Sunday, September 08, 2019

What is the deepest root of culture?

Clear thinking and clear writing religious philosopher Joseph Pieper wrote about an era where the world of work and moneyed business is the whole field of human experience, in contrast to living in an era where the deepest root of culture is in concord with and validated by undisputed festivals, celebrations, or masses of the gods as the deepest root of culture.

But traditional religions introduced into the “deepest root of culture” festivals and masses celebrating a non-material spiritual world not of this material world. How can a world whose religious founders reject the material world and affirm a non-material spiritual world be the deepest field of human experience and the root of all culture? In reality the world has faded away from religion that way.

Yes, we need a world where religion is the root of culture, but a religious philosophy that affirms the evolution of the material world as the path to Godhood, which can heal the rift between religion and science, not by considering them two different ways of looking at the world but as allies in affirming the deepest root of culture as being the evolution of the material world to always ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood.

Masses celebrating the sacrificing of the material world to the spiritual world need to be transformed, not rejected, with Masses celebrating and validating the evolution of the material world to supermaterial Godhood. With the Twofold Path the Inward Path saints can be transformed by Outward Path heroes. That is the goal of theological materialism and the projected Theoevolutionary Church.

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