Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Modern liberalism has unsuccessfully tried to rid human beings of being human and what to do about it

The emphasis of modern liberalism on the sameness, equality, etc. of ethnic groups or races has had little effect on making them the same or equal. Without judging the superiority or inferiority of either, the differences between matriarchal blacks in the U. S. and patriarchal whites is starkly different, almost like being from different planets, and that is only one example of the differences in culture and personality, all of which are mainly the result of the biological and genetic origin of our social behavior, which modern liberalism refuses to acknowledge. Various levels of differences apply to all ethnic groups and racial groups whose different traits and personalities were developed or evolved in distinctly different environments.

When ethnic groups didn't melt together and become happy liberals the liberals came up with the concept of “multiculturalism.” But that hasn't led to order, harmony, or equal respect between the races but to even more ethnocentrism, and increasing suicidal traits. Why hasn't multiculturalism worked? Because the differences between ethnic groups and racial groups in personalty and culture are mainly the result of the deep biological and genetic origin of our social behavior; we are not only different but we are competitive in seeking the survival and reproduction of our own genetic traits.

So again, without judging the superiority or inferiority of ethnic groups or races, it is time to try a common sense solution to the unofficial civil war raging between ethnic groups or races, in spite of religion, science, capitalism, socialism, libertarianism, multiculturalism, etc etc. Human nature IS ethnocentric and has been since humans became humans. Group-selection was the best or only way for individuals to successfully survive, so altruism, or being for others, was naturally limited to kin and ethnic groups and not much beyond that because they share the same genes which strive for survival and reproductive success. Trying to rid human nature and culture of the deep-seated preference for kin and ethnic group is like trying to rid human beings of being human. That is inhumane and cruel.

Reality points toward the political/cultural solution of ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. It is a conservative transformation---not revolution---which can bring about the sociopolitical or political/cultural structure most in harmony with real human nature. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, and protected from the inevitable marauders by federalism.

Without judging the superiority or inferiority of any ethnic group, we need to optimize, not block, the gene expression we inherited from our ancient human ancestors, not only in what we eat (eg. paleo diet) and how we exercise, but in which cultures and political systems we create. This is what truly bolsters our physical and mental health. We have gotten far away from the real human nature we inherited from our ancestors and we need to get back to a healthy expression of who we are. The biological origin of our social behavior actually ends the intellectual defense of postmodern relativism, equality, and multiculturalism.

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