Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Ontology Meets Epistemology: Unblocking the Great Spiritual Blockade

(A response to “A Priori and Ab Initio,” by Cologero, Gornahoor, 2015-12-07)

In theological materialism there is the real world of becoming and the same secondary world which attempts to define a world of non-becoming, or being, with principles, equations and sacred words. This secondary world of definitions is what has been called “being.” It has been wrongly considered (or trans-valued) as the real world, and the real world has been considered unreal. The principles defining life do not come first, actual forms of life come first. Principles, although important, are vastly secondary. We do not need to distinguish a world of being from a world of becoming.

There are not “two natures” of metaphysics, there is one physical order which includes the higher evolved super-physical order. The split between the material and the spiritual, between Samsara and nirvana, Heaven and earth, Yin and Yang, does not exist. The material in reality defines the spiritual. For example, the experience of nirvana of Buddha, and the experience of heaven or the Father Within of Christ, were just that, a peak experience in the physical mind (or the higher Mind-Soul) after much ascetic discipline in blocking or overcoming material desires. We can conservatively retain the preliminary Inward Path experience of the God Within, but it needs to be transformed in the Outward Path of material evolution to real Godhood.

The physical world and the world that defines the physical world are not opposing worlds, they are the same world. It is possible to have, or be, a material object without defining the object, or without finding a principle which defines the object, but defining the object can help to better understand the object, providing the definitions are mainly accurate or real. Godhood is not a principle. Godhood is a material object or objects at the supermaterial zenith of material evolution. And evolution continues endlessly with starts and stops along the way. There is no first beginning and no final ending, but this cannot yet be proved scientifically, religiously or philosophically any more than a final ending or first beginning can be proved. At this point in our evolution intellectual intuition lets us see that there is no ending and no beginning.

Priests, philosophers, intellectuals, and to a lesser degree scientists, have put up a Great Spiritual Blockade against evolving in the material world to supermaterial Godhood, which must be unblocked if we are ever to revive the Western (and Eastern) world, or if we are ever to reach Godhood.

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