Tuesday, September 26, 2017

One of the main things that made America great is now destroying us

Like many people I still ease into the day with my coffee watching television news, even though I usually head off to the shower muttering something like "F...... idiots." The printed word---although it is not much better---comes later when I am more awake.

The owners of the Big Media monopolies, which now include Big Internet monopolies, don't have a problem at all with fake, biased, and unethical news. And more people cutting cable TV has so far not stopped the Big Media monopolies from destroying our culture.

I see little being done to stop the Big Media monopolies, which only proves the corrupt power of the Big Media, who can, and often do, destroy any Senator, Congressmen, businessman, or artist who seriously takes them on.

One of the main things that made America great has been our freedom, including our Media freedom, but it is now the very thing that is destroying us. The Big Media really is a plotting and scheming cabal. 

But rather than taking away freedom of the press in order to stop the corruption of the Big Media we really do have to break up the Big Media monopolies.  If we don't we will one day see a dictatorship succumbing to the totalitarian temptation and taking away our freedom, which might even be welcomed by an embittered people.

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