Monday, September 30, 2019

The sacred material way of seeing the non-material spiritual world

Religious and traditional philosophers often make something great by downgrading other things, for example, they advance the spiritual world by devaluing the material world.

Aristotle cleverly, even cunningly, defined the “soul” as basically all that exists, or seeing all that exists, which seems okay until that seeing experience is defined as “transcendent,” beyond the material world, immaterial, or spiritual, which drastically devalues the material world and the human mind that discerns “all that exists,” or at least thinks it does.

The second most sacred thing I know of is the activation within life which drives life to live and evolve in the up and down world of material and supermaterial evolution. And the first sacred thing is the zenith of that evolution, or Godhood itself. Both of these sacred things do not transcend the material or supermaterial world. There is no need to downplay the material world to affirm Godhood, especially since we attain Godhood by way of evolving in the material world.

Life emerged from rudimentary material worlds and became self-sustaining and reproducing. I see this great process of evolution as activated from within every atom and within every cell of living bodies, which then react and adapt to the various outside environments that life lives in. This activation is the same activation that leads to the desire to successfully survive and reproduce, as well as the activation to evolve to Godhood, and that activation is a material/supermaterial activation, not spiritual: I call that sacred activation Tirips.

The origin of sacredness and the origin of deep religion comes from trying to understand this process of numberless material worlds always evolving toward supermaterial Godhood, and seeking to understand how life can become best synchronized with this sacred process of evolution, and to help it along.

As Cattell and others have implied, evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood. That is a better material way of seeing “all that exists” without downgrading all that exists, and without inventing a non-material spiritual world.

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