Thursday, September 21, 2017

We can keep God and religion, but we need to reform the religious terms

To go once more unto the breach, or into the weeds: life can only manifest from the material world, which is not "dark" and is not a duality or a spiritual trinity.

What looks like a "trinity" is the inside material forces working within the individual material life form, and the evolutionary forces outside of individual life forms. But I see the essential material activation of life as coming from within material life.

That activating drive of the spirit-will within life is not spiritual but is material, and there is not a duality here either. What does look more like a duality is the outside forces of evolution that effect the individual life forms.

For example, the sun helps engender life where it can, but the sun itself is non-dual. The sun like all life is influenced by outside electromagnetic and gravitational forces itself, but the inward drive of the sun is not spiritual and is never separate from its material form (and the less-evolved sun is not God as the ancients hoped but almost the opposite of evolved Godhood.)

So why "life?" What defines life? Life seeks or is activated toward ultimate success in survival and reproduction, which ends up being Godhood. Life seeks Godhood, that defines life essentially.

It is the inward spirit-will, which is material and is never separate from its host, that makes life "life," as life contends with the evolutionary forces of outside life.

All the religions say that life seeks a non-material spiritual end, which they define as a non-material God---they captured the seeking and the end right but they got the substance and the means of attaining Godhood wrong.

We can keep God and religion, but we need to reform the religious terms.

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