Saturday, April 20, 2019

The establishment and the elite smugly believe they can handle multicultural multi-ethnic societies

The establishment and the elite smugly believe that they can handle the differences between different ethnic groups by (counter-intuitively) promoting multicultural multi-ethnic societies, with the help of the Big Media, Hollywood, and the public schools, even as they also (incongruously) promote the integration of ethnic groups into one happy coffee-colored world.

The reality of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is that they are a zero sum game where the gain of one ethnic group is offset by the loss of another ethnic group, as we see from the fact that whites are now dying faster than being born while other races are breeding faster than dying.

Why is it a zero sum game? It is the reality because human nature is deeply, genetically, kin-centered and ethnocentric, among other traditional traits, because it has been the best way for us and our genes to survive and reproduce successfully since humans became humans. Culture's grew up around this biological origin of our social behavior.

What do multicultural multi-ethnic societies mean for our future? Social disruptions, sometimes violent, leading to fascism on the right or the left to keep order? Ethnic secessions? The most logical, instinctive, and natural solution, given real human nature, will be to conservatively retain the U. S. Constitutional separation of powers and states but expand the decentralization into allowing the forming of ethnostates, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected from marauding supremacists and imperialists by a light federalism.

Will we choose the most logical, instinctive, and natural solution of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates? Human nature says we will, one way or another, peacefully or unpeacefully...I think it should best be done legally and conservatively.

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