Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The popularization of legalizing marijuana is only part of the larger movement to promote hedonism and the degeneracy of all standards in the West

It is easy to see how the charge of "conspiracy" develops when you look at such things as the growing popularity of legalizing marijuana in the face of empirical knowledge concerning marijuana, mental illness, and violence. People diagnosed with cannabis use disorder accounted for eleven percent of all cases of psychosis, or a break from reality, in emergency rooms in 2014, and people who use cannabis have a 50 percent chance of becoming violently paranoid, which is four times higher than those with psychosis who didn't use marijuana. And marijuana use continues to increase in America. (see "Marijuana, mental illness, and violence," by Alex Berenson, Imprimis)

The popularization of legalizing marijuana is only part of the larger movement to promote hedonism and the degeneracy of all standards in the West, which went into overdrive in the 1960's. But the conspiracy is more like several powerful independent groups conspiring together, or going in the same direction, but going in the same direction only as long as it serves the individual group.

The biggest conspirators have been the Big Media, Hollywood, and virtually all of our schools, who have been conspiring together, or at least going in the same direction, promoting hedonism and the degeneracy of all standards in the West. Why?

I assume that private power has had control over political institutions more or less for some time. Private fortunes have outstripped public governments, and private corporations provide money to politicians who then represent them.  Acts of immoral deception can be buried in such motto's as "by any means necessary" or "by way of deception." Naive Christian's think, "by golly, those motto's do not mean immoral means." The deceivers and conspirators know that American's tend to cling to the old military idea of moral leadership ("tell the truth and shoot strait.") or the Christian idea that leadership is moral leadership, and this is cunningly exploited.

Meanwhile competition between groups continues. Individual groups with ethnic connections as well as economic connections seem to have stronger bonds and more success than groups with only economic connections. The biggest problems come from imperialism and the supremacy of one group over all the others.

I don't see the individualism of libertarianism as the best way to counter the hedonism and the degeneracy of all standards in the West. Ethics and morals have always been created by the group ethics of mutual love and self-sacrifice, not by individualism. The best solution I see is for people to demand decentralization, small separate states, or better yet ethnostates, with their independence protected by a light federalism. Powerful men as well as the unpowerful need to see that it is in their own best interest to support and protect a decentralized world where hedonism and the degeneracy of all standards are easier to prevent.

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