human nature can flourish.
the federalism and subsidiary of our wise Founders can protect the
whole, without the Big State rule of corrupt elites who care little
or nothing at all for the people. Real human differences can than actually flourish without trying to jam all groups together in one territory of unworkable and socially disruptive "multiculturalism."
real passion and hope of religion should not be blocked by the
rejection of material desires--- thought in essence to be evil---in the
pursuit of non-material spiritualism, since it is material evolution
which brings us to real supermaterial Godhood.
is this positive and hopeful view of life and human nature which can
be guided by scientific/religious research into how best to evolve
toward real Godhood, while living within natural ethnostates affirmed by real human nature.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Expect more monsters until real leaders for the West come forward
In the glut of Big Media hate against
the slaughter of innocents by the monsters in Manchester England, the
old saying that "they are over here because we are over there"
should not be forgotten. The neoconservatives and globalists who
continue to go about the world treating the world like expendable
cattle, now includes President Trump, even though he promised the
people who elected him to clear those Western monsters from the
Apparently the West cannot stop the
neoconservatives and globalists any more than we can stop Islamic
terrorists. The neoconservatives, who joined with the globalists,
were originally concocted by Gertrude Himmelfarb, Irving Kristol, and
other New York intellectuals whose spawn have now slithered back into
power do to Trump's megalomaniacal buffoonery.
Expect more monsters until real leaders for the West come forward.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Mending both conservatism and progressivism
I have found conservatives more
practical and realistic than progressives, but when conservatives go
on to congratulate themselves on not being "ideological" or
on avoiding pie-in-the-sky formulations, I think of their heaven as Utopian and ideological as the Marxist goal of one day
being "more than we really are."
make a big mistake in not paying attention to tradition, which
follows, or should follow, real human nature. But
conservatives make a mistake in not paying enough attention to the
Enlightenment, which has gradually and scientifically refined the
traditional definition of human nature without rejecting it---at
least the science of sociobiology has done this.
Human nature remains kin-centered,
gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making,
hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making,
among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of
successful selection,
followed by individual selection. How do ideologies and religions
harmonize with real human nature and the biological origin of much of
cultural behavior?
Progressive tend to believe that human
beings are completely malleable for virtually any social behavior,
whereas conservatives believe that human nature is determined to seek
non-material spiritual things. The God of conservatives is
non-material and spiritual, but the "God" of progressives
is also a non-material Idea, and is therefore "spiritual."
Theological materialism uses
"progressive means for conservative ends", as someone put it, which is a good definition
of conservatism. Conservatives brag that a complex ideological future is not in our hands in answer to progressives who say it is. The
reality is some of both. Traditional ideas of Godhood need to be
joined with the evolutionary sciences: we evolve in the material
world to supermaterial Godhood, and our aiding in that sacred mission is
the synthesis of conservatism and progressivism.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
The popular trend of women dressing like prostitutes
Prominently displaying a very big butt
has become very trendy, at least since the Kardashians. It seems
mainly to be the preference of black men and women, but white women have
been flocking to the cult.
Sex for sex sake, promiscuity, sexual
liberation, the constant use of the F-word in normal conversation, etc.
etc., this began at least as far back as Freud who more or less
thought that "sexual inhibitions" from traditional views on
sex cause neurosis. Now we have the popular trend of women, including
young women, loudly dressing the way prostitutes dress.
All this degeneration is promoted by
the Big Media, the academic world, radical feminism, etc. etc., and
only fundamentalist Christians (and hated Muslims) dare to speak
against it. Secular writers don't want to look like prigs or prudes
so they won't touch this politically incorrect subject.
All the values and virtues that
actually hold families and societies together, gender
differences, monogamous marriage-making, family, patriotism,
etc. have been attacked by modern popular culture, and so our
societies have been falling apart.
We have to at least fight against the
popular trend of women dressing and acting like prostitutes, but we
don't want to go back to the way women are treated in, say, Saudi
Arabia, or in the ultra-orthodox circles of Israel. Are we too far gone to even be against smutty popular trends?
We thought President Trump might
move things in this conservative direction (in spite of his beauty
pageant hanky-panky) but he is only busy enhancing the same old
amoral and immoral global imperialism.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
How great art can return
Schopenhauer, the idealist, thought
that the universal Idea of great art provided greater beauty than
nature actually provided or failed to achieve.
I find that only half right. The
evolution of material life toward Godhood in nature provides life
greater than art can provide. Yet at the same time art can supply or
affirm that Idea of the sacred goal of life with the
affirmation of the sacred, which all great art shares.
More essential and universal than
history itself, and more essential than universal Ideas, is the
activating material Spirit-will-to-Godhood within every cell of the
body. This activation does not change throughout history and is a
real universal essence. The Idea of this essence is only secondary to
the material essence itself which activates life to evolve to
The spirit, soul and mind were thought
to be '"spiritual," not material, but they are really the
highest aspect of the material mind beyond most material drives, and
they too are activated by the universal, essential, material
Spirit-will-to-Godhood, in conjunction with outside natural selection and evolution.
It seems to me that great art can return with this affirmation of the sacred supermaterial goal of life and evolution.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Contrary to the old idealists
Contrary to the old idealists I
think the "will" is objective not subjective. The idealists
and the old religious and philosophical gurus in effect considered
the will evil and something that should be blocked so as to have more
"objective" religious and aesthetic experiences.
But those religious
experiences seem to be the subjective product of the mind blocking
the desires of the body (which Buddha and Christ called for) with the
resulting hedonistic bliss defined as Godly, or higher objectivity.
It seems highly arrogant of human
beings to think that they are experiencing real Godhood or high objectivity because
life, including human beings, must evolve far beyond the human
species to reach real Godhood.
We can "experience" the
material will within but that is not God, it seeks Godhood by
activating life to evolve toward Godhood. This requires not blocking
but paying attention to the will---here called the material
spirit-will-to-Godhood---and then helping the material evolution to
Godhood as best we know how.
The will is the objectively-oriented
and Godhood-oriented activator of life toward absolute objectivity
and Godhood. But there probably is no absolute objectivity or
absolute Godhood because there appears to be no beginning and no end
to evolution, only many starts, stops, new beginnings, and even many
Godhoods along the way.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Ethnic Cuckoldry
I listen to classical music and jazz
mostly, but one of the things I used to like about country music was
that country singers were willing to compete with rock and soul music
(which I also like). But then big city shyster producers and
promoters invaded county music and Nashville and now we have country
singers doing second-rate versions of black rap.
Be that as it may, human nature remains
as it has always been, kin-centered, ethnocentric, and group
selecting, which naturally leads to competition between ethnic
groups. But the Big Media and the academic world have managed to
define natural ethnic competition as "racism," or even as
Then the insidious modern liberals
follow this attack on real human nature with expanding versions of
"affirmative action," or racial preferences for blacks over
other ethnic groups. White men became evil racists if they objected
to watching the increasing dominance of white culture by other ethnic cultures. That is
where the Alt-Right taunt of white men as cuckolds came from.
I don't believe in the superiority of
one race or ethnic group over another, but I do believe in racial and
ethnic differences (backed by science), which should be applauded and
not condemned. None of us should be forced to accept the destruction
of our own culture.
Who benefits from this destruction of
Western high and low culture? Modern liberalism as cultural Marxism is a front for the will-to power and dominance of individuals and ethnic groups over other ethnic groups. I see an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as the only healthy and rational way to deal with this natural competition which always tears nations and empire apart.
Monday, May 15, 2017
The next religious mission: why would we want to be independent of the will?
Schopenhauer thought genius can work
independently of the end-seeking will, and that philosophical
objectivity---and also great art as well as Buddha's bliss---could be
achieved that way. But why would we want to be independent
of the will, or the instincts within every cell of the body, if the
will seeks to activate material life to evolve to Godhood? Schopenhauer
thought genius could be objective by being independent of the
will, but the will or spirit-will, which is a material
activation, seeks the highest truth (objectivity), goodness, and
beauty by way of material evolution.
I would rather call the will the
Super-Id, but Schopenhauer thought of the will as a super-monster
(Freud followed him in this). Civilizing the beast means
philosophically and culturally helping the material will (the old word was spirit) to attain its sacred
goal as best we can. Although material life probably evolves to
Godhood eventually even without our help, we can speed up the process as our knowledge increases by removing obstacles to the various
levels of Godhood. That is the next religious mission.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Restored religion can join with science in the inherent and great evolutionary mission of life
Schopenhauer, along with the religious
founders, thought that all "willing" and all desires stem from lack, from
deficiency, that is, from suffering, and so material life was
degraded and made negative.
That was a mistaken and unfortunate
philosophy of life and for humanity, because life evolves to real
Godhood in the material world of desire and suffering.
The will (here called the
Spirit-Will-to-Godhood although it is entirely material) is inherent
and instinctive in every cell of the body, and it is the positive,
not negative activation of material life to evolve toward
supermaterial Godhood, which is the zenith of success in survival, as
well as the success and reward of religion.
The negative view of life of
Schopenhauer and the religious founders was designed mainly to
experience the God or Father Within, which could be blissfully
experienced (or real "objectivity" realized according to
Schopenhauer) by blocking material desires which were thought to lead
only to suffering.
Nietzsche almost recovered from
that great spiritual blockade of Schopenhauer, but he saw no goal to
the will other than a relativity of power, and no Godhood-end to his
will-to-power. So Nietzsche tried to kill God and religion as being
useless and harmful, or as being the will to power of weaklings.
That was not necessary. The will or
spirit-will of material evolution activates life to evolve to Godhood
in the material world. Suffering is overcome not by neutering
desires but by fulling desires, that is, not fulfilling hedonistic
desires but desires which enhance and affirm our upward material
evolution toward Godhood.
Restored religion can join with science
in this inherent and great evolutionary mission of life, and philosophy
and culture can reflect this scared goal.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Multiculturalism as apartheid
In a recent essay Ralph Berry showed
how multiculturalism in the West has led to no-go ghettos of
apartheid. And, astonishingly, the elites have been inviting Third
World Muslims into the West who also now live in no-go ghettos of
apartheid. It
seems to be the result of a completely benign warmhearted,
sentimental, stupidity, but it is really often the result of the will
to power of immoral and amoral elites who care less about the people. This is a total cruelty to the citizens of the West.
The elite have created this apartheid
in the West even as the people have been increasingly rising up
against them with populist-nationalism. The Deep State elite rule no
matter what the people say, or do, or vote for. Even President
Trump, who was the hope of the populists, has turned toward the
globalism which he attacked to get elected.
It has been a very dirty subjugation of
the West.
We will always have elites, but the
hope is that the rising and saving of the West will be done legally
and constitutionally, even if it takes a bit longer. We need to
transform the unworkable cruelty which was been forced upon us, by
retaining but amending the constitutional separation of powers and
states toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in harmony with real
human nature. That will be a long overdo action of real
compassion. Then federalism, subsidiarity---with economic nationalism---can harmonize with a healthy nation of ethnostates.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Chutzpah alone is not enough to rule
President Trump abandoned the people
who elected him, and we are seeing now that chutzpah alone is not
enough to rule. I wish it was Trump's abandonment of
populist-nationalism which made the left and the right go after Trump
to bring him down, but it is only the same financial, academic and media
elite of both the left and right who are bringing Trump down, and they promote globalism,
multiculturalism, and open immigration. And this is happening even though Trump has flipped and joined the globalist dream.
Questions: Given the abandonment, will
the populist-nationalism movement become weaker, will it become
stronger, will fascist elements left or right decide that democracy can't save the
West, will America continue to be led by cunning but stupid
globalists until it falls apart under its own corruption, will the
rise of America and the West come before or after complete collapse?
In any case, I hold to the path of the legal American constitutional
separation of powers and states amended to include an ethnopluralism
of ethnostates, with federalism and subsidiarity. Come what may, that
is the healthiest possible future for an overpopulated America and the West, given
that real human nature remains kin-centered, ethnocentric and
group-selecting...What happens to an egocentric
president is less important.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
What if President Trump had said:
"Of course I have ties to Russia.
What's wrong with ties to Russia? That doesn't mean I'm a fan of
Putin, or that I approve of Russia meddling in our election process.
We don't have to be a fan of the people we deal with. I do know that
journalists working for Russia have been very effective in promoting
Russian interests, and Western journalists are a little jealous....You should understand, as my new
foreign policy adviser Srdja Trifkovic recently pointed out, that now
is the time to effect a pan-European entente that embraces the whole
of the Northern Hemisphere, from the British Isles to Vladivostok to
the Americas. We have an historic opportunity to pave the way
for a genuine Northern Alliance of Russia, Europe, and the United
States, as all three are facing similar existential demographic and
ideological (primarily jihadist) threats in the decades ahead.
In an uncertain and ever more brutal world, the Northerners must find
a way of banding together, lest they be defeated separately..."
But President Trump did not say that. What he did
do was change, almost over-night, from a nationalist to a globalist,
which is the main surprise and difficulty in understanding his actions. I don't
think Trump is psychotic but he is ego-maniacal and narcissistic and
that is almost as difficult to understand as a psychotic who lives in
an alternative reality.
As to the firing of FBI director Comey,
all we can ask is that old question: who benefits most? We need
to follow that question courageously to the answers---no-matter what
the answer's reveal. Can we be that objective? Think of how neoconservative Leo Strauss’s philosophy seems to have in
the end promoted an elite reflecting his own ancestry, which gave the
lie to his stand against the power of historical tradition. But all humans are a lot more
biased toward themselves, their kin, and their ethnic groups than
even wise men fully realize.
Tuesday, May 09, 2017
When we can't count on politicians what can we count on?
Where can we start and stand? Healthy
nations bond from within, citizens bond within states, localities bond within large cities. But the reality now is that much of the time we can count
only on ourselves and our localities. Why is that?
The flat reality is that nations,
states, cities, and localities bond together and harmonize best when
they contain the same or related ethnic groups, who bond and
harmonize together far better than territories with diverse ethnic
groups who naturally compete.
People create cultures, cultures don't
create people, and human nature remains as it has always been,
kin-centered, ethnocentric, and group-selecting, and the cultures we create reflect this. This reality is considered dangerously
politically incorrect by the elites who now rule us, and who advance
themselves and their own groups by promoting diversity. Bonding and harmony between American
citizens now looks almost hopeless because we are so diverse, and
every day becoming more diverse.
But where real bonding and harmony
is most hopeful is in localities where ethnic groups are related. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates can
develop from there, from localism, connected to our orignal democratic republic
of federalism and subsidiarity. The constitutional separation of
powers and states can be increased with amendments directed toward
ethnic regions and states. We can even have regions that want to keep
ethnic diversity within the same living space---ignorant of human
nature as that is.
realty in the face that is where we can start and stand. Radical revolution is not necessary.
Sunday, May 07, 2017
Watching the MTV movie awards: American youth have been destroyed and they may not be recoverable
What can be
a functional revenge against this destruction when the producers and promoters of this
garbage control the Media?...The revenge has to be legal,
constitutional, and conservative---so the fascist solutions, right and left, are out. We need to return to the views of
our Founders while also amending the constitutional separation of
powers and states to become an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, more in
line with real human nature and real human behavior. Then the corrupt producers and promoters of MTV can move to the suicidal regions or states that allow this
garbage, which would be far better than they deserve.
Affirming while amending the Founders; radical revolution is not necessary
In the same way that I believe
ethnopluralism is inevitable so also natural aristocracies of merit
are inevitable, because they are based in real human nature, which
remains kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual
marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and
religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the
primary unit of successful
selection, followed by individual selection.
Chilton Williamson reminds us (May 2017
"Chronicles") of how our second President John Adams
believed in natural aristocracies, as Jefferson did, and how Adams
affirmed a representative Republic and not universal suffrage. The
House and Senate would check the power of a few and not advance their
own power. The House would be for the "Many" and the Senate
for the "Few," and the Senate would keep the House healthy. Adams also praised peace and harmony
over mere efficiency and growth. He seemed to anticipate that
modern man would be bourgeois... I believe we need to renew economic
It can all be legal, constitutional, and
deeply conservative. We can affirm while amending the Constitution.
Radical revolution is not necessary and is to be strongly avoided.
Finally for the longest term health and
success we need to transform, not reject, religion with evolutionary theology, where the Inward Path of traditional religion is retained
but transformed in the Outward Path of material evolution to real
supermaterial Godhood.
The question is, can we return to the
views of our Founders while also amending the constitutional
separation of powers and states to become an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates, more in line with real human nature and real human
behavior? I say we have no healthy choice but to try---we are going
down now at an increasing pace. Our disharmonic
diversity has made it necessary.
Friday, May 05, 2017
The next big synthesis
"I dream of a hard and brutal
mysticism in which the naked self merges with a non-human world and
yet somehow survives intact, undivided, separate..." (Edward
Abbey, "Desert Solitaire," quoted by Chilton Williamson).
For me "the naked self"
should have read individual groups.
Libertarians just can't seem to admit the secondary nature of
individualism. The bedrock of human social behavior remains
group-selection in successful survival, individualism only follows.
see the merging as the non-human material world evolving life to
supermaterial Godhood. That is where the next mysticism will come
from, or something resembling it, while merging with science.
the substance of group-selection in real human nature can mold into
the form of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where all groups can
more naturally evolve---and probably without the "brutality"
of Abbey's mysticism because it harmonizes with real human nature.
Thursday, May 04, 2017
Substance shapes form
If I say, substance over form, then the
substance can shape the form. That could apply to style as well to
deeper philosophy. For example, if religion, philosophy and art see
the highest reality as non-material Ideas, then that substance will
shape the forms of religion, philosophy and art.
When we rate the material reality of
objects lower than the non-material Ideas or math equations that only represent the objects---as most religion and philosophy does---then
we usually get over-complicated forms of religion and philosophy,
with forms that end up trying to impress rather than illuminate, since there is no non-material reality.

The real material object is primary in
comparison to the secondary non-material idea which represents the
object. Supermaterial Godhood is primary and the non-material inward
Ideas that represent God are secondary.
It seems to me that with substance valued over form then the forms of religion, philosophy, art, and style can become clear, simplified, and reduced. That is what evolutionary realism points toward, as seen in theological materialism.
Wednesday, May 03, 2017
Fun with mythical/historical metaphors as history-religion-ontology
Camille Paglia viewed the ceaseless
battle of nature (which
she says is violent, irrational, untamable, and female) versus
culture (aesthetic,
logical, ever struggling and failing to tame nature, and, yes, male).
I could see Paglia's gendering images
in relation to theological materialism, but I would adapt them a bit:
the primal material as female gives birth to every cosmos, but within
the primal material is also the material will, or spirit-will, as
male, which activates material life to evolve toward supermaterial
Godhood, with many stops and starts along the evolutionary way.

But being conservative I work from the
transformation of the Western Christian religion with theological materialism, where the material world evolves from the primal
material, not God, toward real supermaterial Godhood. The
Inward Path of traditional religion is retained but seen as a
preliminary inward experience of the real
Godhood reached through evolution---and this also can be
synthesized more smoothly with modern science. In this way we could
metaphorically harken way back to the very old Swedish Nerthus and
Ingwaz, if we wanted to.
Tuesday, May 02, 2017
Vulgar salesmanship, brinkmanship, and chutzpah, not madness
Both Joe Scarborough ("Morning
Joe") and President Trump are vulgar
salesmen interested in popularity ratings. But Joe and Mika suggested this morning that Trump may be insane.
Joe Scarborough flip-flopped from applauding President Trump during
Trump's run to the White House to seriously suggesting that Trump
may be insane. But Joe's ratings-directed flip-flop was not as damaging to
the country as was Trump's flip from an economic nationalist to a
neoconservative globalist.
What might be called insane is the
political correctness of cultural Marxism, and Big Business, which have corrupted the
whole world. But even that was crazy like a fox. It was a sinister grab for power by a very few over the many.
Populist-nationalism can't even count on the Trump's
cabinet, the Generals too are globalist.
What we have is vulgar salesmanship,
brinkmanship, chutzpah, with human beings and the planet on the edge.
Monday, May 01, 2017
Where are the dystopian novelists to satirize the present blocking of kin-centered, ethnocentric, and group-selecting human nature?
The state coercion written about by the
dystopian and Utopian novelists is now seen in the policing of
political correctness, which is the new more devious Western version
of Marxism, called cultural Marxism. The attack has been not so much
an attack on the leftist "human spirit and freedom"
suggested by the dystopian novelists, but has been an attack on real
human nature, which is essentially kin-centered, gender defined,
age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric,
even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with
group-selection as the primary unit of successful
selection, followed by individual selection.
The ironic fact is, overwhelming
coercion is not really necessary, and all powerful states are not
required when human nature is allowed to be what it actually is.
When human nature is not blocked human history shows us that empires
fall and decentralize and become thousands of ethnostates, because
that is the most natural configuration in harmony with real human
nature and with ongoing evolution.
As to the "higher self" it seeks Godhood by way of biological evolution, and the
"lower self" forms into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates
which create the diversity and variety necessary for real human
evolution to take place.
Where are the dystopian novelists to
bitterly satirize the present blocking of kin-centered, ethnocentric,
and group-selecting human nature? They seem to be eaten up like
everyone else by the new coercion of political correctness.
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