Friday, September 01, 2017

Tradition and conservatism do not escape universalism when applied to Christianity

The Left has of course used universalism to try to ruin Western culture by demanding universal equality in virtually all areas. This is why I think tradition and conservatism have to be based in the biology of real human nature.

In the hierarchy of values of real human nature, universalism comes last behind kin, ethnic group, city, state, region, and nation. Universalism applies when the larger world threatens the life of human beings who are normally concerned with local happenings.

But in many religions and ideologies universalism comes first, which has given them problems in selling universalism, because altruism (selflessness) was mainly evolved in human nature for local concerns, for kin and ethnic group. Even force has not worked to change human nature over the long term.

The prevailing cultural Marxism has been tearing down Western culture by demanding universal equality based on the relativity of all values. But it is the biological base of tradition and conservatism more than the universalism of Christianity that can best defend the West against the false values.

So conservatives and traditionalists will need to understand and affirm the science of sociobiology, especially the work of E.O.Wilson, if they want to save Western culture from cultural Marxism. It is from this biological base of human nature that conservatives will be able to adapt the constitutional separation of powers and states toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, at last bringing human values in harmony with real human nature, and avert civil war.

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