Sunday, September 24, 2017

Taking a knee for reality?

It will sound ridiculous, I know---and it is of course politically incorrect---but it would be more realistic if when the America flag is presented black athletes were taking a knee for having their own ethnostate within the USA---that would bring real equality. A few black nationalists still promote that, don't they? And of course real equality would allow whites to have their own ethnostate too. But rather than this the Big Media and the academic world are ignorantly, or purposely, pushing civil war between distinctly different ethnic groups, not equality.

What would realistically define "equality" would be an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which could actually be accommodated by the Constitutional separation of powers and states in the USA. The cultural Marxism now taught (really brainwashed) in our schools and constantly promoted by the corrupt Big Media will never bring "equality." The equality promoted by modern liberalism has nothing to do with real human nature, which remains as it has always been, kin-centered, ethnocentric, and yes even xenophobic. When will we take a knee for that reality? Or do we prefer civil war?

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