Monday, September 30, 2019
The sacred material way of seeing the non-material spiritual world
and traditional philosophers often make something great by
downgrading other things, for example, they advance the spiritual
world by devaluing the material world.
cleverly, even cunningly, defined the “soul” as basically all
that exists, or seeing all that exists, which seems okay until that
seeing experience is defined as “transcendent,” beyond the
material world, immaterial, or spiritual, which drastically devalues
the material world and the human mind that discerns “all that
exists,” or at least thinks it does.
second most sacred thing I know of is the activation within life
which drives life to live and evolve in the up and down world of
material and supermaterial evolution. And the first
sacred thing is the zenith of that evolution, or Godhood itself. Both of
these sacred things do not transcend the material or supermaterial
world. There is no need to downplay the material world to affirm
Godhood, especially since we attain Godhood by way of evolving in the
material world.
emerged from rudimentary material worlds and became self-sustaining and reproducing. I see this
great process of evolution as activated from within every atom and
within every cell of living bodies, which then react and adapt to the
various outside environments that life lives in. This activation is
the same activation that leads to the desire to successfully survive
and reproduce, as well as the activation to evolve to Godhood, and
activation is a material/supermaterial activation, not spiritual: I
call that sacred activation Tirips.
origin of sacredness and the origin of deep religion comes from
trying to understand this process of numberless
material worlds always evolving toward supermaterial Godhood, and
seeking to understand how life can become best synchronized with this
sacred process of evolution, and to help it along.
Cattell and others have implied, evolution moves inevitably in a
pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern has
a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and
retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all
the way to Godhood. That is a better material way of seeing “all
that exists” without downgrading all that exists, and without
inventing a non-material spiritual world.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
suicidal whites have become
am pro-American and anti-interventionist, I don’t think
Americans should be involved in the internal affairs of other
nations. I am not anti-black or anti-Semitic, I am pro-white. I am
not anti-feminist or anti-gay but pro human nature, meaning in favor
of the biological origin of human nature and social behavior, which
finds radical feminism, homosexuality, anti-Americanism, and
anti-white-whites to be a
departure or aberration from what is normal or genetically inherent in real
human nature.
human nature is
kin and ethnic-centered, among other conservative traits, so I
believe in supporting my own ethnic group and race. This certainly
does not mean I am against other groups supporting their own race,
ethnic group, and nation.
naturally leads to affirming the American constitutional separation
of powers and states, then that separation of powers and states leads
instinctively and logically to legally affirming an ethnopluralism of
these beliefs, backed by science and common sense, I have
occasionally been called a “racist” meaning an evil and vile
thing by those who have been indoctrinated in our schools and in the
Media to be anti-white, anti real human nature, and
pro cultural Marxism.
has become almost against the law to be pro-American or pro-white,
that is, to be for the biological origin of human nature and social
behavior, but it is okay and politically correct to show loud favor
for any other race or ethnic group.
suicidal whites have become.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Theological materialism brings the cultural fields into material/supermaterial religious philosophy
religion and philosophy does seem to grow in times of trouble, with
fear of the collapse of society, or fear of the collapse of the
foundational old order, such as Thomas Aquinas synthesizing the
rising superior Aristotelian philosophy with the principles of
Christian philosophy, Burke developing conservatism when threatened
by the French revolution, Teilhard
de Chardin trying
to bring evolution into Christianity, Raymond Cattell and his
religion from science, or the cultural Marxism in the chaos of
But Teilhard retained the same spiritual God at the zenith of his evolution, Cattell wasn't much interested in synthesizing old religions, the conservative philosophers virtually ignored material evolution, as did the cultural Marxists. Theological materialism doesn't do those things.
deepest reading of the revealed religions centers on an Inward God
not an Outward God, which is limiting. The Inward God is the image or blissful experience of the Outward God (opposite Plato), but outward
Godhood exists as a supreme supermaterial living object, or
objects, evolved to in material nature. Both Paths are contained
within the Twofold Path of theological materialism.
is a natural fact but this does not preclude Gods in the universe. Godhood emerges from evolution shaped by outside selection, activated from within. Theological materialism brings the cultural fields into material/supermaterial religious philosophy at a time of the collapsing of the
foundational old order.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Material evolution doesn't cancel out old traditions since evolution has saved the best of the past
Traditional philosopher's
believe that philosophy wrongly moved toward Bacon's “knowledge is
power,” to Descarte's practical view of philosophy controlling
nature, to Marx's view of philosophy as changing the world, and that
philosophy wrongly moved away from the classical “purely
theoretical” essence of philosophy. But even “purely theoretical”
philosophy is grounded in the material elements of thinking, and the
material elements of thinking are connected to the constant changes
of material evolution.
Material evolution doesn't
cancel out old traditions since evolution has saved the best of the
past---that which has been successful in survival and
reproduction---even as evolution finds new successful adaptations.
Human nature in that way genetically evolved conservative and
traditional traits like being kin-centered,
gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making,
hierarchical, ethnocentric, religious-making, with group-selection
(altruism toward the related group) as the primary unit of selection,
followed by individual selection.
does not affirm the utopian changes of Marxism which seeks changes
ungrounded in the biological origin of social behavior or the
biological origin of real human nature, which genetically
saves the best of the past.
add the philosophy of theological materialism, which sees evolution
moving inevitably in the pattern
described by Raymond Cattell, even
though evolution has its random elements---and the pattern has a
discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and
retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, always
evolving toward Godhood. That is a philosophy of sacred
conservative change that I can accept.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
There is a cultural war going on against white heterosexual males who defend their ancestral history and object to being overcome by immigrants
is a war going on against white heterosexual males, it is a cultural
war but threatening to be an overt war against whites who defend
their ancestral history and object to being overcome by immigrants,
illegal or legal. Leading the war against white men are the
two-headed academic/media monster and the hundred-headed dragon of
globalism, supported by radical feminism, black
extremism, radical environmentalists, gay rights groups, Islamic
terrorists, etc. Why are they at war with white heterosexual males?
could be called a conspiracy if by “conspiracy” we mean separate
groups and organizations who don't necessarily agree with one another
coming together, at least temporarily, and supporting the same cause.
Moral and virtue-arguments are used as a cover for their wills to
power. There is much resentment against whites who have dominated the
West and most of the rest of the world for many centuries. Many white
men themselves have been suicidally brainwashed to hate white culture
by the two-headed academic/media monster.
what is to be done? What is not to be done is illegal or
violet action by groups seeking racial supremacism in our overcrowded
world; these movements are not only quickly destroyed but are not
workable in a world of so many other groups who are naturally
driven by the biological origin of social behavior. Whites are going to have to share the world with other ethnic
groups and races, but whites don't have to commit suicide!
As the evolutionary sciences
have shown us real human nature for all groups remains basically
kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual,
marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and
religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the
primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual
selection, so we
can't blame other races and ethnic groups for exercising their own
wills to power when every cell in the human body demands survival and
reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked,
subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be
intellectually or instinctively denied.
In our overcrowded world this
strongly suggests the natural cultural expression of regionalism, localism,
and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding
imperialists and supremacists by some sort of federalism.
not perfect, ethnopluralism is the most humane way to handle both
winners and cheaters in the competitions of life. Constant cheating
and warring
ethnic groups would be much reduced in an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates, which could be established legally in the United States
with our constitutional separation of powers and states. It would be
far preferable to the political dissimulation's based on flawed
definitions of human nature which have brought us civil disruptions,
or even civil war, and which are now increasing across the world
within unworkable multicultural (multi-ethnic) societies, with ethnic
groups demanding dominance, hiddenly or openly, even if they have to
cheat destructively to win.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
From culture to anti-culture and what to do about it
Conservative's praise the
U. S. Constitution but also rightly say that an unwritten
constitution, the body of, customs, manners, conventions and
voluntary associations is really more powerful than the formal
What this is really saying
or should be saying is that people create cultures more than
culture's create people, and as the people change, the customs,
manners, conventions and voluntary associations of culture change, regardless of what the constitution says.
The U. S. Constitution
seems to have been fluid enough to accommodate change through
amendments, and it has allowed a big multicultural multi-ethnic
change to take place in the U.S. (the same happened in Europe) and
this has changed the customs, manners,
conventions and voluntary associations of the country, which are more
powerful than the formal constitution.
to the biological origin of social behavior, ethnic minorities, soon
to be majorities, created power organizations that were really the
natural drives of real human nature to biologically or genetically
advance themselves---along with the overwhelming media and academic
brainwashing in cultural Marxism which favored minorities over
traditional Americans. Also
true to the biological origin of social behavior this has set up
natural competitions between ethnic groups and races that are
increasingly threatening to tear the country apart, even though these
natural wills to power have been hidden beneath calls for “equality.”
That being the realty, we
need to eventually return to the U. S. Constitution and legally
reinvigorate the separation of powers and states by developing an
ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions to accommodate the variety
of distinct customs, manners, conventions and
voluntary associations of distinct ethnic groups and races, who
naturally do not assimilate into one motley culture but strongly
compete. Otherwise we seem doomed to fall as the Roman Empire fell,
for many of the same reasons.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Fictions of metaphysics
Metaphysics dealing with
abstract concepts like being, knowing, cause, time, and space, has
been largely unreliable, unfounded, nonsensical, and even ridiculous.
in religion and philosophy is not real or possible, but we can
increasingly understand the functions of nature. Even the beatific
vision like nirvana is a peak material experience brought on by
severe ascetic restrictions of the body, and not a transcendence of
the natural material functions.
Thinking “theoretically”
is not transcending nature, even Godhood is a superior beinghood
reached by evolving in the material world to Godhood.
“Freedom” in
philosophy? Nothing is free of the activations of nature, why would
we want to be free of life? We have only freedom to choose
within several determined paths, a talent evolved to help us when we
were being chased by tigers.
In spite of the fictions
of metaphysics we can attain real Godhood and affirm real religion,
but it is a supermaterial Godhood evolved to in the material world,
and a religion that aids us in that sacred goal, along with the help
of science. (theological materialism)
Monday, September 23, 2019
We can have the religiously divine material without negative spiritualism
The West has been falling,
Western people have been dying faster than being born, which does
relate to their loss of religion and cultural coherence. But that
dying has had much to do with the anti-material (or anti-life)
metaphysics of traditional religion, which ultimately sees Godhood
and morality as non-material and spiritual. That does not much
encourage breeding faster than dying.
Contrary to the spiritual
ideologues of traditional religion we can have the religiously divine
material without negative spiritualism. We can have Godhood, cultural
coherence, and religion
without spiritualism.
Traditional religions
often use such things as fear of eternal!
damnation to hold people to their spiritualism, not reason or
common sense, but they can also use very cunning arguments, such as
the difference between tolerance and magnanimity, or they will agree
to separate and different rules for religion and science in order to
include science with religion in their worldview---Thomas Aquinas was
a genius at synthesizing ancient Greek philosophy into Christianity,
which probably saved Christianity from being intellectually overcome
by it.
But we can have Godhood,
cultural coherence, and religion
without spiritualism when we acknowledge the undeniably biological
origin of our social behavior, which includes religion. We
don't need to use fear of eternal
damnation or cunning arguments to hold people to religion when
religion sees Godhood as evolved to in the material world.
Analogous to Aquinas saving Christianity, in the Twofold Path our
tolerance defined as magnanimity can conservatively retain
the old spiritual symbolism of the inward path to the god or
father-within, as long as that peak (material) experience
is transformed in the outward path to real supermaterial
Godhood evolved to in the material
Every cell in our body
wants to live and evolve in the world not die to the world, we need
to get in harmony with that sacred activation.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Inevitable conservative changes if we can survive the present deterioration
Change, as Burke said, is
a means of preservation, but we need bigger conservative change than
Burke envisioned. Both religion and politics need big change, but not
ruinous change.
The God of religion needs
to be transformed from an abstract spiritual God to the concrete
material Godhood, affirming the material evolution to supermaterial
Godhood. Politics needs to affirm the biological origin of our
social behavior moving away from unworkable multicultural
multi-ethnic states, leading to ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates in harmony with real human nature, which
biologically or genetically seeks to advance kin, ethnic
group, locality, and nation.
How far are we away from
doing this? Very far. But I believe if we can survive the present
deterioration these conservative changes, as defined by
theological materialism, are as inevitable as the workings of life and nature itself.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The most humane way to handle both winners and cheaters in the competitions of life
I don't like to see winner's attacked, but I like to see cheater's attacked. There are too many attacks
against winners, like China's economic rise, antisemitic attacks,
anti-white attacks, anti-capitalism attacks, but if the
winners are cheaters and practice fraud or deceit in the competition, then I have no problem
seeing them attacked.
What if a winner keeps on cheating even if attacked for fraud or deceit? Then it's time to look at human nature for answers, and if
we look honestly at human nature we see the biological origin of our
social behavior, which helps explain both the cheating and winning in
the economic and political spheres, and everywhere else.
Karl Marx had it wrong
when he said that the economic
interest of social classes was the true origin of our social behavior
and that a biologically blind and totally economically
equal proletariat should rule. Group-selection
was the only way for individuals to successfully survive, so
altruism, or being for others, was genetically derived and naturally
limited mainly to kin and ethnic group because they shared the same
genes which strive for successful survival, and it remains with us today but is often cunningly hidden.
biological activation to successful survival and reproduction was,
and is, so strong that brainy and cunning humans find brainy and
cunning ways to cheat, fraud, or deceit, due largely to those genetically derived preferences
to be kin-centered,
gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making,
hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making,
among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of
successful selection, followed by individual selection.
I believe that an ethnopluralism of ethnostates,
although not perfect, is the most humane way to handle both
winners and cheaters in the competitions of life. Constant cheating between ethnic groups would be much reduced in an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates, which could be established legally in the United States
with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected by
federalism. It would be far preferable to the political
dissimulations based on flawed definitions of human nature which have
brought us civil disruptions, or even civil war, and
which are now increasing across the world within unworkable
multicultural (multi-ethnic) societies, with ethnic groups demanding dominance, hiddenly or openly, for their own group, even if they have to cheat destructively to do it.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Why would we want to think it is good to take the position of not-being subordinated-to-purposes?
Traditional religion and
philosophy claim that they are “not-being-subordinated-to-purposes,”
but that position is where their big problem comes from,
that big spiritual blockade has damaged the material evolution to
real supermaterial Godhood.
Philosophers and
theologian's are subordinated to the purposes of their own
spiritual ideology. Political conservatives do the same thing
claiming they are not-being-subordinated-to-ideological-purposes when
at bottom they are subordinated to the same spiritual ideology.
It is arrogant to assume
we cannot be subordinated-to-purposes when daily life, religion, and philosophy are essentially activated by the deep
biological origin of are social behavior. Why would we want to
think it is good to take the anti-life position of not-being
It seems to have
originally derived from religious founders and gurus seeking the peak
material experience of the spirit or god-within but claiming
it was an experience beyond the material world and
not-subordinated-to-material-purposes. It was an experience brought
about by blocking or overcoming all the material desires of
life---and then telling us to do the same---I'm sorry but that's like a drug addict pushing
a great high.
The ferocious irony of
this is that the evolution of the material world is the way to
reach real Godhood: real religion and science can take up that
great goal, aiding life in that sacred evolution, not blocking it.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The two-headed monster destroying American culture

Added to this, and often
in league with the two-headed academic/media monster, is the
hundred-headed dragon of Globalism, the two-headed monster
breaks down natural borders for them.
we ever see a movie or read a book where the hero hunts the
two-headed academic/media monster, or will we continue to see only
the monster destroying us? We better hope the sleazy
academic/media streets are eventually cleaned by a legal conservative shower and
not by a radical storm.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Reality does not have to be more than natural especially if the evolution of the natural world leads to Godhood
Religion, politics, art,
and even science have lived in varying degrees of intellectual
servitude to ideologies that see reality as more than natural,
usually beginning with ignorance or the denial of the biological
origin of social behavior. Nothing exists outside of
the natural world, even real Godhood is arrived at through natural
material evolution.
Human identity is knowing
who you are and what human nature is. Self, family, kin, ethnic
group, city, region, nation, world, those are the legs of human
identity. Human
nature as empirically explained by sociobiology remains basically
kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual,
marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and
religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the
primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual
selection. “Biology is the hardware, culture is the software.”
An individual's ethical
values can be ordered in a hierarchy of natural inherited behavior
from self to family to kin to ethnic group to city to region to
nation to world. A man's inherited ethical loyalty to his own group
naturally exceeds that to members of "mankind" generally.
Given our overcrowded and fiercely competitive world, and given the
real biological origin of our social behavior, we all would be
better off politicking for ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates. How much
healthier and happy people would be if they could celebrate who they
really are in their own ethnostate, protected from marauding
imperialists and supremacists with some form of limited federalism.
As Cattell
said, evolution moves inevitably
in a pattern, even though it has its random elements, and the pattern
has a discernible direction, in spite of instances of stagnation and
retreat, toward higher and higher more effective living forms, all
the way to Godhood. Reality does not have to
be more than natural especially if the evolution of the natural world
leads to Godhood.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Why the strong desire to be free of material determinism?
The dream of classical
philosophers and traditional priests is to be free to think beyond
material life and the purposes of natural life, because they believe
the truth exists beyond material life, unconnected to mundane
material life, the truth to them is spiritual. Why the strong desire
to be free of material determinism when we are not free but only
“free” to choose within determined material paths?
The desire to be
free of material determinism may be related to the deepest biological
origin of our social behavior: we unconsciously want to be free with
no material limitations on our survival and reproductive success---but
I'm not getting all Freudian on you, because I believe that beneath
the drive to survival and reproductive success is the deeper purpose
of survival and reproductive success, which is the sacred activation to evolve
in the material world to supermaterial Godhood.
So the dream of classical
philosophers and traditional priests of being free to think beyond
material life, beyond the purposes of natural life, actually blocked the truth they claimed to be seeking. And
theological materialism doesn't even take away Godhood or
religion, it just transforms it and makes it real.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The deeper stage of populism
Populism is about people
who love their country and their culture attempting to defend their
county against globalist elites who do not. But many populist's only
instinctively know that politics, like all culture, is essentially a
cover for the biological origin of social behavior. Why the cover?
Populism today is is not really ethnocentric or racist, which is both
its strength and its weakness, but before you have a heart attack let
me explain what I mean.
Advertising ones
biological will to power has often not been as successful as
disguising it or lying about it. Many people who are unaware of the
biological origin of social and cultural practices are nevertheless
fearful that they will lose their country and their culture to
illegal migrants and to banks and big global businesses who have been
increasingly wrecking their country and their culture.
Sociobiologist's point out
that ethnocentric strategies triumph (group selection), while
“universalist humanitarianism is ultimately a losing strategy,
unable to sustain high levels of in-group cooperation.” (Ed Dutton)
Humanitarian groups on the left invariably “waste their precious
reproductive potential helping out free riders who give them nothing
in return...” So both the so-called humanitarian left and globalism are
destroying us, even though the left claims to hate the banks and
global big business.
Given our overcrowded and
competitive world, I think the deeper stage of populism will be to eventually
acknowledge the biological origin of our social and cultural
practices by consciously, not unconsciously, politicking for
ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. An ethnopluralism
of ethnostates or regions could be established legally in the United
States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.
Europe too seems to be slowly moving in this direction. Populism and the people could then actually celebrate who they really
are in their own ethnostate, legally protected from marauding imperialists
and supremacists by some form of limited federalism.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
What animates every organism, what constitutes its nature, is purpose
In his essay “The Drug
of Ideology” Russell Kirk quotes Edmund Sinnot: “With Aristotle,
Sinnott recognizes final causes: he is a teleologist. What animates
every organism, what constitutes its nature, is purpose:
“If it be accepted, the idea of purpose, of intention, of the
motive power of a goal or ideal rather than of an organic 'drive',
changes the orientation of our psychical lives.”
almost got it
right, except for the last part of that statement. The organic
drive of material
evolution does not change the orientation of our psychical lives away
from Godhood when Godhood is understood as evolved to in the material
and supermaterial world.
can appeal to both the rational knowledge of science and to the inner
activation of life to aid us in our evolution toward Godhood.
Progress is inherent in the nature of things. Life is evolving toward
Godhood one way or another. As Raymond Cattell and others have
implied, evolution moves inevitably in a pattern, even though it has
its random elements, and the pattern has a discernible direction, in
spite of instances of stagnation and retreat, toward higher and
higher more effective living forms, all the way to Godhood.
Russell Kirk and other paleoconservatives were half right, science if
seen with the idea of purpose, of intention, of the motive power of a
goal, does not need to rebel against religion and Godhood, religion
and science can work together to aid us in our inevitable evolution
toward Godhood.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
In “evolutionary conservatism” retaining the best that is evolved is no less important than ongoing evolution
Josef Pieper used the term
“fashion poetry” in contrast to more timeless poetry. The term
could be applied to fashion politics, fashion art, or even fashion
philosophy---the modern term pop psychology is fashion psychology.
But before I get too smug
about the shallowness of fashion when there should be timelessness,
tradition can go too far in the other direction becoming static or
fixed in one moldy place.
The term “evolution”
indicatives both change and stability. In natural evolution the best
of the past in retained without ruling out natural changes discovered
by evolution to be worthy of change. So I prefer the term
“evolutionary conservatism” even though it sounds incongruous and
self-contradictory, like “make haste slowly.”
“Tradition” does not
give enough attention to change mainly because it sees a timeless
non-material Godhood as its highest value. But when we see ascending
levels of Godhood reached only through material evolution then change
or evolution becomes sacred, and retaining the best that is evolved
is no less important than ongoing evolution. If Godhood finally
evolves to a supermaterial timeless eternity then that is for Godhood
to enjoy, meanwhile life in the cosmos must get on with the
instinctive and sacred process of evolving toward Godhood within the
ups and downs of natural selection---and modern science we may be able to help it along its way.
Friday, September 13, 2019
How religion and political philosophy do not relate to real human nature
I mainly study human
nature and and how it relates to religion and political philosophy,
and I have found that religion and political philosophy do not much
relate to real human nature other than having natural biological
wills to power behind their social behavior, which they often
disguise or are not aware of. I know that is a deeply reductionist
thing to say about our civilization and culture but other than a few
sociobiologists and maverick ethnostatists who admit the biological
origin of our social behavior I find it to be true.
problems are not at root economic problems (Capitalism,
Marxism), and political problems are not at root cultural problems
(customs, arts, social institutions), political problems are at root
biological problems relating to the biological origin of our social
behavior. People instinctively knows this to be true, although it has
become politically incorrect to say it, and that taboo, ironically,
is itself the result of biological competition consciously or
unconsciously hiding real motives.
Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes
against real human nature with such experiments as cultural Marxism
but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic
leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect human
nature, and humans then work within and adapt to the environments
they find themselves living.
Even in advanced modern societies where survival is
easier, Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal),
radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women),
homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles)
and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural
relativity of values), are social behavior that goes against real human
nature, which remains basically as it has always been, kin-centered,
gender defined, heterosexual, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even
xenophobic, among other traditional things, with group-selection as
the primary unit of successful selection, followed by
individual selection.
Given who we are and given what human nature really is
there should by now be politicians openly advocating ethnostates and
an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in harmony with the growing variety
of ethnic groups in America with different genetic pools and
different competing agendas. Relating to the
Constitutional separation of powers and states we could be advocating an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates, protected with a light federalism from marauding
imperialism and supremacism, which always appears.
Where are the politicians and intellectuals who should
by now be trying to deal with political problems that are at root
biological problems relating to the biological origin of our social
behavior? They are not to be seen on Fox News and certainly not seen
in the Big Media which pushes cultural Marxism. Even conservative
intellectual journals won't affirm the biological origin of our
social behavior, perhaps because they are afraid it will upend the
idea that political problems are at root religious problems not
biological problems. Or it could simply be the desire not to be
crucified professionally and personally by the prevailing political
correctness of the ruling cultural Marxism.
As to political problems being at root religious problems, the material evolution to supermaterial Godhood as seen in the philosophy of theological materialism covers that gap without rejecting the biological
origin of our social behavior.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Trump's innovative oxymoronic approach
In dealing with China
Trump should be an unabashed nationalist like Pat Buchanan but he
oxymoronically plays both the nationalist and globalist. It has
worked fairly well.
The globalist's want to
block China's instinctive and sometimes nasty economic nationalism
and drive them into their global deracialized money pit---easier to
control. That's what they developed in the U.S. and Europe, by
marauding over everyone.
The U.S. needs the
economic nationalism of Pat Buchanan, at least, and so does China and
Europe. Trump should think that way too.
Are we not now mature enough to stop the obvious political lies we use to disguise the biological origin of our social behavior?
Politics, like all
culture, is essentially a cover for the biological origin of social
behavior. Why? Advertising ones biological will to power hasn't been
as successful as disguising it or lying about it---and many people
are unaware of the biological origin of their social and cultural
practices. But that worked better when the world was not as crowded
as it has become.
Marx had it wrong when he
said that the economic
interest of social classes was the true origin of our social behavior
and that a biologically blind and totally economically
equal proletariat should rule.
Human nature is ethnocentric and has been since humans became humans.
Group-selection was the only way for individuals to successfully
survive, so altruism, or being for others, was genetically derived
and naturally limited mainly to kin and ethnic group because they
shared the same genes which strive for survival.
Given our overcrowded and
fiercely competitive world, and given the real biological origin of
our social behavior, we all would have been better off politicking
for ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. It is not
pro-white to say that most conservatives in America are
white and affirm white culture. It is not anti-Semitic to say that if
Lenin and his friends had promoted a Jewish ethnostate in some part
of Russia the middle-east might now be far more peaceful. It is not
anti-Black to say that if blacks had their own ethnostate in America
(perhaps in the South who enslaved them) our inner cities would not
now be on the edge of disaster. These are not pro-white,
anti-Semitic, or anti-black statements they are facts underlining how
the biological origin of social behavior has been disguised to our
own disadvantage. How much healthier and happy people would be if they could celebrate who they really are in their own ethnostate, protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by some form of limited federalism.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The activation of the cosmos and life, and accepting our sacred fate
Heidegger asked the
question why there is something rather than nothing? He said it
was the basic question of metaphysics.
I start with the
centrality of the activation of the cosmos and of life. Why is
something activated? I see the goal of the sacred activation as the
evolution of material life in the cosmos to ever ascending levels of
Godhood, culminating in the zenith of everlasting eternal life. That
which does not reach the zenith of everlasting eternal life tries
again, endlessly, in new cosmos. And so the universe transport
itself, whether it always begins again with ongoing powerful big
bangs or with powerful electrical currents.
It may be that since
human life has a beginning and an end humans are biased to demand an
end and beginning to the cosmos when there is no end or beginning.
Arrived evolved Godhood doesn't have an ending but has eternal life.
In the theological
materialism just described the ancient prescription of “accepting
ones fate” means first and foremost getting in harmony with the
sacred activation to evolve material life in the cosmos to ever
ascending levels of Godhood. “Faith” in that natural goal, in
the zenith of that sacred process, would come from the natural
evolving process, which includes instances of stagnation and retreat
and the ups and downs of natural selection, with the pattern moving
toward higher and higher more effective living forms, without having
to invent a non-material spiritual world in order to surpass the
endings and beginnings of human life.
If you ask where did this
activation come from, we probably won't know until we evolve
intelligence high enough to know, perhaps not until we evolve to
Godhood. It seem likely to me that when life evolves to eternal
Godhood it will have absolute answers to these questions. Meanwhile
we accept our sacred fate.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Is there a way out of our social mess?
Is there a way out of our
social mess? Yes there is, but we rarely hear about it because it
takes courage to even talk about it, yet alone do it. The controllers
of some countries have even made it virtually illegal to talk about!
Racism does exist and it
held back blacks and other minorities. But now, for example, black
racism propels blacks forward. Racism or ethnocentrism defines a big
part of genetically-instigated-group-selecting human nature,
propelled by the biological origin of our social behavior. But the
reality is that blacks sought more than equality, they sought
superiority, helped along by clueless modern liberals, even though it
sets up big clashes between the races. But real human nature
says that this genetically-instigated-group-selecting is perfectly
natural behavior, and calling it “evil” in no way stops it.
Political philosophy needs
look at and accommodate the reality of the biological origin of our
social behavior. Instincts and reason both suggest a general separation of powers and
ethnic groups, something like the Founding Fathers advocated in the
original U. S. Constitution with states as independent as possible,
but now independent to the degree of being ethnostates or ethnic
regions, where distinctly different ethnic groups can be who and what
they are, while being protected from imperialists, supremacists, and
foreign harassers.
If a state or region wants
to be foolish enough to be a multiracial-multi-cultural state again,
let them deal with the results, as long they don't try to be
imperialist harassers of others states. Let the main job of the
federal government be to protect the states and the whole country.
So yes, there is a way out
of our social mess. Will we begin to bring this political
configuration about before or after we fall apart? All the big schools and the big media will strongly oppose it, in any case, I
think we should begin now, legally, and within the system.
Monday, September 09, 2019
We can base conservatism on human nature and religion but let us define human nature and religion accurately
Conservative's say that
“religion promises to believe in a realm beyond space and time”
(Russell Kirk) and conservative's believe that this realm exists in the soul of
human nature. I do not believe
there is a realm beyond space and time. I see Godhood as reached
through material, not spiritual, evolution, and I also see human nature as the product of material, not spiritual, evolution.
All the conservative
things, such as traditions, customs, conventions, prescriptions, old
constitutions, human nature itself, and even religious foundations,
were evolved through material evolution, not spiritual evolution.
Human nature genetically evolved such conservative things as
being kin-centered, gender
defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical,
ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, with
group-selection as the primary unit of selection, followed by
individual selection, because those traits were the best means to successful
survival and reproduction. That
basic human nature is still very much with us today but it has been
buried beneath the wills to power of those who lie about or deny the
biological origin of social behavior.
we can base our conservatism on human nature and religion but let us
define human nature and religion accurately. The philosophy of
theological materialism endeavors to
do just that in defining human nature and the deepest religious roots
of culture as affirming the evolution of the material world to always
ascending levels of real supermaterial Godhood. We can heal the rift between religion
and science.
Sunday, September 08, 2019
What is the deepest root of culture?
Clear thinking and clear
writing religious philosopher Joseph Pieper wrote about an era where
the world of work and moneyed business is the whole field of human
experience, in contrast to living in an era where the
deepest root of culture is in concord with and validated by undisputed
festivals, celebrations, or masses of the gods as the deepest root of
But traditional religions
introduced into the “deepest root of culture” festivals and masses
celebrating a non-material spiritual world not of this
material world. How can a world whose religious founders reject the
material world and affirm a non-material spiritual world be the
deepest field of human experience and the root of all culture? In
reality the world has faded away from religion that way.
Yes, we need a world where
religion is the root of culture, but a religious philosophy that
affirms the evolution of the material world as the path to
Godhood, which can heal the rift between religion and science, not by
considering them two different ways of looking at the world but as allies in affirming the deepest
root of culture as being the evolution of the material world to
always ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood.
Masses celebrating the
sacrificing of the material world to the spiritual world need
to be transformed, not rejected, with Masses celebrating and validating the
evolution of the material world to supermaterial Godhood. With the Twofold Path the Inward Path saints can be transformed by Outward Path heroes. That
is the goal of theological materialism and the projected
Theoevolutionary Church.
Saturday, September 07, 2019
Where does the blame lie for the degradation of Western art and culture? (from 2010)
Beyond the Conservative critique
Blame can go all around yet those who see the degradation of Western art and culture as a “disease of faith” (T.S.Eliot etc.) are more right than they knew. Why? Because they blamed our degradation on the loss of faith without seeing that the faith itself played a big part in the degradation.
Perennial Tradition from prehistory to the Revealed Religions began with the Great Spiritual Blockade of the material world, and it was this great error in the perennial foundation of spiritualism that gradually led to the degradation and virtual downfall of art and culture.
By the time Nietzsche declared that God was dead, which greatly influenced all modern philosophers, religious influence was all but over. The fact that this great error of hating or at least blocking the material world was exploited by the enemies of Western culture was a secondary--although very damaging--occurrence. Non-Christian's followed their own natural wills to power in helping to kick down the rotting door. And the only alternative other intellectuals felt they had was atheism and Godless forms of materialism.
To bring back Western art and culture conservative's advocate going back to traditional values and images. They say: “True art is an appeal to our higher nature, an attempt to affirm that other kingdom in which moral and spiritual order prevails.” (Roger Scruton, “Beauty”) But it is that “other kingdom” that essentially hates the world, no matter how clever and pedantic the religious philosophers parse their arguments. The world they seek is beyond the material world.
What I believe is needed to revive art and culture—and religion---is the theological materialism of the projected Theoevolutionary Church, which retains the Gods of our Fathers in the Twofold Path but transforms true Godhood into the Zenith of Material Evolution. With the Theoevolutionary Church, science can join religion, art can affirm biology, and materialism can strongly support religion. Affirming this may come slowly, one hopes not too slowly to save us.
Why the left is in reality, cruel, inhumane, hypocritical, and suicidal
The taboo prohibiting and
forbidding discussion of the biological origin of social behavior prevails mainly because it reveals that leftist ideology is in
reality suicidal for white leftists and hypocritical for nonwhite
leftists; the present leftist program is mainly the will to power of
nonwhites and those who benefit from taking power away from
whites and white culture.
Conservative's are either
intimidated from revealing the biological origin of social behavior
for fear of the consequences of being called a racist, or disagree
with it, or are simply ignorant of it, so the increasingly aggressive
and censorious left gains power, especially since the suicidal white
leftists and hypocritical nonwhite leftists are totally supported by the
Big Media and the Big Schools.
means liable
to kill oneself and it doesn't exactly define white leftists if they are ignorant of the
consequences of their behavior, but the will to power of hypocritical nonwhite leftists is at least in
harmony with the biological origin of human social behavior, which is
genetically kin and ethnic-centered (or "racialist") and has been since
humans became humans.
was the best way for individuals to successfully survive, so
altruism, or being for others, was naturally and genetically evolved
and limited mainly to kin and ethnic group because they shared the
same genes which deeply strive for survival. Trying to rid human
nature and culture of the the deep-seated preference for kin and
ethnic group, which is attempted by Marxists, leftists, and even some
conservatives, is like trying to rid human beings of being human,
and that
is inhumane, cruel, hypocritical, and suicidal.
Thursday, September 05, 2019
The transformation from the material to the spiritual took us away from sacred harmony with the real world
The conquering of old
religions was accomplished by transforming them not destroying them,
which relates to the better conservative attitude toward change. The
strategy of "Christian reinterpretation" during the
Christianization of pagan peoples included building churches on pagan
temple sites.
Christianity and the other
revealed religions believed that their sacred Masses and festivals
involved getting in harmony with the real world by celebrating the
non-material spiritual world, whereas although there was a spiritual strain in paganism the pagan's celebrated the real material world, the seasons, the
trees, the rivers, the sun. The pagan-to-Christian transformation was
a transformation from the material to a spiritual world, influenced
by non-material asceticism.
Theological materialism
believes that the transformation from the material to the spiritual
was a transformation that took us away from sacred religious harmony with the
real world---it was the opposite of getting in harmony with the real
world---and therefore a transformation back to a sacred view of
materialism is needed—not by destroying the spiritual inward path
to God, which is really a symbolic peak material experience, but transforming it with sacred evolutionary materialism and seeing that it is the
outward path of material evolution that leads to real supermaterial
Western science affirmed
materialism but in effect destroyed religion and the sacred, but
theological materialism transforms, not destroys, the non-material spiritual God
by affirming ascending levels of material Godhood and sees the spiritual
God, as well as the pagan Gods, as preliminary glimpses of the
ascending levels of real Godhood reached through material and
supermaterial evolution.
Wednesday, September 04, 2019
The deceitful usurpation of America from the civil war to cultural Marxism
The traditional American
identity has changed for the worse over time mainly due to the
tendency of the brainy human species to be deceitful and duplicitous
in their wills to power.
Perhaps the big change
began, as Donald Livingston pointed out in a review in Chronicles
(May 2019), when the Republican Party formed in 1854 with the goal of
consolidating the states into a centralized regime of crony
capitalism ruled by the New York-Chicago northern industrial axis,
and they duplicitously used southern slavery, which we all
agree was evil, to hide their main motives against southern Jeffersonian America.
Prior to the resulting civil war
the South was America, electing the first 72 presidents
and with the north electing only five. Jeffersonian America favored
small government, supported the farmer, did not trust bankers or
merchants, disliked urban life, and wanted power for the states over
centralization. That Jeffersonian America
fell apart after the civil war was won by the northern industrial axis.
The same sort of deceitful
usurpation happened in the 1980's-2018 takeover of America by the
cultural Marxists, the result of the “march through the
institutions” from the 1960's, which again duplicitously used
the charge of racism in America to hide their Marxist motives and to rally
nonwhite races and the brainwashed youth to their cause.
So can the traditional American identity and its people recover?
I believe that deceitful people have continued to change America beyond any real
Jeffersonian recovery with suicidal nonwhite immigration policies,
etc., so that now a sort of Neo-Jeffersonian ethnopluralism of
ethnostates has become the best political configuration to live within, in
harmony with real kin and ethnic centered human nature.
An ethnopluralism of
ethnostates or regions could be established legally in the United
States with our constitutional separation of powers and states,
protected from marauding imperialists and supremacists by some sort
of federalism. It may require a few constitutional amendments to give
more power to the states to move toward an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates, and it will not be easy at all, but it is far preferable to
radical Marxism or Fascism, or the political dissimulations based on
deceitful and duplicitous flawed definitions of human nature which
have brought us radically destructive civil disruptions, even civil
war, which are now increasing across the world within unworkable
multicultural (multi-ethnic) societies demanding that we all get
along in one big global state.
Tuesday, September 03, 2019
The tragic error in traditional metaphysics
The essence of metaphysics
in Theological Materialism can be summarized by the following
statement: The world is not
illusory but real, the sacred material activation within life
(Tirips) is not less real than Godhood, its main task is to help activate itself and us
to evolve in the changing evolutionary material world to ascending
levels of supermaterial Godhood.
Arabi, Meister Eckhart, and Plotinus all say that “Brahman
is real, the world is illusory, the self is not different from
Brahman.” As Frithjof Schuon has said, that doctrine
is the “eternal religion” of Hindu Vedantists and has been
formulated and expressed implicitly and explicitly in the teachings
of all traditional civilizations including in ancient Greece, the
Christian world, in India, and within the Muslim world. But it
contains a tragic metaphysical error.
unlike the other religious founders and gurus Meister Eckhart said in
the Theologia Germanica,
“...For if the left eye be fulfilling its office toward outward
things, that is holding converse with time and the creatures; then
must the right eye be hindered in its working; that is, in its
contemplation. Therefore, whosoever will have the one must let the
other go; for ‘no man can serve two masters.’
the “god within” is really the material activation within life to
evolve to Godhood, which does not hinder our attaining
Godhood but activates us toward evolving to Godhood; the
hindrance comes from seeking only the God within and thinking of it
as spiritual and non-material, as Eckhart and the others did. The way
of Vedanta and traditional religions in reality becomes a great
spiritual blockade against evolving in this material world to real
supermaterial Godhood.
so, we need not reject the inward path religions but conservatively
view them in the Twofold Path as the first primitive glimpses of
Godhood now transformed in the outward path of material evolution to
supermaterial Godhood.
Monday, September 02, 2019
What is evaluated as “good and bad,” and why?
The main engine of
successful human selection so far has been ethics in a feedback loop
with biological selection, as understood by brilliant scientists like
Edward Wilson and Raymond Cattell. Cynical as it sounds, mutual love
and self-sacrifice were the theme of ethics because they led to the
successful survival and reproduction of genetic pools and cultures,
which is why those ethics prevailed---even in religion.
In daily life and in our
evolution toward Godhood, selecting the character traits of hard work
and honesty are just as important as selecting intelligence.
Selecting brilliant minds only without selecting the traits of hard
work and honesty or the ability to control crude impulses or self
indulgence, could bring us moral monsters---Silicone Valley autistics
and genius Wall Streeters are not an exception to the prospective guideline.
Progress need not be
irreligious or blind, it can be directed toward ascending levels of
Godhood. It is not only human genetic and cultural progress that
determines what is evaluated as “good and bad,” the primary
sacred evaluation of good and bad is the progress of the evolution
of life toward ascending levels of Godhood.
I think this is the next
path of religious ethics.
Sunday, September 01, 2019
The future politics of ethnostatism will need to first lawfully march through the institutions
communist Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937) described
how the state and ruling capitalist class – the bourgeoisie –
“use cultural institutions to maintain power in capitalist
societies. The bourgeoisie, in Gramsci's view, develops a hegemonic
culture using ideology rather than violence, economic force, or
coercion. Hegemonic culture propagates its own values and norms so
that they become the "common sense” values of all and thus
maintain the status quo. Hegemonic power is therefore used to
maintain consent to the capitalist order, rather than coercive power
using force to maintain order. This cultural hegemony is produced and
reproduced by the dominant class through the institutions that form
the superstructure.” (Wikipedia)
This was summarized by
the phrase “a march through the institutions” (schools, the
media, government, etc.) which was brilliantly accomplished in the
1960's by the counter-cultural left, which has now successfully
replaced traditional culture in America and the West with various
versions of cultural Marxism.
The New Right in
France saw the sense of using this strategy for the Right, and I affirm this commom sense strategy for the task of rationally and instinctively
channeling education and human cultures to move in the natural and
integrated direction of the evolutionary sciences. The
biological origin of our social behavior actually ends the
intellectual defense of postmodern relativism and the cultural
Marxist ideologues. But it also takes some of the virtue-signaling
away from conservatives. The science of sociobiology has shown us that the natural order evolved a human nature that is genetically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other conservative things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, followed by individual selection. That is almost the opposite of cultural Marxism and modern liberalism. It shows us that given real human nature an ethnopluralism of ethnostates is instinctively and rationally the best political configuration for humans beings to live within.
But any future effective politics which affirms ethnostatism and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates will need to first legally march through the institutions. This calls for enormous almost inhuman patience, but if the cultural institutions and the people have not affirmed the political and social philosophy, radical, unlawful, or violent action usually leads nowhere or brings only more destructive violence.
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