Sunday, May 12, 2019

What good is it to become rich if you and your descendants die in foreign wars fought for commerce?

The free enterprise system was a great social invention almost miraculously driving up the standard of living for everyone, but as often happens with human inventions the free enterprise system has been hypertrophied into a monster of destruction. The saying “wars fought for commerce” says it all about where the free enterprise system and bloated capitalism have gone.

All religions said something like: “one's love for God must exceed his love for all material things.” Other than religious fundamentalists, and those who give lip service to the idea that wealth can further God’s realm on this planet, all religions have faded and the values of the money-making monster control everything---even Communists China has joined the money-making monster, although they operate more like the old Talmudic idea that interest-free loans apply only to loans made to other Chinese and not to persons who are not Chinese.

Modern liberals copy the religious idea that wealth can further God’s realm on this planet only they do it without God or religion and they make big government the distributor of wealth, with economists and bureaucrats as priests. Libertarians and Republicans consider the individual as king and allow individuals to seek wealth largely unimpeded by social scruples.

The global Wall Street “libertarians” have allowed and promoted open border immigration (which the global left also pushes for different reasons) because they believe that money-making is at the epitome of all social behavior.

Economic nationalism and tariffs, which President Trump has had the courage to promote, makes deeper sense on the biological level. We need to retain the great free enterprise system but what good is it to become rich if you and your descendants die in foreign wars fought for commerce?

Who really knows where we will go from here, but real human nature will have its way, and real human nature tends to lead naturally to decentralism, regionalism, localism, and eventually to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

Ultimately our wealth is a means to materially evolve toward supermaterial Godhood, which is the transformed religious way to redeem and perfect the world.

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