Tuesday, September 05, 2017

What is missing and needs to be included in Conservatism

By not much appreciating science, traditionalism has not seemed to notice that the science of sociobiology, which has deeply examined the biological origin of much of our social behavior, and has largely upheld the traditional view of human nature, finding that human nature is: kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection.

In defining a nation, modern conservatives have mainly left out the importance of ethnic unity, which has made the modern right schizophrenic. They uphold the importance of unity and order but not the order and unity that comes in a traditional nation from ethnic homogeneity. The Right supports progressive ideas on individualism and multiculturalism even as they support a tradition which was skeptical of these things, seeing in them the will to power of both revolutionary ideas and self-centered capitalism. ( Claude Polin writes well of the schizophrenic Right in the September 2017 "Chronicles")

I call myself a conservative rather than a traditionalist because the conservatives seem to better understand the need for change within tradition (Burke certainty did). Conservatives need to affirm and adapt the legal constitutional separation of powers and states in the U.S. to include traditional ethnostates, that is, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Otherwise the U.S. will split apart in civil war no matter how much we talk about getting along together.

This seems to be the direction the corrupt empires of today are going, although it is considered politically incorrect to say it. Neoconservatives in the U.S are still trying to hold on to the empire by sabotaging the conservative instincts of President Trump, with increasing success.  But real human nature always returns, which the father of sociobiology, E.O.Wilson, compared to being on a genetic leash.

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