Sunday, April 28, 2019

The error of the French New Right regarding how to think about Christianity

French New Right philosopher Alain de Benoist made an error regarding how to think about Christianity by undervaluing the conservative predisposition in human nature. I made the same error for a time. It would have been better to take the lead of St. Thomas Aquinas: when Aquinas became aware of the superiority of the pagan Greek philosophers he conservatively and brilliantly synthesized Greek philosophers into Christianity rather than becoming a Greek pagan.

Human nature is fundamentally conservative which can best be explained by the science of sociobiology. Human nature remains basically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. Even the smallest change in human nature and our DNA structure, for example, in our immune system, took hundreds of thousands of years---although genetic engineering may speed that up.

The revitalized conservatism I write about is, at its deepest point, based in an evolutionary interpretation of Christianity and traditional religions, which sees life evolving in the material and supermaterial world to ever ascending levels of real Godhood. Evolution is brought to Christianity based on the philosophy of theological materialism, which means materialism is unblocked and made sacred, since material evolution leads to Godhood. The God first seen or experienced inwardly as the God or Father Within of traditional religions is a symbolic mirror of the real Godhood which is attained through material evolution. And that Father Within of traditional religions is conservatively retained in the Twofold Path, the Involutionary Inward and Evolutionary Outward Paths, which brings together the old and the new understanding of Godhood. This can help prevent radical religious change in the West, and the negative biological and social consequences which usually happen with radical change.

Without this revitalization of religion the decline of the West will continue, which began way back in the European Renaissance, and may eventually destroy the cultures, societies, and people whom the religion's bonded and defended---although I suppose there could be a few coercive, science-hating, fundamentalist revivals.

Modern science can join religion. Theological materialism can help unblock the Great Spiritual Blockade against evolving to Godhood and provide the West with a solid foundation based in Pagan/Christian instincts, objective truth, and intellectual intuition.

By turning to the Traditionalism of Guenon and Evola, as many in the New Right have done, it just buries them deeper in the Inward Path which includes pagan versions of an anti-material spiritualism, the same spiritualism that has been destroying evolution and blocking the Outward Path of material evolution to real supermaterial Godhood.

From this foundation we can defend America, the West, and the people of the West, including the French.

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