Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Is there a way out of our social mess?

Is there a way out of our social mess? Yes there is, but we rarely hear about it because it takes courage to even talk about it, yet alone do it. The controllers of some countries have even made it virtually illegal to talk about!

Racism does exist and it held back blacks and other minorities. But now, for example, black racism propels blacks forward. Racism or ethnocentrism defines a big part of genetically-instigated-group-selecting human nature, propelled by the biological origin of our social behavior. But the reality is that blacks sought more than equality, they sought superiority, helped along by clueless modern liberals, even though it sets up big clashes between the races. But real human nature says that this genetically-instigated-group-selecting is perfectly natural behavior, and calling it “evil” in no way stops it.

Political philosophy needs look at and accommodate the reality of the biological origin of our social behavior. Instincts and reason both suggest a general separation of powers and ethnic groups, something like the Founding Fathers advocated in the original U. S. Constitution with states as independent as possible, but now independent to the degree of being ethnostates or ethnic regions, where distinctly different ethnic groups can be who and what they are, while being protected from imperialists, supremacists, and foreign harassers.

If a state or region wants to be foolish enough to be a multiracial-multi-cultural state again, let them deal with the results, as long they don't try to be imperialist harassers of others states. Let the main job of the federal government be to protect the states and the whole country.

So yes, there is a way out of our social mess. Will we begin to bring this political configuration about before or after we fall apart? All the big schools and the big media will strongly oppose it, in any case, I think we should begin now, legally, and within the system. 

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