Wednesday, September 06, 2017

The Big Media and the educational system have made us stupid and suicidal regarding immigration and DACA

When you can brainwash a damaging counter  feeling of "deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering," which defines compassion, that has to be considered wildly successful brainwashing by the Big Media and the educational system.

Many Americans want to let "Dreamer" immigrants, mainly from Latin America, eventually permanently into America to live, where they will reproduce at a far higher number than American citizens, who are now dying faster than being born. A Latin American people will create a Latin America culture, as they are doing in Californians and Texas. Our Euro-Amercan culture will become a Latin American culture.

In every human culture ever studied, human nature included, among other things, kin-selection preferences, localism, and ethnocentrism. If culture proposes to not include these things, the culture does not last long and it will always return to these things. These traits of real human nature also happen to be at the core of conservatism and tradition, whereas many of these traits are missing in, say, communism, post-modernism, and modern liberalism.

Our immigration policy is a serious thing to conservatives because they know, or should know, that when the people change the culture changes. It is that simple.

I have heard people seriously say  "So what if American culture changes with immigration, what's so great about America?"...and then they recite the standard liberal list of things wrong with America. Have the Big Media and the educational system made us that stupid and suicidal? Yes they have, and that is power.

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