Friday, April 12, 2019

Comparing the political philosophy of Carl Schmitt and Raymond Cattell

Political philosophy is a balancing act in where you place the emphasis of your ideas. German philosopher Carl Schmitt had it almost right in thinking that political actions and motives can be reduced to friends and enemies. But research psychologist Raymond Cattell had it more right in emphasizing evolutionary development. Interestingly, both visionary thinkers were rejected by the establishment yet managed to get a lot of work done over long lives.

Just as feminism is exploited by groups who wish to advance themselves via the feminist call for equality, the friend/enemy dynamic of Schmitt is exploited and hypertrophied by supremacists and imperialists, and those political balancing acts then become more negative than positive. 
When the political philosophy is evolutionary, competition is valued but is more controlled and rational. The friend/enemy dynamic remains but means less than evolutionary development. For example, Cattell spent years developing ways to determine social genius from antisocial genius. 
After all, if we survive we will evolve beyond the human species to new species and the friend/enemy dynamic will be changing, replaced by evolution versus non-evolution as an ongoing friend/enemy dynamic.

In evolution versus non-evolution the friend/enemy dynamic is seen as often leading to supremacism and imperialism, which more readily makes wars happen, and wars are often more destructive than evolutionary---the refined chess table of controlled and rational evolution is overturned and stopped until order is restored.

When we develop ethnostates and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in harmony with kin and ethnic-centered human nature, evolution can take place more easily with variety in more natural, less volatile, more harmonious, more homogeneous environments. Federalism can protect the ethnostates from marauding supremacism and imperialism. And sociobiological research centers can objectively aid in helping both friend and enemy to evolve toward Godhood out into the cosmos, which is where the best political philosophy places its emphasis.
An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could even be established legally, conservatively, in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

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