Monday, September 02, 2019

What is evaluated as “good and bad,” and why?

The main engine of successful human selection so far has been ethics in a feedback loop with biological selection, as understood by brilliant scientists like Edward Wilson and Raymond Cattell. Cynical as it sounds, mutual love and self-sacrifice were the theme of ethics because they led to the successful survival and reproduction of genetic pools and cultures, which is why those ethics prevailed---even in religion.

In daily life and in our evolution toward Godhood, selecting the character traits of hard work and honesty are just as important as selecting intelligence. Selecting brilliant minds only without selecting the traits of hard work and honesty or the ability to control crude impulses or self indulgence, could bring us moral monsters---Silicone Valley autistics and genius Wall Streeters are not an exception to the prospective guideline.

Progress need not be irreligious or blind, it can be directed toward ascending levels of Godhood. It is not only human genetic and cultural progress that determines what is evaluated as “good and bad,” the primary sacred evaluation of good and bad is the progress of the evolution of life toward ascending levels of Godhood.

I think this is the next path of religious ethics.

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