Saturday, September 16, 2017

Where Buchanan and Bannon get it wrong

Pat Buchanan at least gives some credence to the ethnic origin of much of our culture, but both Buchanan and Steve Bannon are mistaken when they define the far right as merely a bunch of clowns. The far right are wrong when they speak of racial supremacy, but they are right when they speak of the biological or genetic origin of much of our social behavior.

Economic nationalism alone will not make America great again unless we also pay attention to the solid sociobiological sciences which have been empirically showing us for years that human nature remains kin-centered, ethnocentric, group-selecting, and different from one another. If we try to ignore our differences with false ideas of universalism and egalitarianism we eventually and naturally have civil unrest or even civil war between competing ethnic groups.

The real political problem is to figure out how to harmonize distinctly different and competing ethnic groups in our crowded world, and this is where the philosophy of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates comes in. Revolution is not necessary in the United States, the constitutional separation of powers and states can be legally adapted to ethnostates. Economic nationalism and federalism can then protect the whole. But economic nationalism alone will fall without the provision of  ethnostates, where real human nature can be what it actually is.

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