Monday, April 01, 2019

Is the universe favorable or unfavorable to human beings?

"The universe is a machine for making gods." (Bergson)

Science says the universe is not favorable or unfavorable to human beings, it doesn't care either way. I disagree. Where the universe does seem indifferent is in natural selection.  The best in life is attained and eventually Godhood is attained by evolution, that is, the zenith of life, the highest beauty, truth, goodness, intelligence and power is attained by way of natural selection and evolution (but soon genetic selection) and the universe lets that happen---this does seem to indicate that the universe is favorable to it. The universe seems favorable to life in general because somehow it was/is set up for life to seek to evolve toward Godhood.

Human beings therefore can and should show more than indifference to the universe and its evolutionary patterns, we can aid in the evolution of life toward Godhood by voluntarily monitoring the sociobiological process of evolution and the genetic-cultural development of life with objective international research centers, which could lesson the suffering and decline of groups while fostering variety and healthy competition. (see Cattell's "Beyondism.")

Can we do this? Will we do it? We are capable of it. We may need to be capable of it if we are to survive into the future.

The universe is not evil. 

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