Monday, September 16, 2019

The deeper stage of populism

Populism is about people who love their country and their culture attempting to defend their county against globalist elites who do not. But many populist's only instinctively know that politics, like all culture, is essentially a cover for the biological origin of social behavior. Why the cover? Populism today is is not really ethnocentric or racist, which is both its strength and its weakness, but before you have a heart attack let me explain what I mean.

Advertising ones biological will to power has often not been as successful as disguising it or lying about it. Many people who are unaware of the biological origin of social and cultural practices are nevertheless fearful that they will lose their country and their culture to illegal migrants and to banks and big global businesses who have been increasingly wrecking their country and their culture.

Sociobiologist's point out that ethnocentric strategies triumph (group selection), while “universalist humanitarianism is ultimately a losing strategy, unable to sustain high levels of in-group cooperation.” (Ed Dutton) Humanitarian groups on the left invariably “waste their precious reproductive potential helping out free riders who give them nothing in return...” So both the so-called humanitarian left and globalism are destroying us, even though the left claims to hate the banks and global big business.

Given our overcrowded and competitive world, I think the deeper stage of populism will be to eventually acknowledge the biological origin of our social and cultural practices by consciously, not unconsciously, politicking for ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states. Europe too seems to be slowly moving in this direction.  Populism and the people could then actually celebrate who they really are in their own ethnostate, legally protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by some form of limited federalism.  

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