Sunday, September 10, 2017

Closing down the carnival of nerd intellectual con men

First the Romans then the Christians conquered or mediated the folkways of the pagan West. Many of the mediations were good, but some were not. The Romans brought the reason of the Greeks, and the Christians toned down the violence, which was good. But these things hypertrophied into supposedly rational fantasies of universal egalitarianism, and a spiritual heaven which rejected all materialism, at least for the priests.

Now we have the carnival of nerd intellectual con men in academia, mainly in the humanities, who have beguiled the people with global ideologies that seek to erase all borders and nations, and all the bonds of real human nature. Why do we allow these nerd con-men men to rule us?...Well, I suppose all of the rubes weren't conned, they were the ones who voted for Trump---(who now seems to have been conned by the neoconservatives.

What we need is a cultural superstructure which relates to the natural structure of real human nature, that is, the real human nature of being kin-centered, ethnocentric, and even xenophobic, among other traditional things, which in the past had led to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, before the Romans, Christians and nerd intellectuals changed the superstructure into utopian fantasies with little or no resemblance to real human nature.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates, written about here almost every day, is the superstructure of culture needed to rise over the structure of real human nature. Conservatives need not fear, our real constitutional separation of powers and states can be adapted to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and to real economic nationalism, in harmony with real human nature. But it probably means closing down the carnival of nerd intellectuals.

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