Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Where will the renewal come from?

Conservatives blame the social and personal disintegration of America and the West on the "post-Christian world," or the loss of religion. But will renewal come by restoring traditional religion, assuming that can be done ?

I'm not against capitalism, consumerism, or technology, but it has not brought us renewal or the restoration of order, it has brought us mostly crap. And abstract science without religion can't socially bond much of anything.

Religion can rise again to create order and renewal but religions alone don't create order; without homogeneous ethnic groups with similar gene pools there is social and cultural disorder, as we see in our present multicultural, multi-ethnic societies.

Cultures and religions spring from the activation's of life toward survival and reproductive success, all the way to materially evolving to real Godhood, at the zenith of success. That is where the renewal will come from.

Bond kin and ethnic groups in ethnostates and link them with evolutionary religion and then we will redeem the time.

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