Friday, September 22, 2017

Can exoteric and esoteric wars be stopped or at least managed?

With the importance of science acknowledged, which traditionalists only grudgingly support if at all, I suppose the old Hindu myth of a Lord Maitreya or World Teacher arriving every two thousand years to found a new updated religion is too much to swallow.

But can exoteric and esoteric wars be stopped or at least managed, that is, conventional religious and political wars, as well as the underground esoteric wars between so-called black and white adepts? (see Kerry Bolton's latest book)

Human nature being what it is we probably cannot stop competitive wars, but it seems to me that wars can be managed with rejuvenated religions and politically philosophies that finally take into account basic kin-centered and ethnic-affirming real human nature, without resorting to hopeless idealism.

The Twofold Path of theological materialism, the Involutionary and Evolutionary, and the projected Theoevolutionary Church, written about here, as well as the ethnopluralism hypothesis projecting an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected in their evolutionary independence by forms of federalism, are my suggestions, my offering, (my mission) for trying to manage exoteric and esoteric wars.

The Inward Path retains the traditional, symbolic, ascetic (material) experience of the God Within, while the Outward Path reanimates it by affirming the material evolution of life to real supermaterial Godhood. And the the ethnopluralism hypothesis conservatively protects kin and ethnic-centered real human nature and the human traditions that derive from it, with an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

I know of no better worldview offered to manage exoteric and esoteric wars without resorting to hopeless idealism. This is religion, philosophy, science and culture ultimately brought together to affirm the gradual material evolution of competitive life toward real Godhood.

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