Monday, April 22, 2019

The biological or genetic origin of social behavior needs to be declared

"If a culture succeeds it may grow into a civilization." Russell Kirk

The Big Media, Hollywood, the public schools, and corrupt politicians will allow us to talk of high or low culture in terms of improvement of the mind, or the living standard of the people, but they will not allow us to define culture as the bonding together of people who share the same gene pool and ethnicity, they will not allow any talk of the biological or genetic origin of our social behavior.

When World War Two ended 75 years ago it also ended all discussion of the biological origin of social behavior, due mainly to the racial supremacism of the losing side. But the Big Media, Hollywood, the public schools, and corrupt politicians threw the biological baby out with the supremacist bath water. They say not that it is too early to talk about it but that the biological or genetic origin of social behavior should never again be mentioned!

Human nature has been affirmed throughout human history to this day as being basically kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against this human nature, with such experiments as Marxism and fascism but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect real human nature, and humans then work within and adapt to the environments they find themselves living in.

In our crowded world real kin and ethnic-centered human nature negates supremacism, imperialism, and globalism as unworkable over the long term, but human nature does not negate decentralization toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in harmony with the growing variety of ethnic groups with different genetic pools and different agendas. With the Constitutional separation of powers and states we can develop an ethnopluralism of ethnostates and regions, protected from marauding imperialists by a light federalism.

Contrary to the Big Media, Hollywood, the public schools, and corrupt politicians who demand that we never again mention the biological or genetic origin of social behavior, it needs to be declared and grow into a renewal of civilization.

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