Sunday, March 31, 2019

Demographics activate American politics, with the help of fools like "Beto" O Rourke

Demographics activate American politics, it is the main driving force beneath the push of reverse racism, speech codes, the criminalization of "hate speech," political correctness (cultural Marxism), big government, open immigration, and the predatory version of capitalism. The electoral power of whites is fading in America while the population of other ethnic groups has sharply risen and will soon overtake white America.

Helping along this demographic change in American politics are dipsticks like "Beto" O Rourke (Beto is, of course, a Spanish nickname for Robert) who has the habit of being wrong loudly and often. He is that breed of modern white who satiate themselves in exaggerated altruism for ethnic groups other than their own. He waves his arms around when he speaks perhaps hoping it will beholden him to rap singers who do the same thing but who nevertheless only think of him as a useful fool. The Kennedys and Bill Clinton applied the same exaggerated altruism for ethnic groups other than their own, but beneath their ethnic demagoguery they had the morals of street whores, which I suppose is to be expected from people who turn their backs on their own ethnic group and culture.

Whites are good at the hypertrophied altruism that is activating the demographic changes in American politics, they do it better than any other race because altruism was more necessary to survival in the north and it was genetically programmed into whites---in contrast we can see the unabashed ethnocentrism of nonwhites in America, which is actually healthier than dipstick white altruism and cuckoldry.

Since the the demographic changes in America look inevitable, especially with the help of fools like Beto O Rourke, eventually the only realistic way to save white America---and save American culture, because different ethnic groups create different cultures---will be to harken back to the natural separation of regions and states enshrined in the Constitution, which can be home to a variety of ethnic groups in ethnostates.

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