Tuesday, October 01, 2019

The suicidal side of paying millions to athlete-gladiators

I enjoy both amateur and professional sports, and I believe in meritocracy, selecting people on the basis of their ability, but I also see the quickening pace to emulate the fall of the Roman Empire in mostly white American's paying mostly black professional athlete-gladiators multi-millions of dollars each, which gives them a great advantage over non-gladiators in the survival and reproduction competitions in which whites are no-longer breeding faster than dying.

Apparently that was not enough. Now suicidal white politicians in California and other benighted states want to pay millions to mostly black amateur college athlete-gladiators---apparently a totally free “scholarship” ride through college was not enough in the competitions for cheerleaders, etc.

No thought is given to paying millions to, say, those in engineering, medicine, and science, who happen to be mostly white, and who actually help human's survive, including black athlete-gladiators. The athlete-gladiator circus games must go on, which keeps the population from understanding the suicidal side of paying millions to athlete-gladiators.

They are turning unsuspecting whites into cuckolds, keeping us all ignorant of the biological origin of our social behavior by way of the cultural Marxist indoctrination in the media and in all our schools.

In the end, social and cultural judgment has to come down to choosing socially, culturally, biologically, and genetically responsible behavior and not choosing anti-social, anti-cultural, anti-biological, anti-genetic behavior, based on sound sociobiologically knowledge of the biological origin of our social behavior.

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