Wednesday, September 25, 2019

From culture to anti-culture and what to do about it

Conservative's praise the U. S. Constitution but also rightly say that an unwritten constitution, the body of, customs, manners, conventions and voluntary associations is really more powerful than the formal constitution.

What this is really saying or should be saying is that people create cultures more than culture's create people, and as the people change, the customs, manners, conventions and voluntary associations of culture change, regardless of what the constitution says. 

The U. S. Constitution seems to have been fluid enough to accommodate change through amendments, and it has allowed a big multicultural multi-ethnic change to take place in the U.S. (the same happened in Europe) and this has changed the customs, manners, conventions and voluntary associations of the country, which are more powerful than the formal constitution.

True to the biological origin of social behavior, ethnic minorities, soon to be majorities, created power organizations that were really the natural drives of real human nature to biologically or genetically advance themselves---along with the overwhelming media and academic brainwashing in cultural Marxism which favored minorities over traditional Americans. Also true to the biological origin of social behavior this has set up natural competitions between ethnic groups and races that are increasingly threatening to tear the country apart, even though these natural wills to power have been hidden beneath calls for “equality.”

That being the realty, we need to eventually return to the U. S. Constitution and legally reinvigorate the separation of powers and states by developing an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions to accommodate the variety of distinct customs, manners, conventions and voluntary associations of distinct ethnic groups and races, who naturally do not assimilate into one motley culture but strongly compete. Otherwise we seem doomed to fall as the Roman Empire fell, for many of the same reasons.

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