Monday, April 08, 2019

True things about human nature that liberals and conservatives object to because they don't conform to their worldviews

Liberal's say they support science but they cherry-pick the sciences and only support "sciences" that will lean toward egalitarianism and cultural Marxism. And conservative's don't seem to realize or refuse to see that the biological science of sociobiology supports a view of human nature that more or less affirms conservatism.

When sociobiologist E.O. Wilson writes things which he has scientifically found true like: “hereditary altruists form groups so cooperative and well-organized as to out-compete non-altruists groups," this scientifically helps explain how altruism or concern for the welfare of others developed and was affirmed by religions.

Human nature as defined by sociobiology supports conservatism. For example, sociobiology defines human nature as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

If we look at that definition of human nature, which has been genetically instilled in us over thousands of years because it was behavior that helped us successfully survive and reproduce, we can then see the things that liberals and conservatives object to apparently because they don't conform to their worldviews. Neither side approves of ethnocentrism or xenophobia, and the liberals don't approve of human nature being gender defined, heterosexual, marriage-making, or hierarchical. Libertarian conservatives would approve of individual selection but not with individual selection being trumped by group selection.

Even the sociobiologists seem to balk at the implications of their view of human behavior. It may be because academics are often from the nerd side of the bench and don't do well on the playground. The biological origin of our social behavior actually ends the intellectual defense of postmodern relativism and the cultural Marxist ideologues, and it takes some of the virtue-signaling away from conservatives.

I think the truth about human nature and human behavior shows that an ethnopluralism of ethnostates is the best political configuration for humans beings to live within. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could even be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected by federalism. It may require a few constitutional amendments to give more power to the states or regions to develop into ethnostates, and it need not be done in illegal or radical ways.

In any case, at least our leaders may need to have the balls, or the ovaries, to jump off the three-story platform into the water, because egalitarianism and cultural Marxism are destroying the West. 

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